Part... er... 20!
Gri ran. And he ran. And he ran and he ran and he ran. And he meant to run as far as he could.
But he found someone first.
"Fire!" Gri thought as he spotted the orange flashes. "Damn! Someone's there." It seemed someone was cooking something over the fire, but he couldn't quite see the shape- all he knew was it was purply-black, and big. He crouched low, praying no one would see him, but he heard.... A ukulele?
(can anyone guess where we are yet?)
And a voice, the voice of a man maybe his age, possibly a bit older? This voice was singing along to the ukulele. Rustling the leaves around him as quietly as he could, Gri shifted the undergrowth so he could see the person. It was a figure in what seemed like quite an old-fashioned outfit that maybe a jester or bard might wear. He was indeed strumming a ukulele happily, and singing a definitely- not- copyright-
Shut up, brain.
What does that even mean?
Anyway, the man was singing and looked engrossed in his work, so possibly he might not notice if he just...
The leaves chose that moment to give a loud rustle. How cliché. Said person turned around and looked into them. Brilliant. Now he was going to have to deal with..
"Who's there? F whip? Is it you? I told you to stay away from here!" Hang on. If this man was a rival of the admin, then he might help? Sort of an enemy of my enemy position? But still Gri stayed silent, waiting to see if the man did anything, which in fact he did. He brought out a heavy- looking sword, and from his grip, the tremble in his arm and the way he strained his muscles, he wasn't very good at swordplay anyway.
The man sighed and he made to sit back down, Gri's jacket, which he had found as soon as he left Animala, gave a clink.
What is this? Some sort of badly- written fanfic?
"So- so there is someone there!" Bard guy said, voice quivering. "I- I warn you, I'm armed and I know how to use it."
"No you don't. He thought, meant for himself but apparently out loud.
"And how do you know that, O mystery voice in the Bush?"
"Well, it's too heavy for you, you're holding it wrong and your arm is literally shaking." That seemed to show bard guy that the bush knew what it was talking about.
"You're not the admin, are you? Friend of his, or enemy?"
"Enemy." He replied instantly. "If I'm sort of not meant to be here at all, will you turn me in?"
"Not unless you attack me."
"I won't."
As he came out the bush, Bard guy gave a gasp,but seemed fine. "I'm Oli."
They shook on it.
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