scar boys pov
Scar didn't know where anyone was. He wondered around the Perimeter border, stumbling towards the shopping district, looking for someone, straining his ears to hear a voice, with his cat padding alongside him, mewing every time three seconds passed when she wasn't looked at. The voice he heard, after about ten minutes, was rather surprisingly Doc's.
"And... yeah. Pretty scary, right?" Then, X's. Scar listened with more concern to this, as he knew the most about the whole fiasco.
"Yeah. So we need a large- er- group to- question?"
"Well, luvvie, shouldn't we try to calm 'im down first? From the accent, it was stress.
"You have a point, but I think we're past that stage.Urm.. yeah?"
"What about the kids?"
Cub! One of the residents Scar had spoken to most, and he was happy he was sticking up for him.
"Just don't tell them."
"But they'll notice if half of us suddenly disappear."
"They're only kids- they won't notice. Iskall?"
"Scar will."
"How do you.."
"He's right there, listening to every word we've said."
He'd forgotten- never mind, it was too late now to do anything.
"If you are there, you can come out now."
Exhaling slightly, he poked his head around the corner, met with all 14 players except his brother, from hypno to gem. X was standing slightly in front of all of them, and had been speaking to the group. A glint of disbelief passed through the visored face as he realised that Scar had heard all he just said, but he regained composure and spoke to him like he was an adult. "Scar, do you have any means of contacting your cousin?"
There were a few gasps from the group, as evidently not everyone had grasped that key fact. He shook his head truthfully. As his com was still fairly new, the only person he could talk to was his brother.
"Then you can stay. Since you have the most knowledge out of all of us, is there anything you'd like to add?"
"Well... yes." he blurted out before he could stop himself. "Would you just... stop speaking about him as if he's a monster! He's- he's human, just like you and me! He didn't have any parents and you know it, so would you kindly stop speaking as if he's some sort of awful boogeyman!"
(P.s what's ur fave Derivakat song? Mines ain't no crying, and it is being listened to as I write this.)
(Words 430)
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