tw death, su!c!dal thoughts.
That was all there was.
If he jumped, would he be happier?
More importantly, would everyone else be happier?
A thorn peirced his heart as he realised the truth.
Everyone would be happier.
And now, when he thought about it, he would be as well.
So why not?
The darkness of the void made his head swim with nausea as he tentatively poked a hand into the hole. He felt the blackness pulling him in, inviting him, ordering the rest of him to follow. He quickly pulled his finger out, the nausea subsiding almost immediately.
To jump now?
No. Better to wait until they were all there. Then he could do one thing before-
He had promised himself a long time ago that he would confess everything before he died, make sure he had no secrets.
This was following that oath to the letter.
Better to die with all secrets in the open.
Sitting cross- legged facing away from the hole, he waited for the people he was looking for.
He didn't have to wait long.
As he fiddled with the hat he had spent so much time on, the soft chiming of feet on the amythest flooring, the click of the white door.
The two people that came through didn't seem shocked that he was sitting on the edge of certain death.
"No! You can't do this- " he closed his mouth as he saw the person sitting down open his.
"I can and I will. First, when I was younger, I said I would tell all lies before I died. I need to clear the air."
"What? What do yo-"
"I loved you. I loved you to the bottom of my heart."
And with that, he tipped himself back, tensing every muscle in his body, bracing himself-
"Really? Bu- because I... I loved you too. I loved you more than life itself."
"Wait- wait!"
Trying to push himself back up, he let out a quiet wail.
But it was too late.
Every molecule in his body screaming with regret, he fell struggling into the blackness.
He had wanted to do this so badly, so much two minutes ago.
But two minutes can change a life
It certainly changed Scott's
mini pov (it's only like 40 words.)
Joel had known it. He had known it all along. He had dropped hints at every possible opportunity, told each of them at every possible moment, but no, they turned out to be the most oblivious couple of the year. And look where it got them. "Ji- he began, but as soon as he saw the state of his brother, he but back his tounge.
word count-450 words.
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