~*~ A Weight Lifted from my Chest ~*~
Rosa's POV
Kol and I decided we would just stay in Niklaus’ home seen as he was preoccupied and wouldn’t notice us staying in his home without his knowledge. There were several spare bedrooms that actually contained furniture, so we had a good choice of where we were going to sleep. It didn’t really matter to be honest as vampires didn’t need sleep, so if we didn’t really want to, we could have stayed awake.
“Morning darling,” he smiled propping himself up on his elbow.
“Morning,” I smiled in response pecking his lips.
“What are the plans today?” He questioned.
“I don’t mind but I do need to apologise to someone today. They are going to die very soon, and it’s because of me, so I should really attempt to apologise, but other than that we can do anything you wish,” I shrugged.
He let out a soft chuckle, “What did you do this time Rosalina?”
I smiled attempting to feign innocence but it was my fault that Damon Salvatore was going to die, seen as I highly doubted Niklaus would give him any of his blood after the murder plot.
“Damon Salvatore, tried to prevent me from leaving the sacrifice to find you, and tried to kill your brother. So we fought for a bit, and I just bit him, so the werewolf venom is now coursing through his veins and the only cure is Niklaus’ blood, but I don’t think he’ll help him, so Damon is a goner,” I shrugged.
“Well, you better get ready, and then I’ll go with you to apologise to this vampire, before we go out and do something together, to make up for lost time,” He smiled pecking my nose.
Rolling my eyes I got out of the bed going to get ready. By the time I was showered and dressed, so was Kol. I presumed he borrowed his brother’s clothes as they didn’t really fit him correctly but it wasn’t too bad.
Without too much time wasted hanging around the house, we both left, making our way to the Salvatore Boarding House. When we reached there I knocked, but the door was unlocked so we just walked in.
“Damon? Stefan? Are you home?” I called out into the house.
The likelihood of Damon leaving the house with the werewolf bite was minimal unless he was now going on a rampage, which could be likely. Out of nowhere Stefan appeared in front of us.
“What are you doing here?” He hissed.
“Came to check up on Damon. How’s he doing? Has he got hot and cold flushes, perfuse sweating and hallucinations yet? It’s pretty bad, werewolf venom that is. He should have gotten out of my way and tried not to save the day,” I smirked.
“Are you just here to kill him?” He frowned.
“No. I want to speak to him, I know he’s here, and I can hear him groaning in pain. Whilst I talk to him why don’t you get acquainted with Kol,” I smiled walking away from them.
I didn’t mind if Kol followed me, but it was easier if he kept Stefan in check rather than him getting angry and attempting to be the saviour.
Following the painful groans I made my way to a door, of which I knocked on but simply opened the door to see Damon lying in his bed. He was paler than usual and was covered in sweat.
“What do you want?” He growled but it was clear he didn’t have any energy to try and hurt me.
“I wanted to apologise for biting you. I needed the weight to be lifted off of my chest and tell you the truth but you’re pretty much screwed, and my apology isn’t going to help you but I also wanted to explain to you why I betrayed you and your brother. I didn’t just do it because I’m a bitch. I did it for selfish reasons and non-selfish reasons. Mainly the man I love was going to be thrown into an ocean, but also everyone who is turned by an original and everyone they had turned, so their whole bloodline dies along with the original when killed. That means I would die, as would you and Stefan as you are part of Niklaus’ bloodline,” I explained.
“So you did it to save us, but then left me for dead anyway?” He frowned.
“I’m sorry Damon. I couldn’t let you kill him and that was the only way to stop you,” I shrugged.
I talked with him for a little longer before making my way back downstairs were the two men were just stood there staring at one another. Saying a quick goodbye we left the Boarding house making our way to the street.
“Where shall we go?” I questioned.
“I was thinking. We shouldn’t wait to live our lives together. We missed such a long time that we should have spent together but I think we should just leave. We have nothing holding us here. We should just travel across the country, maybe even the world. We need to see it together and live our lives to the fullest. We may be immortal but that doesn’t mean we will actually live forever,” He smiled softly.
“Okay. Where should we go? I don’t mind as long as I’m with you,” I smiled back.
He chuckled kissing me and taking my hand within his.
“How about we go to England? That’s where we met, and that’s where we fell in love. Our lives were in England together and everywhere else we were apart,” he stated with a huge grin on his face.
“Let’s go. We can get new stuff there, and start afresh in the country we lived in for the whole of our lives that involved each other,” I sighed with happiness.
It was the best thing I had heard since we were together in England before. I needed to just go back there where we had happiness. It was so much better when we were together and if that meant our happiness would be the same or even more powerful then I would live in England. Never had I actually enjoyed a place I have lived in other than my home in England. Maybe this was because that’s where all of happiest (granted also all of my saddest) memories were and I couldn’t wait to be there with the only person I truly loved.
There wasn’t anything her in Mystic Falls, not even America that made me want to stay. Maybe Elijah as I did enjoy his company as he was a great person, but I’m sure we could visit him, and he’d visit us if we really wanted to.
Here’s to happiness.
So this is the last chapter and there will also be an epilogue but what do you want to happen in it.
Kol and Rosa will be in England and it'll be a few years after this chapter, so how do you want their lives to have shaped out to be?
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