Spilling the truth...
When Roman woke up he decided to leave his room and socialise, no-one had bothered to inform him of the predicament he was in.
"Hey Roman." Virgil said as he walked past.
"Hey Virgil cute cutie uhm bye." Roman soon realised that he could not fix this and Virgil was left wondering what that was all about.
Roman didn't want to walk back out into the corridor again but it seemed he had no control over that. "Hey Virgil, how about you join us?"
Virgil stopped and turned around, shrugged and kept walking. In the direction Roman was in, he had won! He had won!
"What have you won, Princey?" Virgil said drawing out the words.
"My way." Maybe whatever this was wasn't bad. "With you." No no no nope nope nope definitely bad.
"What's that in your hair?" Virgil says with concern.
"I don't know?" Roman was more than a little worried. Could this be the cause for his weird behaviour?
By now, the two had arrived in the common room.
Logan gasped, "Roman, how long ago was your last shower?"
Why did he have to ask that? "Three days, why?"
"You told Patton you have a shower every day, Do you have a crush?" Logan continued.
"Yes but I do believe at this stage it is more than a crush." Roman was very embarrassed. What the hell was Logan playing at? Hell he was lucky he didn't do worse.
"Are you completely in control of your body?" Logan quizzed.
"No, why did you ask that?" Roman was getting uncomfortable.
"I saw your little quandary at the doorway." Logan replied. He continued, "You got hit in the head by my strongest truth potion though it seems to be affecting more, it also appears to at times control your actions."
So that's what's on his head, "No-one thought for a second about letting me know-"
"I was the only one to witness it." Logan interrupted.
"And you didn't think I'd like to know, this is all a game to you, if an accident happens you see what happens, we're your lab rats, I know you test some of your potions on Virgil, I know you got me drunk just to see what would happen, I know because I woke up to find my room padlocked shut with more than 5 padlocks, you knew I was emotional because I came to you crying yet you took advantage of that, of course you did, why can't I just rely on you for once? Why?" Roman yelled at Logan starting to break off into tears in the last two sentences.
"I don't use you as lab rats." Logan spoke passive-aggressively.
"You do. You take advantage of us. You hurt us, you hurt me. Maybe I-" Roman got interrupted again. This time by Virgil.
"Maybe you should calm down..." Virgil said anxious, he had never seen Roman like this before and didn't know what he would do.
"Maybe you're right Verge, but if any of these guys hurt you then they will be brought to justice. I'll go wash my hair, maybe try to take a nap, you know where to find me." Roman said calmly enough then walked out of the room.
"What was that about?" Virgil was confused.
"Didn't you hear earlier, Roman is under the effects of a truth potion but because he had so much his actions and entire sentences are just what he wants deep down. In fact it may be parasitic."
"Stop you're scaring Virgil." Patton interjected.
He was indeed scaring Virgil who was visibly shaking.
"Sorry, sweetheart." He said giving Patton a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry Virgil."
"M'okay." Virgil spoke.
"That was in no way grammatically correct." Logan aggravated.
"It's okay, Darling. Don't worry about it." Patton calmly said.
So Roman is just acting on instincts huh? Perhaps this could be fun.
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