P.O.V~ Juvia Lockser
It was around six in the morning as I got ready for school. I decided to pull my hair into a high ponytail and tie a big white bow around it.
As I straightened my white blouse, I looked at myself in the mirror. My body was slim and narrow.
I snapped out of my stance and grabbed my bag and phone. I stuffed my phone into my bag and ran down the stairs. Mom had placed a glass of mine lk on the counter. I chugged it down.
I placed the glass down and thanked mom. She waved goodbye and I closed the front door behind me. The heat of summer slammed my face.
"Geez, talk about hundred degree weather.." I muttered. I wiped some little sweatdroplets forming at my hairline. My bangs were beginning to become wet from sweat.
It was about a ten minute walk to school. "Oh man I'm gonna smell like I gym sock by the time I get there..." I kept walking and walking.
I finally was able to get out of the heat. "Hey there- eww what's that smell?" Lucy said. I blush and slowly waved my hand. She freaked..... I mean freaked.
She pulled my arm to the girls locker room.
"Get your butt in the shower and freshen up." Luce declared with her finger pointing at the locker room.
I never liked the locker room. Bodies near others, best body contests.... I never..I can't I just can't. ...
Lucy knew I didn't like locker rooms.
"Ummm...I think I'll pass." I motioned. "Oh no you don't. " she said pulling me back. I cried for help..but it only embarrassed me.
P.O.V~ Gray Fullbuster
I walked towards the locker room to go change for gym class. Everyone was going back and forth and muttered under their breaths. "Did you see that crazy chick pull that other blue haired chick?" some guy said. "Yea..they were pretty weird."
What kind of idiots would be at this right now? Wait did he say blue hair?
I rushed to see who all was there. A blonde was yanking at a bluenette who was holding onto the side wall for dear life. The blue haired girl looked up, and it was Juvia.
Her hair was pulled back like yesterday. Red spreaded all over her face, almost to the shade of Erza Scarlet's hair. Now that chick was scarry....
Juvia was slipping from the wall, and she realized it. She clawed at the wall then, plop! down went Juvia and into the girls' locker room.
P.O.V~ Juvia Lockser
I pulled my shirt over my shoulders and buttoned my blouse. It felt nice to feel clean...but the fact was that ten other girls were in here... butt naked to half dressed.... and I'm dead serious. I would've swore I saw a little too much as I put my stuff into a locker.
"Does my butt look big?" Asked one girl. "Psssh. You fine honey!" replied one. A shiver ran down my spine. I needed to get out of this perverted locker room and fast. I stuffed my phone and towel into my bag and rushed out of the room.
I looked down in disgrace and teied to forget EVERYTHING I saw in the last ten minutes. As I reflected on the choices of my life, I felt my body slam into something hard but soft.
I smelt cologne and fabric detergent. The collar was soft and cool.. I also felt a point on the top of my head...like a chin.
I pulled away and felt whoever I bumped into do so as well. I looked up and saw black hair.
Really?! Again? Why here?! Not Gray, anyone but Gray!!!!!
I blushed instantly and looked straight down. "Oh..sorry that's on me...I wasn't paying attention." I murmured. He pulled his hand to his neck.
"No it's my fault." He apologized.
"Your Juvia right? That girl I saw at the mall?"
I felt like a piece of paper floating away..he didn't know who I was...
"Nice to actually meet you." He held out his hand. And i shook his hand. I had always dreamed of holding his hand...
It was firm and soft at the same time. My legs started to shake and I almost fell to the ground.
A hint of red crawled over his gace as well as mine. "So what are doing running out of the locker room?" He asked.
He did not just ask me that. ''It's to horrible to describe. ." I warned shaking my head. He laughed and let go of my hand.
I fiddled with the end of my school skirt and tried to speak. "Um.. I have class in a few minutes." I said shyly and walked passed him.
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