Me and Hiccup: * Roll in wrestling. *
Me: * Pins down Hiccup and smirks. * Pinned ya!
Hiccup: * Rolls over and pins me. * Ha!
Me: * Flips and pins him again. * Pinned ya again!
Jack: What the hell are you two doing?
Me: Wrestling. * Gets flipped over by Hiccup. * Ow.
Jack: Ok... Why?
Me: * Pins Hiccup and put my hand over his mouth. * Praitcs for fighting in battle when we are older.
Astrid: * Walks in. * It's like how animals fight when young to learn how to hunt.
Hiccup: * Licks my hand and pins me. * Ha!
Me: Ew! * Knees him. * Jerk!
Hiccup: Ow!
Me: * Laughs well pinning him. *
Camicazi: 1 2 3! Pin! Amelia wins!
Me: Yes!
Hiccup: * Huffs. * Get off your crushing me.
Me: * Gets up. *
Everyone else: * Walks in. *
Rapunzel: Hiccup, I'm used to you doing wired stuff but why are you lying on the floor?
Hiccup: Don't ask.
Jack: * Sitting on his staff. * Amelia won.
Me: 😇
Merida: * Laughing. * So you can fight?
Hiccup: * Gets up. * Not really.
Camicazi: He can't. Not at all.
Hiccup: Ouch.
Camicazi: But he is good at sword fighting... For a boy of course.
Hiro: Us guys can fight.
Me: I would like to see you fight against a Bog Burglar and Hooligan.
Me and Camicazi: * Pull out swords. *
Hiro: I'm good.
Me and Camicazi : * Put swords away. *
Tadashi: You Bog Burglars are a little crazy.
Camicazi: We are just your average tribe of all-female warriors.
Me: If you think they are crazy you should see the Bezerks!
Camicazi: No kidding. I got kidnapped!
Me: We always get kidnapped!
Jack: You guys need help.
Elsa: So you're a Bog Burglar?
Camicazi: Yep! I am the heir to the throne!
Anna: So you are a princess!
Me Camicazi and Hiccup: Um.... 😐
Jack: Wouldn't that make Hiccup a prince or something? * Trying not to laugh. *
Me: Would you consider Moana a princess?
Everyone but me Camicazi and Hiccup: * Nods. *
Me: Looks like you two are royals * Laughing. *
Hiccup: Oh, great. Snotlout is going to have fun with this. 🙄
Camicazi: Does this now mean I have to act princessy and stuff?
Me: Gods I hope not. That would be messed up.
Hiro: I'm not an expert or anything but doesn't the prince usually save the princess and live happily ever after?
Camicazi and Hiccup: * Confused. *
Me: * Trying not to laugh. * 🤣🫢
Camicazi and Hiccup: * Finaly get it. * Wait a second... Hay!
Everyone but Camicazi and Hiccup: * Brust out laughing. *
Hiccup: Not funny.
Camicazi: * Glares. *
Me: No, way. The first time they met Camicazi tried to stab him.
Everyone but me and Hiccup: * Looks over at Camicazi. *
Camicazi: 😇
Hiccup: Yeah, she thought we were Roman spies. She still tried to kill me even when I told her I wasn't.
Elsa: Um... why?
Me: Bog Burglars and Hooligans hated each other.
Everyone but me Camicazi and Hiccup: Really?
Hiccup: Yeah. Big blood feud.
Camicazi: There was a saying about it. The only good Hooligan is a dead Hooligan.
Rapunzel: So like Raome and Jeulite?
Hiccup and Camicazi: What's that?
Me: A comedy about two dumb kids.
Merida: That's what I thought too! Everyone else says it's some tragedy but it ain't.
Me: Then these two became friends and the feud ended. Some people still don't like it though.
Merida: Who? * Eats apple. * 🍎
Me: Hiccups cousin Sontface.
Elsa: Is that really his name?
Hiccup: It should be.
Camicazi: Next time you see him give him a piece of my mind.
Hiccup: He could use one so sure.
Me: Sadly you can do that yourself. I got a letter yesterday. He found out about the book and wants to join.
Hiccup Camicazi and Astrid: Why would you let him join?! He is crazy and stupid! Do we have to?!
Me: I didn't let him. I tried to stop him I really did. The only thing I didn't try was killing him. And there is no way in hell I am going to be an outcates!
Hiccup: Fine. I hope he gets some bad dares.
Astrid: Same.
Me: See ya guys soon. Please give Snotface some dare and truths!
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