Dare, Hiccup.
(It's six months after the last dare and everyone is a year older but their looks haven't changed. )
Hiccup: * Walks in with hands over his ears. *
Me, Astrid, Camicazi, Snotlout, and Fishlegs: * Walks in behind him blowing party blowers. * 🥳
Hiccup: Knock it off.
Me: No! * Blows party blower in his face. *
Hiccup: * Growns. *
Astrid: I still don't see why you hate your birthday so much.
Rapunzel: Wiat! It's your birthday! Why didn't you tell us?!
Merida: Ow ears.
Rapunzel: Sorry.
Merida: Congrats on surviving another year.
Hiccup: Thank?
Elsa: So why don't you like your birthday? * Makes and party hat out of ice and puts it on. *🧊🥳
Anna: Yeah! Birthdays are fun! * Blows a party blower. *
Hiro: The redhead is right.
Hiccup: I just don't like my birthday.
Hiro: Does it have anything to do with the fact that today is a leap year?
Anna: Wait what?
Tadashi: He is right. Today is the 29th.
Jack: * Burts out laughing. *
Hiccup: It's not funny.
Snotlout: Yes it is. You are only five.
Hiccup: Ag!
Hiro: * Trying not to laugh. * Man that must suck.
Hiccup: * Annoyed huff. * I hate this day of the year.
Jack: Good thing you only age every four.
Me: OK, guys stop picking on him.
Jack and Hiro: Aw.
Fishlegs; Well it is an old birthday it is kind of cool.
Hiccup: How?
Fidhlegs: You age slower.
Hiccup: Ha ha ha. Very funny.
Me: Well we have a dare today, and it's for Hiccup.
Hiccup: This day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it? What's next getting kidnaped and almost killed?
Me: Well yes. The dare is for you me Camicazi, and Fishlegs to go on an adventure just like when we were kids.
Camicazi: Yes! * Holds sword up into the air. * I haven't been kidnapped in agers1 It's been too long since we have all hung out doing something deadly. 🗡
Fishlegs: Well I don't want to end up dead Camicazi has a point. It's been too long.
Me: So what do you say? The dare is up to you since it's your birthday.
Hiccup: Well then. I say let's go find the Hopeful Puffin and get kidnapped.
Camicazi Fish legs and me: * Chearing. *
Rapunzel: That's your idea of fun?!
Me: Yeah.
Rapunzel: Are you four ok?
Me Camicazi Fishlegs and Hiccup: Not in the slights! * Runoff. *
Rapunzel: Do you think they will be ok?
Jack: Do you mean if they will live? Yeah, they will. But if you mean they aren't going to end up in a dark hole somewhere and almost get eaten then no.
Rapunzel: Oh, god.
Merida: Oh what are ya writing about? Their vickeings there be fine! Not like they haven't done this before. Have you seen some of the scars they have?
Tadashi: No but now I'm concerned that they might get more.
Merida: Mha, they will be fine. * Eats an apple. *🍏
( Two days later. )
Rapunzel: They are still not back yet!
Astrid: So? They went missing for three months once before. They turned on eventually. It's like losing a pen, gone for a while but shows up randomly.
Me Camicazi Fishlegs and Hiccup: * Walk-in socked covered in dirt and covered in cuts. *
Me: * Falls into a beanbag chair. * Man that was fun. * Sighs happily. *
Fishlegs: Are you kidding?! That was crazy! And scary! Would could have died!
Fishlegs: And you're right. It was kind of fun.
Me: Knew it.
Hiccup: Yeah it was. But man we almost died there.
Camicazi: So?! It was awesome! Swords clashing people yelling, the dragons getting us out of there in the nick of time! It was great!
Me: It was! And you and Hiccup haven't lost your touch when it comes to fighting. The cheef had no clue what was going on when to kids started to attack him.
Hiccup: * Chuckles. * Yeah his face was priceless. Thanks for backing me up there Camicazi, I would have died.
Camicazi: No problem! And you did preatty good, for a boy of corse.
Hiccup: I'm just as good as you!
Camicazi: Am not! Girls are better than boys and always will be!
Hiccup: Not true!
Camicazi: * Knocks Hiccuo to the floor. * Say it! Say girls are better!
Hiccup: In your dreams sunshine!
Me: Stop it sunshine. Get off him.
Camicazi: * Gets up. * It just sounds weird when you say it.
Me: Yeah your right.
Jack: * On his staff. * Can you two stop flirting and tell us what happened?
Hiccup: Wiat what, no we weren't. . . * Confused. *
Hiro: Go going Jack you broke him.
Me: Astrid fix him.
Astrid: * Punchs Hiccup in the arm. *
Hiccup: Ow. And I wasn't flirting that's her nickname.
Hiro: How did SHE get THAT nickname? She acts more like a doomcloud than a ray of sunshine.
Camicazi: Watch it boy. * death galre. *
Hiccup: It was just a nickname I gave her when we were trying to escape from being kidnapped.
Merida: Yeah, yeah whatever. What happened?
Fishlegs: A lot.
Me: We were sailing around in the hopeful puffin and we ran into some roans and got kidnaped.
Hiccup: Then Camicazi picked the lock with a fish bone.
Jack: I could make a joke about that but I'm not going to.
Camicazi: And Fishegs set the dragons on the shop free, well starting a fight!
Fishlegs: Yeah, Hiccup and Camicazi were fighting the biggest warrior on the ship well Amelia took out some guys. There was fighting yelling people getting staped, it was crazy.
Rapunzel: And poison darts being fired?
Hiccup: Yeah. How did you know?
Rapunzel: Becoues thers one in your neck!
Hiccup: * Pulls it out. * Ha would you look at that?
Merida: Repesct.
Tadashi: Baymax get in here!
Baymax: * Walks in. * Hi, I'm am Baymax your personal healthcare assistant. * Scarns the dart. *
Hiccup: I'm fine.
Hiro: Do I need to tell you how poison works?
Baymax: The poison on this dart is not in my index.
Tadashi: What is that impossible? I made sure that every poison and venom in the world was in there.
Me: Everyone from your world maybe but not ours.
Hiro: Then what the hell is it?
Hiccup: Vorpentitis venom. Always is fatal to both dragons and humans.
Anna: Then why are you so damm calm?
Hiccup: I'm immune, to it. So is Amelia.
Elsa: Well that's good.
Jack: How are you immune?
Hiccup: I had gotten stung in the past, and Fishlegs shot me in the foot that had potato juice on it.
Me: The arrow grazed me so I'm immune now too.
Jack: Excuse me but did you say potato?
Hiccup: Yeah it's the cure.
Jack: Ha.
Baymax: * Taking care of my cuts. *
Me: Well we have to go.
Everyone: Bye!
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