Babysitting Scarlet
NICK: Thanks for agreeing to babysit her
EMILY: No problem, anything for a friend
EVAN: Yeah we're happy to babysit Scarlet anytime
NICK: Well I need to get going *Hands him Scarlet* Call if you need anything *Kisses Scarlet's cheek and leaves*
SCARLET: Can you put me down now?
EVAN: Oh right *Puts her down*
SCARLET: Thanks, I don't why my mom treats me like a baby..... I'm 5 years old for crying out loud!
EMILY: *Shrugs* I Don't know I guess she thinks that you're still a baby......
SCARLET: Well I'm not....
*Time Skip*
NICK: Hey, How did everything go?
EVAN: It went well but Ummm Nick.....
EMILY: You have to stop treating Scarlet like a baby......
NICK: She is my baby not yours! *Grabs Scarlet* Good day *Leaves*
EMILY: Well that could have gone better...... Anyway don't forget to send us truth or dares just make sure it's nothing inappropriate or personal
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