Chapter 14
Mira's creepy smile through the whole car ride made me realize she was up to no good. At all. I regret letting her drag me into her silver porche. Mira pulled us all together infront of the mall. Smirking, of course. "Okay! Soo! Since we all have places we wanna be. Atleast travel in a group of three so we don't get lost. Meet up at twelve in the food court, and three at the entrance. Deal?"
"Deal." We all said instantly. Not daring to oppose to Mira.
After she finished we all grouped up. Lucy and Juvia came over too me, Natsu clinging onto Lucy and Gray being dragged by Juvia. And Gajeel just slipped behind me.
"So...where too?" I asked awkwardly.
"Let's go too Nirvana!" Juvia squeals. Neither me or Lucy could object. Nirvana had heavenly dresses. (Kukuku)
"YESS! I heard they got in some sleeveless dresses!" Lucy squealed.
The boys just gave an angered agreement grumble. "So it's settled! Too Nirvana!" I pointed foward as we call marched.
Of course we stopped on the way, looking at small kiosks, for cell phone cases, purses. And more. Only too have the boys tear us away a minute later. Finally arriving at Nirvana we all went our separate ways. While Lucy and Juvia had to shop in their adult sections for their bust I was stuck in the pre-teen. Stupid growth spurt! Work faster!! I sighed as I looked through the dresses. They were all so...kiddish. Not a single one was just one color...I gave out a sigh. This was hopeless. I have to try the small teens atleast. They're alittle too big but I'll die if I'm caught dead wearing a hello kitty dress.
The teens dresses were closer to the dressing rooms. Too which I could heard Lucy and Juvia talking. "U-Ugh! This one won't fit over Juvia's bust! A s-shame..Juvia liked this one.." I could hear Juvia pouting.
"Atleast you fit them up that much! Mine won't pass my butt!" Lucy cries, followed by a tumble.
I could only snicker. Oh god Levy. What were you thinking? Wanting breasts. I bit my lip, restraining myself from an outburst of laughter. I started to get back to work looking through the dresses as I felt someone looking down on me, slowly turning around I see Gajeel looking down on me.
"U-Uh...Hi?.." I mumbled, Gajeel didn't say anything. He just.. stared at me o
with his crimson eyes. I started to feel uneasy. "Um. Gajeel? What the fuck are you doing?.. " I scoffed. Too which he jumped and scurried away.
Leaving me very confused as Lucy came out of the dressing room, wearing a pink dress. "Ohai Levy-chan! What do you think?"
"You found a dress that fits?!" Juvia shrieked from her dressing room, following by multiple bangs.
I looked at Lucy's dress and cringed my face, it was a mermaid dress. Dear lord you can't move your leg in those! I simply shook my head as Lucy pouts. "Dammit...!" She falls back into her dressing room making me burst into laughter.
"Why are you pulling the dare farther than it needs to be?" Natsu snaps as the girls wander off into different dircetions.
In all honesty, I had no words for him. I'd totally forgotten about the dare untill this morning!
"Gajeel. Bro. The girls will make us talk to you if Levy ends up falling in love and you break her heart?! That's low dude. Even for us." Gray glared at Gajeel.
"Can we it of-?"
"You love her don't you?" Gray sighs.
"Gajeel... you didn't..." Natsu face palms.
"I didn't! I swear. It's just...." Gajeel looks down. Just what... Why... Can't I do it...?
"Go do it now. Then. End it." Natsu growls.
I ended up freezing in my place. "Yeah! Go on. Gajeel. Do it!" Gray smirked.
Please...No... I mentally whined. I can't. No. I really don't want too..Don't torture me guys...
"Do it or we'll spill." Natsu said with a dark look on his face.
"You. Wouldn't. Dare. Flame brain."
"Natsu dude he's right. He has blackmail on both of us..." Gray looked at Natsu.
"Name one thing for both of us." Pinky grinned. Natsu I swear...
"First things first I have screenshots of Gray saying Juvia can't cook. I have a photographic proof of you with Lucy's panties. And photographic proof of both of you swapping girlfriends without the other knowing." I smirk.
"Hey! You were with Juvia?" Gray glared at Natsu.
"Dude. Shouldn't bring a blud thong on a field trip. If it was your's everyone knows you'd never wear blue." I chuckle.
"Either way. If we say it first no one's gonna believe you Gajeel."
"Point Natsu." Gray cheers.
I sigh as they start chanting. "Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it!"
"Gah. Fine. I hate you both." I growl and stomp off towards Levy near the dressing rooms.
I go behind her and reach out my hand to tap her. She won't know it's a dare.. but what if Natsu and Gray tell her?! Then she'll hate me! Or would she?! Maybe she'd forgive me?! I doubt it. Should I say goodbye before I kiss her? Would she hate me if I kissed her anyways?! God why a-
"Um. Gajeel. What the fuck are you doing?.." A scoff snapped me out of my thoughts.
I ran away as fast as I could. There is no way I can right now...! I stopped back infront of the shop seeing no Natsu and Gray. I knew it. They were gonna pop out and tell her!
"You chicken." Natsu bocked.
"You wanna go, flame brain?" I growled.
Gray got in between us. "Both of you knock it off. Look. You have until prom to tell her or we'll post it on twitter. Okay?"
"Okay..." I sigh. They walk out of the shop and across to Magnin Games. I roll my eyes. I walk back over to the girls; making sure Levy didn't need anything.
And my jaw dropped when I saw her.
"Gah...This dress feels big!" I pouted. Lucy found a dress finally. Too which not long after she shoved me into my doom with five million dresses.
"Show me Lev!" Lucy squeals.
"Yeah! Juvia will show you her fail dress if Levy-chan shows Juvia hers!" Juvia said as I heard her grip the handle.
I sighed. "Okay.."
"I'll count!" Great. More. Counting... "One....Two...Three!" I swung the door open walking out as I heard gasps. "Levy-chan...!"
"That's looks amazing on Levy!" Juvia squealed.
"I KNEW THAT ONE WOULD LOOK FABULOUS!" Lucy smiled. "No ifs no butts no coconuts! I'm buying you that dress!" I looked at the price tag...
"500,000,000 JEWL?! Lucy I can't..!"
"No butts!" Lucy smirked.
I realized then I hadn't looked at Juvia. Looking over I gasped. It practically fit her ever so well. The top was blue and glitter, as a dark blue shawl with white furr on the rims. Then the bottom poofed out. The bottom looked like a blue version of her pink umbrella, rimmed with fur though. "Lucy. Screw my dress! Buy her this one! I even have a matching blue headband with a white butterfly on it to match this!" I squeal.
"It's offical! I'm paying for both of your dresses. I can't let these perfectly made dresses go to anyone else!"
I turned my head to Lucy, behind her I saw Gajeel. His mouth dropped. Immediately I jumped. "The boys! CRAP WHAT TIME IS IT?"
"N-No! M-Mira-san is going to kill us...!" Juvia ran into the dressing room.
"TAKE THEM OFF AND THROW THEM OVER. I'LL PAY FOR THEM. BE FAST WHILE WE STILL CAN!" Lucy panicked, shoving me into my dress room as I practically stripped like Gray.
We're so fucked..
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