Part Two
Coral: Dare.
Lilith: Coral, make a love potion, give it to Harry, saying it's from Ron.
Kayla: Wow L you're evil.
Lilith: Heeheeheeheehee.
Ling: Have fun with that.
Coral: *goes to make potion*
Coral: Harry. Ron made this potion for you and asked me to give it to you.
(Coral puts the potion in Harry's hands, then walks away.)
Harry: Um, thanks?
Coral: Scarlet, truth or dare?
Scarlet: Truth.
Coral: So Scarlet, is Wolf overbearing? And if he is, do you like it? Or does it drive you crazy and you hate it?
Ling: That's a bit more than one question.
Scarlet: It's fine. Umm... I guess he can be a bit overbearing at times, which is annoying... But usually we have a pretty great relationship.
Ling: Any more you want to tell us?,
(Ling glances at Coral with a conspiratory grin)
Scarlet: No. Kayla, truth or dare?
Kayla: Dare?
Lilith: Yay! Give her a good one, Scarlet!
Scarlet: Make a video confessing that you like someone, then send it to them.
Ling: Oooh.
Kayla: Okay but who do I make it for? Steve or Fishlegs?
Piper: Eeeeekkkk!!! OMG!!! ANOTHER ONE!!!! WHAT SHOULD THE SHIP NAME BE?!!??
(Lilith and Piper make plans to share ships and obsess over them at a later date)
Kayla: Who do I make it for, I live in multiple fandoms.
Lilith: Not Steve!!!! Steve is like my surrogate father!!!!!! And he's also biologically related to me! And also weird because weird time and he's super old! And then also weird because just weird!!!!!!!!
Kayla: Ok ok!!!! Jeez, I get it.
Ling: Astrid. It'd be torturous.
Lilith: Wait, you mean Dragon Astrid?
Ling: Oh yeah, not like, my friend Astrid.
Kayla: Oh, okay, I make a fake confession to my brothers girlfriend.
Ling: Yep.
(Lilith smiles wickedly)
Lilith: Sounds fun. Oh, but poor Astrid.
Kayla: Lilith, I refuse.
Lilith: You can't.
Kayla: I change my answer.
Lilith: You can't do that.
Kayla: No, I don't want to! Can I back out!
Lilith: No.
Kayla: Huge sigh. Alright, we're going the anime reference route! If I'm doing this, I'm doing it well!
The video:
Kayla: I'm in love love! From the first time I saw you, I've been head over heels in love! Tee-hee. It's like my heart is stuck in a never-ending typhoon. All these feelings of love keep whipping around in my heart like breaking waves. When the typhoon's rising waters come, I want to rendezvous with you on Noah's Ark! I do! I do!
Lilith: Wow. That was insane.
Kayla: You happy now?
Lilith: Absolutely.
Kayla: This is what I get for watching too much anime.
Coral: Oh God.
Kayla: Lilith, Truth or dare?
Lilith: I did dare last time, so Truth.
Kayla: Aw, I was going to dare you to murder someone.
L: I would take it back, but that would go against the deep-set, centuries-old rules of truth or dare.
Kayla: If you were forced to choose one of the Avengers, and marry them, which one would you choose?
Ling: One your not related too, hopefully.
Kayla: Hopefully.
L: Ugh!!!! Never tell him I said this, but Peter. Definitely.
Kayla: I ship it!!!!
L: Ugh! Alright, Coral, Truth or dare?
Coral: Uh, dare.
L: Coral, squirt lemon juice on your cheek, then have someone lick it off.
Coral: Ew! Ew! Do I have to!?
Ling: its Truth or dare. Suck it up. Or... lick it up. Yeah.
Lilith: Ha! Amazing!
Coral: Piper, could you do it?
Piper: Uh... sure... I guess?
(Piper licks lemon juice off of Coral's cheek. Ling makes an expression of disgust)
DiePunyMortals: Coral!!! Help me with my chrome book!
Kayla and Ling: Hi, DiePunyMortals!
Coral: Not now.
DiePunyMortals: Yes now!
Coral: Fine! Hang on.
*5 minutes later*
Coral: Ugh! Why won't it let me do this! Stop! Argh!
Ling: Sorry, Coral.
Coral: Alright, Ling, Truth or dare?
Ling: Dare.
Coral: Go outside, tell the first animal you see that you love them.
Ling: Spread the love, I guess?
Ling(in fish): I love you.
Fish: Oh, thank you, Lady Ling. I am honored.
Ling: Uh... yeah... you're welcome.
Ling: Scarlet, Truth or dare?
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