Special Part: Meet the crew
Akio: Boys! I want you to meet someone
Blaze: Who is it?
Thunder: I was in a middle of something
Quake:Thunder don't be rude
Cyclone: *comes running* cat-human-thing!!!
Thorn: A cat! I love cats
Solar: cat-human? Cyclone are you seeing things
E. Brothers: Solar... you have to look behind you cause I'm pretty sure he's not lying
Solar: What are you guys talking about? *turns around* *jaw drop
A teenager with a brown hair with a gold tip cat ears and a light brown bushy tail and stare into Solar's eyes
Akio: Boys meet Levian he's an wolfey
Ice: What's a wolfsey?
Akio: A shape shifting wolf
Ice: Ohhh...
Levian: *Hugs Cyclone
Akio: He also loves hugs
Cyclone: Me too!! *hug Levian back
Levian: Your brothers are nice
Akio: Levian turn back
Levian glows and turns into a wolf
Cyclone: Yaey Wolf hug!!! *hugs Levian again
Ice: His fur is soft *sleeps on Levian's back
E. Brother: We wanna join too *sleep on Levian
Levian fell asleep too
Akio: Well sleeping together does makes a bounding
Ice: That's how I roll *goes back to sleep
Akio: Anyway readers we are running low on dares so please state your dare on the comment box. Thank you and I'm gonna join them
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