Dare 3
Me: Blaze, Ice, Thunderstorm you have a dare
Blaze: Really what is it
Me: Read it youself*give Blaze my phone*
Blaze: *reads it*This is imposible!!
Cyclone: Is it that bad?
Thunderstorm: What with all the noise
Blaze: *gives them the phone*
Thunder+Cyclone: *reads it and gasp
Thunderstorm: I can't keep talking all day
Cyclone+Blaze: and how are we suppose to keep silence?
Me: Just keep talking and keep quite
Time Skip
Thunderstorm: Do you know in the poety called 'Poison Talk' the author critics about the action that made the human being that effects the nature.
Akio: I believe you have read more than that. I like to hear it all
Thunderstorm: Right. There's this interesting one about the 'Left Behind'
Me: So how's Thunderstorm becomes Chatty-storm
Akio: He just keeps talking about poetries and short stories he read
Thunderstorm: So far only Akio wants to hear it
Me: What happen to the others
Thunderstorm: Umm...
Flash Back
Thunderstorm: Ok got to find someone to talk to
Queke: Hey are ok Thunder?
Thunderstorm: Yeah, only I got a dare and I have to keep talking
Queke: You can talk to me
Thunderstorm: OK. Shall we talk about the litereature I've been reading lately
Queke: Erk
Thunderstorm: Queke?
Solar,Thorn,Ice gets up and run out of the house including Queke
Thunderstorm: This why I read poetry. You mordern jerks! *shed tears*
Akio: Thunderstorm are you ok?
Thunderstorm: Yeah I totally don't feel like my heart is breaking thanks to those guys
Akio: Let me guess their don't want to hear about litreature
Thunderstorm: *Nods slowly*
Akio: How about you tell me instead
Thunderstorm: Really?!
Akio smile
Flash Back ends
Me: I'm not suprise with their reaction, not everyone likes litreature these days
Thunderstorm: I'm glad you understand Akio
Akio: I use to be a litreature boy so I understand
Thunderstorm: *Hugs Akio*
Me: Well 24 hours is over so can stop talking if you want
Thunderstorm: I think I'll keep talking. You want to hear more Akio
Me: As long as you are happy I don't mind. Hey where's Cyclone and Blaze
I feel a poke on my back. I turn around and see Cyclone and Blaze with tape over their mouth.
Cyclone: *holding a paper with writings on it * Help Us! We can't get it off
Akio: Boys what happen?
Thunderstrom: I'm assuming they put tape over their mouth to prevent it from talking
Blaze: *Nods*
Me: This is a sticky situation
Akio: Pftt..
Thank you for the dare Joyjammer03 and thanks for reading
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