Vex and Levi were hanging out with Bash and the other main Party Crashers from the show. Vex saw a notification on her phone and clicked it.
((Idea by SmugRaptor3220 ))
Vex: "oh this is a good one!" *she gets up and walks off*
Levi: "what is?" *he looked at her phone* "oh! Another challenge! we haven't gotten any in a while"
Vex: "favorite ice cream? Oh that's a tough one.."
Levi: "I gotta say the classic Butter Pecan is my favorite"
Pow: "it has to be chocolate! I can't live without my chocolate!"
Smack: "Rocky Road is my favorite. It always cheers me up when I'm sad"
Slamm-Oh: "uhhhh I'm not entirely sure? Probably plain vanilla?" *he shrugged* "I mean all flavors are good it's hard to pick just one"
Peter: "mint chip is pretty good"
Archer and Bash: "cookie dough- I just said I did..No I did! QUIT COPYING ME!!" *they started yelling at each other in sync*
Vex: "uh I gotta say pistachio. though I like it without the chunks of nuts in it. it's better when smooth"
Bash: "why give Levi the opportunity to be more dramatic than he already is?.." *he rolls his eyes*
Levi: *was wearing a joker costume* "oh cmon Bashy..Why so serious?" *he laughs like Jokers insane laugh*
Bash: *face palms* "this is worse..this is so much worse.." *clearly dieing inside from being a Batman fan*
Vex: "wait..aren't we technically a carto-" *Levi covers her mouth*
Levi: "no breaking the fourth wall..." *he rolls his eyes*
Archer: "you guys say something?"
Levi: "nope! All good over here!"
Vex: "Hey?!"
Levi turns off the camera.
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