The funeral, a month after the crash they were all in Gotham, knowing that it would make it easier for Damian to visit her. Everyone was there, her teammates, some of the league members and Damian, right in the front centre, with a black umbrella over his head held by Alfred.
The priest read something from the bible and then something else:
"- You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back
Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday
You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on."
With that, the priest closed his book and walked away. One by one, they slowly left leaving only Damian, kneeling before the grave.
Val Oak
(year - year)
A friend
A sister
A guide
My Beloved
Instead of a lover, he asked his father if they could put My Beloved.
"Beloved, I hope you're alright," tears streamed down his eyes but he knew he had to stay strong in front of his beloved's grave. "I-, I hope you know that I'm sorry. I'm stupid, I'm an idiot-,"
He stopped knowing that wasn't something that Adora would want him to say. He took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry beloved, Beloved I regret everything I said. You were right, you always are. Beloved, I will never get sick of you, I crave your presence every second. I know you would want me to be strong, but-, but I'm not sure I can't. Every day I find a new reason to love you for, every day when I wake up and see you whether you have messy hair or your sleeping I fall in love with all over again. I love you with every breath I take, every word, everything. Everything about you I love, being with you is ethereal, kissing you is-, you say there is a word for everything, acatalepsy, meaning the impossibility to truly comprehend. Heh, I guess I beat you in that one," he then put a white rose on her grave, just like the one he gave to her on their first kiss "I will never forget you, my one and only. I'll-, I'll try to be strong, strong for you, hang in there. But-, it will take time, who knows how long," He then got up.
"I know that someday, in time, I'll see you soon Beloved," he said.
They all gathered at the manor to honour Val's memory. Thanks to Val taking many videos and photos they put together a video honouring Val. Damian was on the steps not wanting to be bothered. Bruce was talking to Diana and Clark.
"how's he taking it?" Diana said looking at the depressed Damian
Bruce sighed "Not too good, worse than me. Won't train, patrol, eat, sometimes he tries to kill himself,"
They looked to Damian.
Gar got up going to the platform where a screen was behind him.
"Hey everyone, I'm Garfield, BeastBoy, a Teen Titan, and proud. From what I know, Val was special, she's more than a titan, she's a friend, a sister and," he looked at Damian watching. "A lover,"
"Val had a way with words, she knew how to talk with people. She helped a lot of people, whether it was being there for them, or stopping you from becoming Justin Timberlake," he joked about the time he was dancing to bringing sexy back and earned some smiles.
"But most importantly no matter what she was there for us, every teammate of mine was helped by Val, she saw the light in them. She helped me, a lot actually. The truth is that before I was my goofy, podcast, Instagram famous, embracing who I am I was insecure. I didn't like how I was different, how I was green. But when Val came she help me see that I should embrace it, and I think seeing the light in people is the greatest power there is," Gar said and they clapped.
A video was then played of Val from pictures to videos, anything that had Val in it. One video had Val goofing around the room. The next photo had Damian and Val in it, just laying on the couch together
Another one had a photo from Christmas, where Damian was snuggled with Val next to the crackling fireplace.
The next photo was one that had Val being licked by Titus, the following had her with the giant Pusheen cat she won at the fair when she was fourteen.
After that, they had a picture of the smores campfire, after battling with the demon's fist.
Next was one where Val was kissing Damian under the mistletoe he held above their heads on Christmas.
Videoes then followed after which brought smiles to faces of Val's character and personality.
"Dames, why don't you believe in faith?" Val said in the Video with one of Damian's hoodies
Damian on the couch reading a book looked at Val and rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Faith is believed in the absence of data," he simply said
Val just thought for a moment "Isn't that the other way around? Cause Faith is believed from data is available?" she said
Damian just had a blanked expression. "delete that,' Damian got up but Val manages to run away.
The last photo was Damian's and Val's first date, Damian remembered Alfred taking that. He remembered how angelic she looked when she went down the stairs. He loved every moment of it.
The video closed saying this.
'To Jamie and Gar. My name is Adora, Damian won the bet'
The next video was a special one, it was Val doing a vlog.
"Hey, future titans. I'm Val, aka Valkyrie. So I'm doing this for future advice for the next generation of titans. So here is my amazing guidance advice! Gah, that was cringy, can I delete that?" Val said
Some of them laughed
"So one, ask yourself why are you even a hero?" she pushed her back
"You don't have to have some crazy backstory to be one, with that question you find your purpose, a goal to why are you even are one,"
The room of heroes all looked down smiling at the girl's advice, they all took that in. What made them a hero?
"Two, what makes a titan, or why are you a Titan? Titan can have a different meaning for every one of us. It could be getting out of a shadow or escaping your past, but in the end, it's to find a home," Val said.
"And last of all, be you. Your character, your personality, your powers, abilities make you who you are, don't ever lose that. Throughout my experience embrace who you are, in the best way of course," she said smiling but soon a fifteen-year-old Damian opened the door.
"Beloved what are you doing?" he asked
"Babe," she hissed "I'm doing a vlog, I told you not to disturb me!"
Damian smiled and rolled his eyes "You watch too much Voltron," he closed the door
"I do not!" she said getting up but her hand tipped her glass of juice onto the laptop.
"Shit, Shit, Shit!"
To be continued...
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