Two weeks later
Harvey p.o.v
I walked upstairs to my room Max was sitting on his bed looking through his phone.
"Why are you so rude to Bianca, you were best friends like 2 seconds ago and now you're like enemies, what happened?"
"I told her a secret and the next day the hole school knew about it" he says still looking down on his phone.
"What if she didn't spread it, good job Max now you've lost one of your best friends" i say as i clap my hands.
"You know what, I'm glad that we're not friends anymore, I don't want to be friends with someone like her!" He says a bit louder.
"A few days back we were playing truth or dare, Bianca got the question. 'If you had to choose one friend who would you choose' she answers MAX. HAH LITTLE DID SHE KNOW THAT MAX IS AN IDIOT!!!" I say kind of yelling the last bit..
"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT?!" He yells back.
"IT'S OFFICIAL MAX LUCA MILLS HAS NO HEART" i say and walk out of the room. (Didn't mean that, Harvey said it not me)
Bianca p.o.v
Finally home.
I walked upstairs and laid down on my bed. I usually didn't care about people that talked shit about me. But maybe they were right. I don't know. I thought I could trust Max and that we were going to be friends till the end. But. I guess that's not gonna happen.
Max p.o.v
I don't know if what I'm doing is right but i just can't believe that a person that stood me so close would disappoint me like that. I don't know what to do, i just don't want to talk to her. Ever.
Skip till next day at school still Max p.o.v
First class, math with Kim, Emily and Harvey let's go. I walked to my locker to get my books. When I opened my locker there was a note next to my math book. I took it up and read it.
'Everyone makes mistakes'
Most be Tom, Kim, Em or Harvey who put it there. Whatever. I put the note in my pocket and take out my math book.
Skip till after school Bianca p.o.v
Another day spent at the girl toilets.
As i walked home I started thinking about my friends back in Sweden I haven't talked to them in years.
When I arrived home I walked upstairs and Skype called one of my friends back in Sweden.
They r talking in Swedish I'm just translating it cause probably most of u can't speak Swedish 😂
"Andrej, long time no.. speak?" I say and smile
"Heyyy Banka YOU HAVENT TEXTED ME SENSE YOU MOVED, I HATE YOU" he says in a joke way, we both laugh.
"I'M SOOO SORRY, i guess I've just had a lot on my mind lately" I say, I think he noticed the sadness on my face when i said the last part.
"Is something going on, you okay?" He asks
"Yeah i just..." i said and sighed
"Banka you can tell me?"
I sigh and then tell him the whole story.
"Oh okay i get it now.."
"You used to be so good at coming up with comebacks why did that change why do you let the hate get to you so easy" he asks
"I- i don't know it have just been too much and i just can't handle it" i say, i put my hands on my face and start to tear up.
"Don't cry!!!!!!!!" He says.
"Banka you'll get through this, talk to someone I promise it will get better"
A few hours later i was just laying in bed watching Netflix and i got a text from Emily.
Em💁🏻: k hunny me, Kim, Tom and Harvey r waiting outside come open the door we're having a sleepover we need to talk😙.
WTH?! I walked downstairs and opened the door, and they we're standing there. They were all wearing their pjs.
"First of all we invited ourselves, second of all it's Friday which means no school tomorrow, if you're not planning on going to school on a Saturday and third of all we have pizza" Harvey says as he walks in after the others. I lock the door and walk into the living room where I assume the others went. I sit down on the couch next to Tom.
"Netflix?" Emily asks. I walk up to the tv and turn on Coraline.
"NOOOOO!" they all scream at the same time
"Cmon we've watched this a billion times already!" Tom whines.
"Okay, okay" i say as i change movie. I choose vampire diaries cause i knew Kim, me and Em were all on the same episode, Tom and Harvey didn't complain about it. :)
We watched like 10 episodes and after that we were all half asleep.
"K guys we need to talk about Bianca" Kim says and looks at me
"What do you mean 'talk about Bianca'?!" I ask
"You and Max need each other and me Kim, Em and Harvey are gonna try found out who really spread it" Tom says. We stayed up all night trying to figure out who it was.
I've been super busy this week but all national tests are done and i wont have more national tests this year so it'll be much easier to update now.
Anyways thx 4 reading
btw thx so so so soooo much for all the support i love you guys sooooooooooo much💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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