"Bianca wake up Harvey's waiting for you outside" OMG i totally forgot about Harvey.
I don't know what to wear, why don't i have clothes. Okay brush my me teeth then I'm good to go, where is the toothpaste "MOM WHERE IS THE TOOTHPASTE!!" "OH, NEVER MIND, FOUND IT"
"Hey dork, sorry if you had to wait a long time but I was still asleep when you came"
"It's okay" he said and kissed me on the cheek.
~~~~~~ after the movie
"Harvey I forgot to tell you that my best friend Miki is coming over from Sweden tomorrow she's awesome, we used to make our own dance choreographies"
~~~~~~ next day
Yazzzz Miki is coming today I can't wait we're picking her up on the airport now so i have to go, im wearing ⬇️
~~~~~~on the airport
"Mikiiiiiii!!! OMG I've missed you so much can't believe you're staying for 2 weeks" "I've missed you more" she said and give me a big hug. She was wearing⬇️
"this is your room and yeah, hope you'll like it"
*phone rings*
"It's mine" I said and took up my phone and answered
Harvey: hey babe, can i come over ?
Me: yeah, sure
Harvey: okay I'll be there in a minute love ya!!
Me: love ya more, byee!
"You have a boyfriend?" She asked.
"Yeah, Harvey he is coming over right now"
"Can't wait to meet him" she said.
"Hay" I said and give Harvey a hug "Max is also coming" he said "this is Miki" I said and pointed at her "Heyy"
"Heyy I'm Harvey" we all went upstairs to my room and just talked when Max came. "For how long have you been dancing?" Max asked Miki "2 years" she answered "please show us one of your choreographies" Harvey begged us "No Harvs stop asking"
*Buzz Buzz*
Max took up his phone
Mom❤️: we went to your grandparents house, we're sleeping there tonight, i called Bianca's parents and your sleeping at her house tonight, goodnight boys❤️
Max💙: okay, goodnight❤️
We watched movies rest of the night
"Look" I said and pointed at Miki and Max. Miki was sleeping on his shoulder and Max was laying he's head on her head. "Lmaoo friendship gOaLS" he answered. Me and Harvey was still awake but we both fell asleep after about an hour.
Hope you liked this chapter give me some feedback if i need to change anything❤️❤️
Edited this chapter too:)
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