Taehyung manoeuvred his way through the school halls on Monday, his mood matching the weather outside. The sky was a dull, gloomy grey; a thunderstorm was coming. There were growling, ominous dark clouds gathering above, looming over the city, tinting everything bronze in their shade.
Similarly, a little thunderstorm had been slowly brewing inside Taehyung all weekend, getting bigger and stronger. It had started with Hwayeong, and reached its peak with Hyuna, crushing him and Jimin in between.
Taehyung couldn't stand to see himself lose someone ever so precious to him once again, because of a person whom he once considered his best friend in the whole wide world.
He'd been stupid enough in the beginning, and he'd admitted it. But that wasn't the only thing now. Hyuna wanted Jimin, and she'd go to any lengths for it. And if she ever lost interest, she wouldn't mind harming him to get back at Taehyung.
Head full of thoughts, body numb, constricted with anger and a complete sense of confusion, his own thoughts conflicted, Taehyung went along the throng of students in the hallway, an empty shell in the midst of so many happy faces.
It was hard, he couldn't bear to be around so many people. He just needed someone. Someone to hold him, to keep him close, telling him everything would be okay. Someone who'd understand him without him having to say a word.
Park Jimin happened to have all of the aforementioned qualities, yet, Taehyung realised with a pang, he wouldn't be here. The mere thought pierced Taehyung like a dagger, and he found himself slipping into an emptier corridor and breaking into a run towards the grounds.
He needed air, he needed an escape from everything. He wanted time to stop, wanted the heaviness in his chest to lift; everything felt suffocating.
He ran blindly, his feet moving of their own accord, finding their way to the grounds. As he turned a corner, he banged hard into someone, both of them falling on their butts with a loud "OW!"
Taehyung's head snapped up at the voice, looking at the person on the floor in front of him. He seemed to have momentarily lost the ability to speak, as he sat gazing wordlessly at the oh so perfect boy in front of him.
The boy scanned Taehyung's face, taking in his appearance.
"Why do you look so bothered, Tae?" he said, concerned, wrapping Taehyung into a hug again when he didn't answer.
Taehyung's voice shook slightly as he took in everything that happened.
"So you do remember, yeah? I thought you'd forgotten me," Bogum said with a slight chuckle. He got up and held out a hand for Taehyung, pulling him up onto his legs.
"How're you here?"
"Me? I fancied having a look around, it's been two years. I actually had to get special permission from the headmaster so that I could see you, Namjoonie, Hobi and Jin Hyung and the rest of our class."
"You missed us a damn lot, huh?"
"Of course I did. Is the drawing of a dick still there on the third floor bathroom?"
"Yeah," Taehyung said, a smile breaking out on his face for the first time in three days.
"You look so cute when you smile," Bogum cooed, hugging Taehyung again.
It felt weird, to be hugged by the boy who was once his biggest crush. Taehyung could feel his heart hammering in his chest. Sure, he'd gotten over him, but in all the time they'd been in the same school, Bogum had never hugged him like this.
"I don't know why you look down today, but don't worry, Bogummy will make you happy!" Bogum chuckled, pulling Taehyung along, down the corridor.
They paused outside the door to the grounds, with Bogum remembering that he'd forgotten his bag right where he'd fallen down after crashing with Taehyung.
"Wait up, Tae baby, I'll be right back," Bogum said, running back the way they had come to fetch his bag.
Tae baby...
Taehyung could feel himself blushing to the roots of his hair, though he didn't understand why. He'd gotten over Bogum. It had been two years. He loved Jimin, for god's sake.
But, then again, Jimin didn't love him. His subconscious was already looking for new opportunities, remembering past crushes. Taehyung wanted none of this to be happening, but it felt like he was slowly losing any hope with Jimin.
They'd been through deep shit in the matter of a few days. It didn't even sound big, but it had been an emotional rollercoaster. It had hurt them in ways both of them had never imagined. Heartbreak actually sucked, it wasn't a joke.
"Who's he?" a familiar voice asked, making Taehyung whip his head back so fast it was a miracle he didn't break it.
Jimin stood in front of him, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking extremely pissed.
"An old friend...we were close."
"I see."
Jimin remembered how he'd seen them hugging like it meant the world to them a few minutes ago. He remembered Taehyung blushing profusely on being addressed as baby merely seconds ago. Had he gotten over him so soon?
Jealousy crept along his veins, turning his tone bitter.
"Looks like you and your baby were having fun."
"Jimin, no-"
"I'm not blind, Taehyung. If you want it to end, straight up admit it. Don't keep leading me on. I'd fucking ended everything, and you were back at it again at the party."
"No, Jimin, please."
"Is there anything left?"
Taehyung went silent. There was a lot left, both he and Jimin knew it. But they were afraid. Afraid of hurting each other again, afraid of getting hurt, afraid of losing everything again.
This had happened a bit too many times all through the weekend, and the two of them didn't trust this time to be any different. It would be another cycle of hope and getting hurt.
Taehyung was slowly getting impatient and angry, it wasn't just him doing everything. Not thinking about what he was about to say, he angrily blurted out, "You talk as if you weren't kissing Yoongi minutes later. I'm not blind either, in case you didn't know."
His words hurt Jimin more than they were meant to, the older's heart wrenching apart remembering how Yoongi wasn't speaking to him anymore.
"It's no use, I shouldn't even be trying. Let's just end this," Jimin sighed, dropping his hands to his sides and turning away and leaving.
He left Taehyung there, hurt and shock visible on his face. Twice in a week, he'd walked out on the person he loved the most in the same way.
As he walked down the corridor, wishing for everything to end once and for all, a hand appeared out of nowhere, dragging him into the janitor's closet and slamming the door shut.
"Shh babe, it's me, Hyuna."
This literally makes no sense wtf what am I doing
Anyhoo, enzoyy. Do tell me what d'you think of this :'(
TreasureKoo <3
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