USJ 1/2
I wake up to the sound of rapid knocking on my door. Groaning as I sit up, I shuffle to the door and open it for Kirishima. It had become a routine of sorts over the weeks we had been going to U.A high together. He would come to my door every morning and knock on it until I woke up.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," he says, patting my head.
"Yeah yeah, whatever," I mutter, moving out of the way for him to come inside. This was also part of the routine, where I let him inside and he plays on his phone while waiting for me. We had become pretty close, spending our lunch breaks together and most classes as well. He sat on my couch, pulling out his phone, as I entered my bedroom and closed the door behind me. Dressing in my uniform quickly I step into the kitchen and make some breakfast. Setting down next to him, he waits in silence for me to finish. When I do, I place the plate in the kitchen sink and grab my bag.
"Ready to go?" he asks, looking up from his phone. I nod and he puts it in his pocket, opening the door for me and sweeping his arm out in front of him.
"Ladies first," he smirks and I do my best regal walk as I pass him. I fail horribly and we laugh about it as we descend the stairs, walking out the front door. On the way to school, we passed a few strangers on the street, but there were these two girls who wouldn't let us pass.
"Are you two dating?" they ask, blocking our path. My face reddens and Kirishima turns away, covering his eyes with his hand. His face seemed to be turning red as well.
"I don't think that's any of your business," I state, moving to walk around them. They block my path.
"You totally should! You're so cute together!" they say, leaning towards me. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.
"Let us pass, please. We need to get to school," I ask as politely as I can.
"Aww, come on! Admit it, you like hi-"
She gets cut off as I step forwards threateningly. These people were getting on my nerves so damn quickly. I was also using the movement to make sure Kirishima didn't see the red creeping over my face.
"Let us pass," I command, and they scamper away. Kirishima uncovers his eyes and walks up next to me, hands in his pockets and leaning forwards to check my expression.
"I hate people like that. It's none of their business," I spit, stomping away. Kirishima catches up, walking along in silence and letting me fume. We reach the school gate and I relax a bit, taking comfort in the familiar surroundings. We walk up to class and sit down together, talking with eachother like nothing happened on the street until Aizawa rolled in. He had warmed up to me a bit, no longer glaring at me whenever I made eye contact.
"Good morning class. Today we're doing something different," he says, clicking a button on a remote and watching as metal boxes slide out of the wall. I almost fall off my seat in shock until I feel Kirishima give it a shove to help me regain my balance. I thank him and turn to stare at Aizawa, confused.
"These are your hero costumes. Grab them from the box corresponding with your seat number and get changed, then meet me out front," he says, then zips up his sleeping bag and rolls away. I stand up, not even questioning anything anymore, and grab my costume. It was in a little suitcase of sorts and it smelled weird. Kirishima grabs his and we trudge together down to the changing rooms, along with Kaminari. We had become friends a while ago, when I first joined U.A, but not as close as I was to Kirishima. I call him Pikachu as a joke, due to his Quirk being electricity. He was currently talking with Kirishima about what his favourite food was. I chuckle, wondering how I had ended up with such weird people as friends.
What makes you think you even have a chance of being a Hero?
We reach the changing rooms, going our separate ways, and I throw on my costume. It was simple, more for visual effects than practical as my Quirk was very freely usable. It was a bit embarrassing, but I brought this on myself. It was a fur costume, trousers made of soft animal pelt and a strip of it covering my chest. It came with an animal ear headband the same colour as my hair that also had a visor attached. The boots were designed like paws, reaching halfway up my calves. The gloves were also shaped like paws, but when I clenched my hands into fists, hidden blades slid out of them. A tail was attached to the back of my trousers and I was able to move it around with certain movements in my legs. With a bit of practice, I could pick up small objects. Walking outside, I notice Kirishima in his hero costume.
My heart stutters at the sight of his bare chest and I quickly look away. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to notice. He does wave at me, though, and I approach him hesitantly.
"Looking good, (Y/N)!" he grins, holding his thumb up.
"I always look good," I reply, smiling back at him. He laughs, quickly turning away and marching down the hall. The wrong way.
"Front gate's this way, idiot!" I call after him, laughing on the inside.
'Finally, I got him back for the first day!' I cheer, grinning as he passes me.
"Say one word and I'll ditch you," he mutters and I laugh, catching up to him. We walk to the gate in comfortable silence, my tail swaying behind me. We reach the group and Aizawa tells us to get on the bus waiting for us. We board and Kaminari shoves himself next to me before Kirishima can.
"... Why?" I ask as Kirishima is forced to sit behind us. He doesn't answer, just chuckles and looks away. I drape my arm over the seat back and turn to talk to Kirishima, who was sitting next to Bakugou. He had joined our group due to some convincing from Kirishima, and while we were slowly warming up to eachother I kept thinking he was going to attack me.
"Have any idea where we're going?" I ask, looking around the bus.
"I have a bit of an idea. We might be going to USJ, the rescue training centre," Kirishima replies. I turn around to face the front as Aizawa speaks up.
"Today we're going to USJ-"
"Called it!!" Kirishima cries in victory behind me, raising his arms above his head. I chuckle, covering my mouth with my hand in an attempt to hide it.
"Congratulations. Anyway, we're going to USJ for rescue training. Two other heroes will already be there, All Might and Thirteen. Thirteen is a specialist in rescues, so make sure you listen," he finishes, then sits back down. I turn back around to Kirishima, who was still grinning like an idiot, and ask him how long it'll take to get there.
"About an hour, I think. Might as well get comfortable," he says, knitting his hands together behind his head and leaning back. I sigh and turn back around, now staring out the window. A few minutes pass, filled with the buzz of conversation between our classmates, before Kaminari taps my shoulder.
"(Y/N)? What's your Quirk? I've never seen you use it," he asks when I turn to look at him. I subconsciously shift away, averting my eyes. Kirishima leans forwards, placing his elbows on his knees and leaning forwards.
"I-I can't tell you," I stutter, pressing myself against the wall. Kaminari frowns, leaning closer.
"Of course you can tell me. We're friends, aren't we?"
For some reason, those words make tears spring to my eyes.
What makes you think you can be useful? Why would any hero agency want someone with such a Villainous power? Why don't you just go kill yourself?
Kirishima stands up, leaning forwards and placing his arm between me and Kaminari. Kaminari looks up in confusion and Kirishima shakes his head. I was hiding my face, trying to stop the tears that wanted to fall, when I feel a warm hand pat my shoulder. Whipping my head around, I stare at Kirishima as he grins at me.
"Don't worry, you can tell us when you're ready," he says, then sits back down. I wipe the tears away and make an effort to smile back at him. About half an hour later the bus screeches to a stop outside a large glass dome. Clambering out with the rest of the class, we line up and go inside. We're greeted by a Hero wearing a space suit, the Hero called Thirteen. He told us about the courses we would be practising rescues in, but as he spoke I noticed something dark moving around in the central fountain area. I kept my eyes on it, tuned out to Thirteen's voice, as it convulsed and expanded. I was beginning to worry.
"Thirteen?" I say quietly, but he doesn't hear me. Nobody does.
"Thirteen!" I call, louder now, and he turns to face me.
"Please wait until after I'm finished speaking to ask questions," he scolds, holding up a hand.
"I don't have a question, I'm just wondering what that is," I say, pointing down the massive flight of stairs. Just as I do that, a pale arm reaches out of the vortex of purple and black. Aizawa's eyes widen and he leaps in front of us, throwing his arm out.
"Thirteen, protect the students. Stay together and listen to him," he commands, his scarf slowly unwrapping.
"Is this part of the rescue training?" Kirishima asks beside me, stepping forwards.
"Don't move!" Aizawa yells, making him flinch back. As the arm turns into a human body, covered in hands, more figures shuffle out of the dark fog.
"Those are Villains," Aizawa says, pulling his goggles over his eyes. Shocked gasps echo around me and I step backwards. In that second, the fog turns into a dark streak and rockets towards us. Aizawa leaps forwards, flying down the stairs and into the crowd of Villains as they begin climbing. Just before the arrow skewers Thirteen, standing in front of us protectively, it splits and spreads around us in a dome. Covered in shadow, I cover my mouth with my arm and feel my way over to someone, keeping a tight grip on them. Golden slits form in front of us, hanging in the darkness like lanterns.
"Our intelligence said All Might would be here. Where is he?" a deep voice asks. I glance around fearfully, feeling my eyes adjust to the swirling darkness surrounding me. I can see enough now to notice that I was holding onto Aoyama, who hadn't even seemed to notice me. I quickly let go, backing away and almost into the dark wall behind me. Thirteen leaps to the front of the group, the cap covering his pointer finger popping off and a sucking sound fills the air. At the same time, Kirishima and Bakugou leap towards the Villain, Quirks at the ready. Thirteen quickly steps back, the cap popping back into place. The dark voice chuckles and suddenly sweeps forwards, washing us all away in darkness.
"Shit!!" Bakugou cries, tumbling head over heels into a dark opening. Kirishima follows, crying out as the blackness swallows him.
"EIJIRO!!" I scream, running forwards with my arms outstretched. The last thing I see before tumbling into a different hole is Kirishima, his arm outstretched, reaching for me.
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