Waking up, I felt as though I had only closed my eyes a few seconds ago. When I sit up, however, a stabbing pain ricocheted around the inside of my head, an immense hammering starting up and forcing me to cry out in pain and surprise. The pain scattered my thoughts, but one word rose to the surface.
Dimly, I registered the word and tried to think of why I had one. The hammering continued, making me feel weak and lightheaded.
Knock knock.
I twitch at the sound, my limbs feeling like jelly, knowing I couldn't answer. Now that I was awake, I felt like I was on fire. My head throbbed and I felt the veins in my temple pumping blood around, my heartbeat was going crazy, and I was in tears.
Knock knock knock.
'Crap, he's not gonna leave until I answer,' I think, forcing myself to move. I almost fall to the floor, my stomach doing flips, but somehow catch myself on the side table. After a bit of heaving, I shuffle to the door and open it a bit. Eijiro was standing there, smiling with his hands in his pockets like usual, but when he saw me his face fell.
"(Y/N)? Are you alright?"
I shake my head, allowing him inside and quickly returning to my bed before I faint. He follows me cautiously, nervously, not knowing what was going on.
"I'm really sick. I can't go to school today, cover for me," I say with my eyes closed, the covers pulled up to my chin. Eijiro stands around awkwardly, not knowing what to do, then walking out of the room. I sigh, nestling into my pillow and trying not to focus on the pain. A whispering voice reaches my ears but I ignore it, focusing on not throwing up.
"Yes, she's sick... I'll be taking care of her... Thankyou for understanding," the voice continues, and my eyes open a crack, just enough to let in a sliver of light. The door to my room swings open and Eijiro shuffles in again, carrying a chair.
"Eijiro?" I whisper, my throat feeling like sandpaper as he sits next to my head, holding a glass of water and some pills.
"Here, have these. They'll make you feel better," he says softly, helping me eat them. Afterwards, I collapse backwards, unable to keep my eyes open.
"Go to school, I'll be fine," I say without conviction, knowing somewhere in my distracted mind that he wouldn't listen.
"I'm not leaving you like this. Just sleep, you'll be fine," he replies, running his fingers through my hair. My throat closes up with emotion and I clear it with some difficulty, squirming until I'm comfortable, and quickly falling asleep.
~ Time Skip (Midday) ~
Waking up, I felt much better. The headache had almost disappeared, leaving only a dull throbbing, and I wasn't on fire anymore. Looking around, my eyelids heavy, I realise Eijiro wasn't in the room. Just as I was about to sigh, the door opens again and he walks in, carrying a bowl of something. Seeing my eyes open, he smiles at me and sits in the chair beside my head, picking up a spoon and helping me eat.
"Feeling better?" he asks once I had finished. It was some kind of soup, but it was more delicious than anything I had ever tasted before.
"Yeah, thanks," I reply, sinking back beneath the covers. He puts the bowl back and quickly returns, sitting beside me and placing his hand against my forehead. It was a bit cold, but I knew that was just because I was so hot. After a few seconds he takes it away, leaving the room again and returning with a damp cloth. Laying it over my forehead, I quickly fall asleep again.
~ Eijiro's P.O.V ~
'Crap she's so adorable when she sleeps why is she so cute help AAAAAAAAAAAA.'
I hadn't been able to stop staring at her, and in the back of my mind I kept telling myself that this was really creepy and that I should stop, but I couldn't. I couldn't tear my eyes away. My heart was fluttering wildly, even though all I was doing was looking at her.
'God damn it, Eijiro, pull yourself together!' I think, mentally slapping myself. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I didn't want to get sick as well. Sighing heavily and leaning back in my chair, stretching my limbs, I jump nearly a metre in the air as (Y/N) screams.
"(Y/N)!!" I shout, shaking her shoulders. She jerks awake, tears running down her face. The cloth I put on her earlier flutters weakly to the floor. She throws her arms around me, burying her head in my chest as I wrap my arms around her.
"What happened?" I whisper, rubbing small circles on her back. She whimpers, clutching me tighter.
"I had a nightmare..." she says simply, not offering any further explanation. I remain silent, keeping my arms around her as she sobs. A few minutes pass and she calms down enough to fall asleep again. She was still hugging me, though. Sighing, I carefully shuffle around and crawl into bed beside her, making sure she didn't wake up. Closing my eyes, all I can focus on is the sound of her breathing.
~ Time Skip (Next Day, (Y/N)'s P.O.V) ~
Waking up, all that remained of my sickness was slightly jelly limbs and a tiny headache, barely existent at all. Opening my eyes, I'm greeted by Eijiro's face centimetres from mine. My face immediately explodes in heat and the jelly limbs return. My face isn't the only place feeling heat, I realise, but I quickly shove the thoughts away.
'Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, no, fuck,' I repeat in my head, trying to calm my erratic heartbeat. It takes about ten minutes, but I eventually calm down enough to think straight. Trying to figure out why he was in bed with me, I rule out my first thoughts.
'No, if we did that then I would remember. Plus we only started dating a few days ago!!' I scold in my head, trying to make myself feel guilty. Remembering last night, I finally relax a bit.
'It's fine, I was sick and wouldn't let go of him. See, (Y/N), there's always a logical answer,' I reason, nodding to myself. The movement makes Eijiro groan, groggily opening his eyes. I meet his gaze and his face turns red.
"M-Morning," he says, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head and removing his arms. I pout before I can stop it and his expression freezes. Now it's my turn to be embarrassed, quickly hiding my face from him.
"M-Morning," I reply, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up, a bit too quickly. As I wait for the dizziness clouding my head to pass, Eijiro leaves the room to let me get dressed. Quickly throwing on my uniform, I find him sitting at the table with food already set out.
"Are you feeling better now?" he asks as I sit down across from him, quickly shovelling food into my mouth. I nod, too busy to answer. He chuckles, the sound making me feel warm inside. A few seconds of silence pass, slowly feeling more awkward as I finish eating and place my plate in the sink. It was beginning to overflow with dirty dishes as I hadn't washed them in weeks. Still, though, I often reused plates and stuff for food because I usually ate the same thing - pasta. So there weren't that many. Swinging my school bag onto my shoulders, Eijiro joined me and put on his shoes. Walking outside, I realised it was raining lightly. We stuck to the buildings, using them to shield us from the falling droplets as we made our way to school.
"OI!! THAT'S HER!!!"
I swivel my head at the sound, both me and Eijiro glancing around nervously in case it was reporters. Who was running towards us looked familiar, but I couldn't place it. Then I saw the spiked board swinging from the boys' grip.
"Shit. It's that street kid that tried to kiss me," I say, glancing around nervously. The kid's group followed behind him like a pack of dogs, their bats resting on their shoulders. Eijiro stood stiffly beside me, ready to fight or to run. I expected the leader to stop near us, but he kept running, lashing out with his board. I yelped as it flew towards me, raising my arms beside my head to protect myself and closing my eyes. I heard the sound of wood splintering and shocked cries, opening my eyes enough to see Eijiro standing in front of me, cutting the board in half with his Quirk. The boys were stepping back nervously, glancing at eachother and then at Eijiro.
"Don't fucking touch her," Eijiro snarled, his hardened arms in front of him menacingly. One by one, the boys turned and ran until all that was left was their leader.
"This isn't fucking over!" he cried, then followed his pack of followers down the road. Eijiro released his Quirk, his arms dropping to his sides as he sighed.
"Are you okay?" we ask at the same time, then giggle for a while.
"I'm fine," I say, wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his cheek, "Thanks."
A few seconds pass and, without warning, he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me on my lips. My eyes widen in surprise but I lean into it, kissing him back. A few seconds pass as we stay like that, the rain falling softly around us, and for a wild moment I consider running away with him. Away from U.A, away from the street kids, and away from the reporters who insist on intruding upon my life. That moment passes, and we break apart. I felt a sense of loss as he let me go, but quickly smothered it in my mind. His face wasn't as red as it usually was and he could still look at me without turning away quickly.
"Come on, let's go," he says, grabbing my hand and dragging me forwards. I stumble and catch myself, matching my pace with his and intertwining my fingers in his.
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