Selecting Internships
(Sorry for taking so long to write this chapter, I was going through a tough time)
I wake up slowly, feeling something soft brushing against my face. I brush it away irritably, sinking further into the pillow with my eyes still closed. A soft snicker beside my head makes my eyes snap open as I quickly sit up, hitting my forehead against Sero's.
"OWW!! (Y/N), WHYYY??" he moans, falling backwards with both his hands clamped over his forehead. I rub mine, trying to ease the throbbing and blink away the tears in the corners of my eyes.
"Didn't I barricade the door?" I ask, turning my head to look at it. It was lying off its hinges a few feet away. The boys around me freeze, then simultaneously try to escape. They trip over eachother and fall to the ground. I giggle, still too tired to be mad right now. Eijiro was on the bottom of the pile, laughing.
"You idiots," I say fondly, helping them up. They were grinning sheepishly, rubbing the back of their heads.
"We'll fix the door," Denki says, averting his eyes. Chuckling, I grab my uniform and walk to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. As soon as I turn around, I notice a familiar dark purple hairstyle.
"I'll give you one chance. Leave my house now or I'll break you," I threaten as Mineta dashes out of the room. A few shocked cries erupt from the room next to me and I lock the door again, checking for cameras hidden anywhere nearby. Two of them turn up and I smash them, quickly changing into my uniform and shuffling to join the others. Both Denki and Eijiro were on my couch, but Sero was nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Sero?" I ask as I join them.
"He's making food," Denki replies, and I sit up straighter.
"You mean he's going through my stuff and trying to decide what he can and can't eat."
"Pretty much."
I sigh, deciding not to let it bother me too much. From past experience, having people look through my stuff without even asking first just spelled disaster. Before I dwelled on it for too long, Sero came back in holding four plates of food.
After we finished, we packed up our stuff and headed for school together.
"By the way, ask if you can visit first before just deciding to drop yourselves on me," I grumble about halfway there. They all chuckle.
"Come on, you had fun!" Eijiro says, poking my arm and smirking.
"Yeah, right until you broke my door down," I reply, crossing my arms and pouting, pretending to be upset.
"We said that we would fix it," Denki jumps in. I don't reply, just slow down so I fall behind them. Eijiro laughs, matching his pace with mine and linking his arm through mine.
"I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"
"Nah I don't think so."
"You wound me!" he cries, dramatically placing his free hand over his heart and gasping. I chuckle, then quickly try to cover it up. It's no use, though, and we giggle together for a while.
"Hurry up, lovebirds!" Denki calls over his shoulder. My face heats up and I start walking faster, only to stumble backwards when Eijiro grabs my arm.
"Ignore him, he's just jealous," he says, grinning. I smile back, but we do walk faster. We reach the school quickly, having about ten minutes to spare before classes begin. Denki and Sero ditch us, heading straight for the classroom, but Eijiro and I hang back a bit. We talk with eachother for a while until the bell rings and make our way to class.
"Good morning," Aizawa mumbles, slouching over to the podium with his hands stuffed deep in his pockets. He presses a button or something and the screen behind him flickers into life. On it was a list of our names with bars and numbers displayed next to them.
"These are the amount of heroes that want you to intern with them," Aizawa explained, scrolling down so we could see ours. Todoroki was at the top, with Bakugou second.
"Why is Bakugou second when he won?" I wonder aloud.
"Probably because the Pro's are scared of someone who had to be chained up in the end," Kaminari snickers.
"WHAT ARE THE PRO'S SCARED OF?!" Bakugou shouts, standing up and slamming a fist on his desk.
"Sit down," Aizawa scolds, glaring at him. Bakugou pouts slightly and falls back into his seat. I giggle again before forcing myself to be quiet.
"Anyway, as you can see, some of you didn't get any offers. Truth be told, I'm surprised (Y/N) even got any at all," he says, and after reading his face I could tell he was a bit sorry to have said it. I had thirteen internship offers, while others had none, even though I was basically useless the entire time.
"It's understandable," Bakugou says, "She barely did anything on her own. Useless extra."
I scowl at his words but quickly push my feelings aside. He was just being a salty bitch because he didn't get the most offers.
"Fill out these sheets with the names of the heroes you want to intern with. You have until friday afternoon to return them to me," Aizawa announces, handing out sheets of paper, "You also have to fill in some personal details."
When I get mine, I dart a quick glance at it.
Which Hero do you want to intern with?
What is your full name?
What is your age?
Phone number:
After filling in the name, age, gender and phone number, I see another sheet falling onto my desk. It had a list of Hero names, thirteen of them. I recognise one, but it takes me a second to realise where I had heard it before.
'That's right, Thirteen was at USJ. I think I'll intern with him...' I mutter in my head, 'I want to rescue people more than defeat villains, so it'll be a good choice.'
Next to his name was the city that we would train in. Hosu. Shrugging mentally, I write down Thirteen's name and explain that I want to train with him in order to learn how to help people. I also add that I've always kind of looked up to Thirteen, since he was such a good Hero. Quietly slipping my sheet into my bag, I decide to give it to Aizawa at the end of class. Other people around me were still staring at the sheets given to them, and Midoriya was muttering something.
The bell for our next class rang and we all got up, others around me slipping their papers into pockets or bags. I took mine out again and placed it in front of Aizawa as I left, not pausing while he read it. Eijiro took my hand and laced his fingers between mine, leading me down the hall. My face turned pink and I quickly looked at the ground. He smiled and stepped closer to me, his arm brushing against mine.
'Oh I see what he's doing.'
Grinning to myself, I calm my beating heart and raise my head, determined not to let him win. He chuckles.
"What game are you two playing?" Sero asks beside me, having walked up to us from behind.
"I'm trying to make (Y/N) embarrassed but she realised and now she's not letting me win," Eijiro complained, laughing. Sero chuckled. We walked in silence for a while longer, and I was now happy to be so close to Eijiro. He was warm, and I was freezing for some reason. We go through the day and Eijiro walks me home, keeping my hand in his the entire way.
"Goodnight, (Y/N). I love you," he says, placing a hand on my head and pulling me forwards so his lips brush my forehead.
"Yeah yeah, I love you too," I giggle, hugging him for a few seconds before entering my house. Joy was sleeping on the rug, so I refilled her bowls and made myself dinner. After I ate and had a shower, I fell into bed and completely gave up any chance of staying awake.
"Goodnight, Eijiro..." I mumble, too lazy to move any more. Two seconds later, I fell asleep.
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