Save Me
(WARNING: Contains scenes of violence)
'Wait, where the hell am I?' I ask myself, slowly opening my eyes and gazing around the dark room. I was in a chair, but when I tried to stand up, I realised I was bound to it. Arms, legs, hands, I couldn't move anything but my head. Then a switch flicked on and a blinding light filled my vision, making me hiss in pain and screw my eyes shut. A few seconds later, I slowly open them, painfully slowly. When they've fully adjusted, I notice the room had a dirt roof. The walls were solid concrete, and were lined - with no free space - with tools. Tools stained with blood.
"Glad to see you could finally join us. I told them not to use too much, but they did anyway. At least they didn't harm you, though..." I cold voice whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. It sounded familiar, but I couldn't place where...
"That privilege is reserved for me," it continued, then moved away to a wall. I twist my neck uncomfortably to look at the man as he places his hands on his hips and scours the wall for something to use on me.
"No..." I whisper, my eyes wide as his features come into my vision, and my memory.
"NO!!!" I shout, struggling so much harder against my bonds. My father turns around, scowling, and without a word strikes me across my face.
"You will not speak unless given permission, understand?"
I spit in his face, continuing to yell and scream, even as I feel a black hole forming in my chest and tears pooling in my eyes. His face turns to pure rage as he wipes my spit away, then grabs a large, threatening knife from the wall.
"Let's see how much you'll scream after this!" he shouts, then grabs my face and slashes from my brow to my cheek on my left eye. Blood pooled in my vision and I bit my lip so hard it bled, just to stop myself giving him the satisfaction of hearing my scream. He clicks his tongue in annoyance, then grabs a long, thin cloth from the floor. Roughly wrapping it around my face, he then slaps me again and leaves the room. Now alone, and in agony, I allow myself to cry.
"Why... WHY?!!" I shout at the ceiling, the bandage wrapped around my face itching with every movement.
"Please... Don't leave me here..."
"Eijiro... I miss you..."
~ Time Skip (3 Days) ~
I've been in here for... three days. Maybe. I can't see daylight from this room, and even if I could, the crude bandage around my eyes wouldn't let me see anyways. My father has come and gone, leaving scratches and bruises behind, but nothing as bad as taking my left eye from me.
'When did he change so much...?' I often wondered to myself, trying to find what might have happened. Sometimes, if I really concentrated, I thought I could hear my classmates searching for me. But I knew it was just my imagination. They wouldn't find me here.
~ Time Skip (2 Days) ~
'What the hell is so loud...?' I ask myself, trying to tilt my ear to where I thought the door was. Without warning, a massive boom resonated through the room, echoing off the walls. A loud crash beside my head told me the door had been blown off its hinges.
"I FOUND HER!!!" someone cries, then I hear running footsteps as the person throws their arms around me. A spiky mess of hair brushes against my face, and tears well up in my eyes, unable to fall because of the bandage.
"No way..." I mutter as Eijiro clutches to me like I might disappear. More people file into the room and a lot of shouting was going on, hurting my ears but a welcome change from the deathly silence I had endured over the past few days. Someone walks around behind me and unties my arms and hands, which immediately go around Eijiro. Another person unties my legs, and I feel a third person tugging at my bandage.
My hand flies to stop them, keeping it in place.
"Is Recovery Girl here?" I ask quietly, not even sure if anyone heard me. Eijiro nods, the smallest movement imaginable, then quietly moves away to get her. Immediately, more people press in around me, trying to make me answer questions I wasn't ready for. Another massive boom sounds out in the room and dust rains down on us. I realise it was Bakugou, firing at the ceiling to get us to quiet down.
Without a word, he takes my arm and guides me to a wall so I can sit against it and get away from the crowd. His hand was warm, and I felt a sense of loss when he let go.
"All you idiots take a look around you. Those bloodstains around her chair? The bandage? It's obvious she's gone through a lot, so back off!" Bakugou says, then sits beside me. I could sense him glaring at everyone as they all went quiet. Almost. They were kind of muttering to eachother, and I could feel the worried glances they sent in my direction. A small, frail presence moved through the crowd, and I felt a wrinkled hand touch the bandage.
"May I take it off?" Recovery Girl asked, and I nodded.
"But make everyone else leave first. I don't want them to see-"
"I'm not moving!" Bakugou cries before I can finish, "It's our fault for not searching for you sooner!"
"I'm not going either," Eijiro says, sitting on my other side and taking my hand in his. Tears well up in my eyes and my voice gets stuck in my throat.
"Alright, you two stay, but everyone else leave. Are you two sure about this? That bandage is soaked with blood. At this time, I may not be able to fully heal it."
"We're sure," they both say at the same time, and I feel Bakugou place his hand over mine protectively. By now I'm close to bawling my eyes out, but it hurt to move my facial muscles.
"Okay. Look away for a second, I'm going to take the bandage off. (Y/N), close your eyes."
I do as she says and feel the rough, itchy cloth being slowly unwound from my face. When it's gone, I hear Recovery Girl's sharp intake of breath and automatically assume the worst.
"How old is this wound?" she asks, and I hear the rustle of fabric as she opens a bag and takes a few things out. I could feel Bakugou and Eijiro staring at my face, at the open wound, as I answer.
"About four, maybe five days. He cut me right at the start, when I shouted at him," I say, wincing in pain. It wasn't as bad as the beginning, but it still stung like a bitch.
"Who?" Bakugou asks before Recovery Girl can say anything else.
"My... the man who raised me," I reply, "He doesn't deserve to be called my father."
Bakugou clicks his tongue savagely and moves to stand up, but I flip my hand around and grab his before he can go. I don't say anything, don't do anything else, but he gets the signal. Clicking his tongue again, but this time in compliance, he sits down again.
"(Y/N), this'll sting a bit. I can't heal a wound this old fully, so you'll have a scar left over and you won't be able to see out of your left eye. You'll still be able to open it, though," she says, then presses a wad of... cotton?... to my wound. I hiss through my teeth, trying to shrink back but being blocked by the wall. She presses as gently as possible, but it still feels like my wound has been set on fire.
After a few minutes she wraps a new bandage around my upper face, one that puts the last one to shame, and kisses my forehead.
"You'll be okay in a few days. Until then, go home and have someone take care of you. You also have a bit of school work to catch up on," she says, standing up and putting the items she used back in her bag.
"Thankyou," I say, being helped up by Eijiro. Bakugou left the room already.
"Never walk home alone again, please? I was having a heart attack when no one knew where you were," Eijiro mutters, leading me out of the room.
"Yeah I think I won't be able to walk alone anywhere now. Too much uncertainty," I mumble in response.
"Careful, there's stairs here."
After making sure I won't fall, he pushes maybe a trapdoor open and sunlight falls on my skin for the first time in almost a week. I stretch my arms above my head, reveling in the warm sensation, then get pulled forwards by Eijiro. My classmates gather around me, once again asking questions, and I feel Eijiro put his arm around me.
"She needs to go home. She'll tell us what happened when she's ready," he says, leading me away. There was a bus waiting for us and we all piled on, first dropping me off at my house. Eijiro gets off with me, and helps me up to my apartment. The receptionist asked a few quiet questions, but I didn't answer any of them, only telling her that I'll be okay in a few days. I fumbled with the keys a few times before Eijiro reached across and gently took them from my grip, unlocking the door for me.
"I'll take care of you for however long it takes, okay?" he says, helping me to my room. I had barely slept while I was at my family's estate, and was almost sleeping on my feet now. Giving a half-hearted nod, I fall into my bed and falling asleep seconds later.
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