BONUS: Halloween Chapter
Okay so since it's almost halloween I was swimming around in my pool thinking "hmm I should do a spoopy chapter" so here it is lol. Btw it's taking part before the summer camp because it's easier for me to write it like this.
"A... Halloween party?" I ask, looking over the invitation Uraraka and Iida had given me, along with someone in class 1B. They were handing out similar ones to everyone in the class.
"Yep! I thought it'd be a good class bonding activity!" Uraraka says cheerily.
"Well, thanks for the invite, but spooky things aren't a favourite of mine. I'll pass-"
"Come on (Y/N), you know that if you don't go you'll just spend the night holed up in your room." Eijiro interrupts, slinging his arm over my shoulder, "And anyway, I was gonna go as soon as they told me."
I glare at him for using that tactic, but begrudgingly agree.
"Fine. Only because you're going. And practically begging me to come with you." I say, pocketing the invite. It said the party was two days from now and started at 6 pm. It didn't say when it ended.
"The idea is that class 1A will go through a course we'll set up and class 1B will try to scare everyone! There will also be traps, and rewards for avoiding the traps!" Iida says, chopping his hand in the air.
"What rewards?" I ask, looking up. Eijiro laughs and pats my head, then walks off to talk to the others.
"Mostly candy. There is a secret reward though! Whoever finds it gets to keep it!" Uraraka says, winking at me and then walking off. I stare after her in confusion but drop it after a few moments. The chances of me finding this "secret treasure" weren't going to be great. I was horrible at finding my left sock in the morning, let alone a treasure.
"How the HELL did they get all this set up in TWO FUCKING DAYS?!" I shout in shock, staring out at the eerie forest. There was an obvious path, but it split off into two paths at the end, giving the impression that it was a maze. The path was illuminated with hanging pumpkins, and I knew there was a speaker nearby due to the monster growls and howling that came from nearby. A huge tent was set up nearby, a soft blue light coming from inside. Some food and drinks were laid on a table to my left and I check it out in case there are any of my favourite snacks, but my search was a complete failure. The only food on there were protein bars and fruit, and the only type of drink I could see was a bottle of cordial. I sigh sadly, hanging my head. I knew in the back of my mind that Iida was responsible for this catastrophe.
"I'm sure you'll survive not having any of your favourite snacks." Eijiro says, laughing lightly.
"I don't know, I feel like I'm dying right now." I groan, walking towards the tent. Eijiro follows me, still smiling. I push open the tent flaps and walk inside, trying not to laugh at Uraraka as she sits drowning in a witch's robe and hat several sizes too large for her. In front of her was an altar of sorts and a glowing ball that was obviously meant to be one of those crystals that seers use to predict the future.
"Ah, yes, come in, come in..." she purrs, making her voice sound raspy and old, "I have been expecting you."
"Uraraka, you know you can talk normally around me right?" I say, letting a little chuckle slip out. It was just so ridiculous.
"Yeah, but then Iida would tell me off. WAIT NO I MEAN-" she coughs in a hurry, making both me and Eijiro burst out laughing, "Silence! I shall now see your future. Be warned though, it may change as you progress through the maze."
She swirls her hands around the ball, making crappy wind noises as she does so. I was in hysterics by now, on my side in the dirt, holding my stomach. Uraraka giggles.
"S-Stop laughing! I'm supposed to be in character!" she begs, then wheezes as I laugh harder. That just sends all three of us into a laughing fit, and Uraraka falling off her chair only makes it worse.
"Um... am I interrupting something?" a cool voice asks from the entrance. I open my eyes enough to recognise Todoroki and wave him over.
"N-No, we were just about to get back into character. Come, join us!" I say cheerily, still laughing. Uraraka climbs back onto her chair and wipes a tear from her eye, still smiling broadly.
"O-Okay, I don't think I can do the witch thing any more. Todoroki, you're paired with (Y/N). Kirishima, you have to wait for Kaminari to get here. Quirks aren't allowed." she says. I nod and give her another smile, which she returns along with a wink.
"Are you doing the maze too or...?" I ask.
"Yeah, just waiting for everyone to get here. I'm with Deku." she replies, waving me and Todoroki away, "Have fun, guys! And remember, eyes out for the treasure!"
"... What was that about?" Todoroki asks once we're outside.
"She just looked really weird in the witch costume, and the way she was talking and making those noises sent us over the edge." I say, giggling at the memory. He tilts his head at me for a moment as we enter the maze, then turns his attention forwards.
"Which way do you wanna go?" he asks as we come to the first split.
"I think left."
We walk along for a good five minutes in silence, broken only by him asking which way to go. I choose random directions each time and quickly lose track of the mental map I had been creating in my head. Nothing scary had happened since we entered the forest and I was starting to doubt Uraraka's words about this being spooky.
"Hey, there's some candy over there." Todoroki suddenly says, stopping and pointing off the path. I stop and peer into the darkness, noticing the bright splashes of colour that was most likely candy wrapping.
"It might be a trap." I say, recalling Iida's words.
"Do you want some? I can go get it if you want." he offers. I raise an eyebrow at him but nod my head anyway.
"Sure, why not. It might even be good candy." I say. He nods and walks into the undergrowth, heading towards the bowl set upon a pedestal. I watch him closely, expecting something to pop out and attack him or something to wrap around his legs and trip him up, but nothing happens. He reaches across and takes a few pieces of candy, leaving enough for the rest of the class and more, then starts making his way back.
"Guess I was worried for nothing. What'd you get?" I ask as he draws level with me. He shows me his gatherings and I choose the ones I like the most, shoving them into my pockets and continuing along.
"This isn't a very good maze. Or Halloween activity." Todoroki says after another few minutes of silent walking.
"Yeah. I was honestly hoping for more- OOF WHAT." I shout, my feet being lifted off the ground suddenly. I fall against Todoroki, who had also been caught. After taking a moment to myself and looking around, I realised we has been caught up in a net which was strung above the ground.
"Um... (Y/N)?" Todoroki says, somewhat strained. I look at him and realise how close our faces were, then quickly scramble back to the edge of the net.
"Sorry. Didn't realise." I say hurriedly. He relaxes again and nods, looking around for himself.
"I can burn us a way out of here. Give me a minute." he says, his left side starting to light up. I quickly reach out and grab his arm, stopping him from doing anything.
"Uraraka said no quirks. Don't worry, I'll get us out." I say. He nods again and stops using his quirk, the flames dying down. I look up, at the top of the net, noticing the small hole that I could probably squeeze through if I could get up there.
"Think you can boost me up?" I ask. Todoroki looks at where I'm looking and nods, shuffling around so I can jump off his back and grab the top. I spring upwards, scrabbling for a hold and almost falling down again before my wrist gets caught between the rope supporting us and a branch. I hiss at the sudden pressure but manage to pull myself upwards, slipping out the top.
"Is there any way to untie it?" Todoroki asks. I lower myself to the ground and follow the rop, finding it knotted around a tree root.
"Get ready, you canadian flag!" I call, unknotting the rope.
"What do you mean, canadian fla- OOF."
I laugh as I walk back over to him, finding him on the ground rubbing his backside. Offering my hand to help him up, he gives me a sharp glare.
"You could have let it out slowly." he grumbles, taking my hand. I pull him to his feet and chuckle, noticing his entire back was covered in dirt now.
"I told you to get ready." I say, walking along the path again.
"And then you called me a canadian flag, which threw me off."
He takes that as a sign that the conversation is over and goes silent. Suddenly, a twig behind us snaps. I whirl around, expecting another trap, then laughing as I realise it was only Eijiro and Denki. The funny part was, Denki was covered head to toe in mud. Even Todoroki looks amused.
"What did you do, fall into a mire?" I wheeze. Denki averts his eyes and Eijiro scowls.
"I told him we shouldn't go right. He insisted. We went right. He fell into a mud pit. The path was a dead end." Eijiro says grumpily. I laugh again, adding to his bad mood.
"I thought the right way would be... y'know... the right way!" Denki says, trying to get back some of his dignity. Todoroki raises an eyebrow.
"That only happens in movies, though." he says.
"Mary, Mary, mercenary, where did you learn to slay? I was a regular kid when the world flipped its lid. Killing the zombies who were once mummy and daddy made me what I am today..." A soft, sing-song whisper sighed. Goosebumps rose on my arms and everyone around me froze. The forest suddenly went dead silent. No wind, no insects, no birds. Then, the lights went out. The path was plunged into darkness and I'm pretty sure Denki shrieked.
"Everyone okay?" I ask, not moving. If I moved, I wouldn't remember where everything around me was.
"I'm okay." Todoroki says.
"Same here."
"Same, I'm- MFF!!" Denki says, sounding like someone had just clapped their hand over his mouth. I could hear a struggle nearby, along with Denki's muffled protests, getting further and further away at an alarming speed. Suddenly, the lights were turned on again and the noises resumed. I look around in surprise, slightly blinded by the brightness, and check everyone over.
Denki was missing.
"Uh... what?" I ask to no one in particular, my heart beating. I could see where Denki had been standing, as well as where he had dragged his feet along the ground as he was being stolen away. The tracks abruptly stop as they reach the edge of the path, like Denki was lifted off his feet. I couldn't see the footprints of any other person leading in the same direction and soon give up.
"So... Denki's gone. No sign of him. What do we do?" I ask, starting to pace back and forth.
"I vote we get out of here for now. I'll bet this is part of the halloween thing. They did say class 1B would be involved, so I bet it's them." Todoroki suggests.
"What if it wasn't though? What if he's in trouble? What if he gets hurt because we thought it was just part of the event? Can you tell I'm worried?!" I ask, starting to panic. Eijiro steps forwards, gently grabbing my arm and forcing me to look at him.
"He'll be fine. I'm with Todoroki. Let's just keep going. I suggest we move quickly though, just in case."
I nod, swallowing thickly as he releases my arm. I take a deep breath and settle into a comfortable jog beside Eijiro, keeping my eyes on the ground for any more traps.
I'm soon made aware, though, of a presence hanging just out of sight.
"Uh... guys? We're being followed." I say, turning around and peering into the darkness. The others stop moving and look around as well, searching for any sign of a person. The lights around us flicker, then go out again.
"GET DOWN!" Eijiro shouts, tackling me to the side. Something flies over me, thuds into the ground, then quickly runs away. I lay still, trying to control my breathing, straining for any sound. Soon, the lights turn back on. None of us were harmed, but a note was left on the ground. Todoroki scoops it up and reads it aloud as Eijiro climbs off me and helps me to my feet.
"Your targets are (Y/N) and Todoroki. Kaminari and Kirishima will have most likely caught up with them by now, but don't touch them. They're for your teammate." Todoroki says, then hands the note to me. I read it again and look at the ground, where the dusty path had been churned up. It most definitely looked like someone had fallen and hit the ground heavily, then scrambled to their feet and ran away.
"They were going after you this time. Keep your eyes open." Todoroki says, taking the lead.
"Definitely class 1B then. Cool. At least Denki's safe." I say, following him. Eijiro sticks close to my side, darting glances at the undergrowth to the sides of the path. I step onto a pile of leaves, then yelp in surprise as I'm yanked upwards, dangling by one ankle in the air. My shirt falls up my body and I quickly drag it back down again, glaring at Eijiro as he laughs.
"Oh, you have no idea how stupid you look right now!" he says. My glare sharpens, then I hear a chuckle from Todoroki.
"I have to admit, (Y/N), you do look rather ridiculous." Todoroki says, his eyes smiling. I sigh, following the rope with my eyes as it leads into the trees.
"You mind getting me down now?" I ask as politely as possible. I probably could get myself down if I really tried, but it would take a lot of effort and would leave me extremely tired. Todoroki nods and walks away, following the rope, as Eijiro starts taking the opportunity to tease me.
"What's wrong? Can't get out on your own?" he laughs. My glare returns, and he laughs harder.
"I blame you for this." I say, releasing my shirt to cross my arms. It rides up and reveals my stomach but stops at my chest. My legs were starting to cramp and I really wanted to get this over with now.
"Get ready, (Y/N)." Todoroki calls. I tense up as the rope suddenly releases, expecting myself to hit the ground, but instead fall into Eijiro's arms.
"How many times do I have to catch you? Seems like you fall a lot." He says, placing me on my feet. Todoroki appears with an expectant look on his face but seems a little disappointed when he realises I didn't hit the ground.
"What, were you hoping for revenge?" I ask in mild disbelief.
We continue along the maze for about half an hour longer, coming across more and more dead ends. We were all starting to get tired of this. At least five other traps had been sprung (most by me, to the others' amusement), and now I had a rope trailing behind me from my ankle that we couldn't remove. We hadn't even seen any more candy bowls, so I was starting to think this whole thing had been a mistake. On the plus side, the lights hadn't gone out since we got the note.
"D'you think we're near the end?" Eijiro asks tiredly. I shrug.
"Maybe we should rest for a few minutes. We've been walking for almost an hour now." Todoroki suggests, pausing.
"Sounds good. I'll be over here." I say, walking to the nearest tree and slumping against it. The boys find their own trees and rest for a while.
"In the darkest night, we shall take flight, and cover the mighty moon. If you resist, you will be finished, and added to our boon."
We all freeze, glancing around. I get to my feet, entering the centre of the pathway. A sudden growling sound starts up, louder than any of the other sounds before now. I clap my hands over my ears, screwing my eyes shut in an attempt to ignore the noise. I could sense Todoroki and Eijiro covering their ears as well. Eventually, the sound dies down. I slowly take my hands off my ears and look around. Iida's voice crackles through the speakers, static affecting the message.
"Maze... compromised... Villains... Quirks allowed..." he says, then the speakers made a loud pop and all sounds are cut off. A deathly silence surrounds us as we don't move, not sure if it's a real alarm or not.
"Okay... what do we-" I say, then yelp as the lights strung up along the path literally explode. We're plunged into darkness and my panic increases tenfold. I start hyperventilating, wrapping my arms around myself. Eijiro finds me and grabs my hand, pulling me into him, gently stroking my hair.
"It's okay, (Y/N). I'm sure we'll be fine." He murmurs, "Todoroki, can you make us some light?"
A soft, orange glow illuminates the forest around us as Todoroki sets his left side on fire. Now that I could see, I felt my panic subside a little. I take a deep breath and step backwards, looking around for any sign that someone else might be nearby. Behind us, a pink mist was slowly spreading through the forest towards us.
"Um... guys?" I say, backing away. A human shaped shadow was in the mist, ambling towards us. The others noticed and started backing away with me. Suddenly, the mist banked away and the figure fell over, landing face-down on the path. I raise an eyebrow at them and cautiously step forwards. As soon as I'm within reach, it whips its head up and latches onto my ankle, dragging me towards their mouth. I scream and fall backwards, kicking the person in the face, scrambling back towards the others. The person grabs the rope trailing from my ankle, dragging me back towards them with surprising strength. Just as they're about to try and bite me again, a wall of ice separates us and severs the rope.
"(Y/N), come on!" Eijiro shouts, grabbing my arm and hauling me to my feet, dragging me along behind him. The ice wall was thin, and I could see the person on the other side trying to break through. He had silver hair and sharp teeth.
"Dude, that was Tetsutetsu!" I say, stumbling on a branch. The ground in front of us opens up, making Todoroki have to leap the remaining distance. The pit the hole lead into had sharpened wooden stakes in the ground, sticking upwards. If we fell in there, we would have been skewered.
"Todoroki, you okay?" I ask. He nods, then creates a pathway of ice for us to cross. I hear a distant crash from behind us, signalling that Tetsutetsu had gotten through the wall and was coming after us. I catch a glimpse of him as we turn a corner. We lock eyes for a moment and his eyes soften, then turn hard again. Drool ran from his mouth as he started running after us at an inhuman speed.
"I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE PANICKING AM I?!" I shout, drawing level with Eijiro. He releases my arm and doesn't answer.
"Don't worry, I'll-" Todoroki says, then grunts in surprise as Jiro tackles him off the path, taking the light with him. They struggle in the plants, Todoroki trying to get her off him without harming her, her teeth snapping at him whenever he gets too close.
"Get going! I'll keep her off you!" He shouts. I steal a glance at Jiro as Eijiro starts pulling on my arm again. Her skin was a pale grey, her eyes bloodshot. As we run away, almost out of sight, I see her finally sink her teeth into Todoroki's arm. He immediately stills, then turns and looks at us. As I watch, his skin pales to the same shade as Jiro's, his eyes turning red. They stand up and start running after us, Todoroki's left side still burning.
"Uh, Eijiro, I just learned something important!" I shout, throwing forwards a ball of light so we can see where we're going.
"What? What is it?" he asks, picking directions at random. I run up next to him.
"If they bite- GO LEFT!" I shout, dragging him to the left when he was about to go right. I saw Mineta through the trees on the right, ambling along in the same way Tetsutetsu had been walking.
"If they bite you, you turn into one of them. Jiro got Todoroki." I say, panting.
"Do you know if they can use their quirks?"
"No idea. Todoroki's left side was still burning, though."
"Go right!"
This time, he's the one dragging me to one side. Ashido thuds into the ground where I was running a moment later, hissing as she skids along the ground. I cry out in alarm as she latches onto my leg, dragging herself up my body. I kick her off me and rely on Eijiro to pull me around the path as I screw my eyes shut in fear. Eijiro inhales sharply and I open my eyes, my stomach dropping at the sight of the dead end.
"I'll boost you up." He says, kneeling and kitting his hands together in front of him for me to leap off of.
"What about you though?" I ask, hearing our zombie classmates approaching.
"I'll be fine. I'll climb up after you." He promises. I nod, taking a few steps back and then running forwards, using his hands as a springboard to reach the trees. I scramble upwards, settling into the highest branch I can find, then looking down to see if Eijiro's okay.
He was lying face-down on the ground with Ashido's teeth in his arm. My blood freezes as his skin changes colour. He stands up and looks around, sniffing the air, then ambling back down the path. I guessed that, since I was so high up, none of them could see me. I also realise the ball of light I had created was still hanging in the air above the ground. I snuff it out and wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness. Suddenly, the tree's leaves rattle as someone else enters the branches. My body seizes up and my breathing stops. The person comes closer. I could hear them breathing from beside me.
"Are they gone?" Denki whispers. I almost jump out of my skin – and almost fall out of the tree – when I realise it's just him. I turn around and hug him, my heart pounding.
"Thank god you're okay! How did you get away from them?" I ask, pulling back and staring at him expectantly.
"I don't think the ones who caught me were the weird zombie guys. Or, they might have been. I don't know. All I know is that I'm not a zombie, you're not a zombie, and we're both in trouble." He responds. I sigh.
"Well, we can't go back down on the ground. That's where everyone else is. I guess we'll just have to go across the trees. They're close enough together for that, right?" I say, glancing down at the ground. Mineta walked straight into a tree and was now looking around in confusion, wondering what stopped him. Tetsutetsu wanders into my vision, then looks up. We lock eyes for a second and my entire body tenses. He opens his mouth, a loud keening sound coming from his throat. Immediately, I hear the others running towards us. Tetsutetsu starts to climb the tree we were perched in, grinning like a madman.
"I'm too handsome to die!" Denki cries, leaping from one branch to the next. I send out a flash of light, stunning the zombies, and dash after Denki.
"Let's just find the way out!" I shout, losing sight of him. Suddenly, the trees in front of me open out into a field. My momentum carries me forwards and I tumble out into the air, falling heavily to the ground.
"Oww..." I moan, rolling to my hands and knees.
"Well done! You made it to the end!" Uraraka's voice says from above me. I glare up at her, standing up.
"What do you mean? Was all this planned?" I demand. She takes a step back in surprise.
"Well, yeah! W-We wanted to give it a really scary vibe, you know?"
"Did you know there are literal zombies in there?"
"That's because of a friend's quirk. He's waiting for the signal to deactivate his quirk and release everyone."
I sigh heavily, just wanting to fall over and sleep now. Iida walks over and congratulates me on making it to the end, then speaks into a walkie talkie, telling them that the event is over. I assume it's the friend Uraraka mentioned and walk out into the field, my eyes skipping over the food laid out on tables. A few others were gathered here but most of them were still in the maze.
"Oh, you made it, (Y/N)?" Shoji calls.
"You say that like you're surprised." I laugh. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"No, of course not. I don't doubt your ability to take care of yourself."
"Aww, thanks tentacles!" I say, nudging his shoulder with my own before walking off. I could practically feel his raised eyebrow.
"Well done, Denki! You made it to the end!"
"D-Do you know there's-"
"Zombies? (Y/N) already mentioned that. Don't worry, it's just a friend's quirk."
Eventually, everyone got through the maze and joined us and started celebrating the night away. I think I passed out at some point, woke up, crawled on top of Eijiro, and passed out again. And I think someone mixed something not quite legal for our age into the drinks. All in all, it was definitely a night to remember.
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