Part 16
Dedicated to @alexamlibbey for being supportive on my last chapter. you saw something I didn't see, and I'm glad of that because it made me excited to see your reaction to this chapter. Thank you! My lovelies, a reminder. If something is making you upset or sad on a daily basis, change it. If something bothers you, say something. Bullies want a reaction, don't give them one. It may sound stupid and cliche in writing, but sometimes it takes one person to remind you that you have the power over your own action and the power over your life. Damien Hirst said, "Art won't let you down." (I have no idea who he is either, it's a quote from a book of quotes about art by artists. It's quite interesting. Anyway...) Lovelies, writing is the same was. It can never let you down, because as long as you keep creating, the pages build up and lift you with them. Loves, writing keeps me sane, it keeps others sane, its the best and easiest way to get your thoughts and emotions out. Even if you think you're a terrible writer, try, and don't delete what you write. I promise it will make you feel better about, well, whatever you're writing about. Trust me, I am the author after all. (see what I did ther? The pun!) I think I've been watching too many danisnotonfire videos. but there is a point to all my ramblings. Anyway! ENJOY the chapter, lovelies, and as always, let me know if you have any thoughts or opinions. Or questions. Yeah, I'm definitely spending too much time on youtube. Okay! I'll stop talking (typing?) now. Enjoy!!
Chapter 16:
The first thing Sophie noticed when her eyes finally focused was that she was standing by the gates at Havenfield, and that she was not alone. Besides Fitz and Terigan, who she knew were with her, Biana, Tam, Linh, and Dex were standing side by side by side by side, flanked by Grady and Edaline on one side and Sandor and Grizel on the other.
Without even acknowledging her family (she had been through too much to call them friends anymore), she ran forwards and wrapped her arms around Edaline, whispering, "I love you, Mom."
Slowly, everyone joined in yet another group hug, Dex, surprisingly, being the one to bring Linh in, and Biana dragging Tam into the hug by the wrist. Fitz, of course, was right at Sophie's side, and Grady had his arms wrapped around both his daughter and wife.
After minutes of this bliss, Sophie backed away, wiping her eyes, and muttered, "Thank you guys. I... it was hard to see Amy. But I belong here. I don't regret that i moved here, even if I never had a choice. I love you guys. All of you. I was always lonely, and a little weird. I'm still weird. But in a good way now. I had one sister who never really accepted me. Now I have two amazing sisters." Here she paused and pulled Biana and Linh back into a hug. "I have all of you, Dex, you're like a brother to me, and Tam, I've known you long enough to know you won't want a hug. But you're like a brother to me, too. Or at least a very close friend," Sophie added as Tam raised an eyebrow.
"And what about me?" Fitz's tone was teasing, but Sophie turned to him and smiled.
"You might be the most important of all," she whispered, "After all, you are my cognate." Sophie blushed bright red at the huge smile on his face, and Fitz knew he was going just a bit red, too. Quickly, she hugged him, and then took Biana's hand. "I owe you a story, sister."
"You owe us all the story of today's adventures." Grady's voice interrupted, and then he added, "So let's all go inside. I'm sure we all want to know what happened."
Ignoring her dad's raised eyebrow at Fitz, Sophie walked through the gates, and stepped, back into the present, into her true home. As the family filed into the living room, Grady hung back, just outside the door.
"Yes, Grady?"
"A word."
"So, you and Sophie?"
"Wait what?" Fitz had turned bright red again, and, had Biana been there, a new game would have been invented. 'Making Fitz Blush'.
"Relax, son. We all knew it would happen eventually. Just, be good to my little girl. I once told her that I wished I could give her a world full of happiness and light. And, when she looks at you, I think she's found that world. My point is, if you break her heart, I am a Mesmer, and I'm not afraid to use my power."
Fitz had no respond as Grady turned and crisply walked into the house, only to be ambushed in turn by Edaline.
Once everyone was settled with snacks and the normally minimalist living room was piled high with chairs, pillows, and people, Sophie began to speak. Terigan had to leave, after receiving an urgent call from Physic, but Juline had arrived shortly before he left, and was eager to hear the day's adventure.
"So, I think I should start at the very beginning of the day." Quickly, she transmitted to Fitz, "Should I tell them we're... dating?" and when he responded in the affirmative, she continued, with only a small noticeable pause. "We all woke up very very early in the morning, after an emotionally draining day. I'll get to that later. As a group, we actually had a pretty relaxing day, at least at first, but it went downhill quickly. Except for one not so small thing. Fitz and I are now dating." Without pausing for a reaction, after all, Tam, Linh, Edaline and Grady (sorta) were the only ones who didn't yet know. Biana squealed, Dex rolled his eyes, Edaline smiled, and Linh whispered something to Tam who, surprisingly, smiled. Begrudgingly, Sophie allowed them to, what was the word Biana had used? Fangirl, before continuing the story.
She chronicled the morning, the news, the leaving, and finally made it to their arrival at the Black Swan safe house. quickly catching everyone up on the building and their arrival, and finally reached the point when Fitz had called her downstairs. "I... I wasn't sure what to think. I mean, I needed to see her. I get it now. I got to say goodbye, in a way, I guess. Her memories had started to come back and she was waking up, and that's about it. I just... Thank you. For accepting me. I really do love you guys."
Tam, who had been silent since his quick exchange with his sister rolled his eyes. "Okay, this is heartwarming and all, and they," he pointed at Fitz and Sophie, "are kinda cute, but why am I here? Why does this involve us?"
Linh swatted his arm. "Shut up. They're adorable. And we're here because our friends needed us." Sophie leaned across to hug her, and Edaline stood up.
"I'm going to go see about dinner. I assume you're all staying?" When everyone nodded, Grady slipped off the couch and mumbled something about Verdi before heading outside. Slowly, the rest of the people trickled off too, Sandor and Grizel heading off to 'patrol the grounds' hand in hand, and Juline walked into the kitchen to help Edaline. Their group was down to Sophie, Fitz, Dex, Linh, Biana, and Tam, who was still lurking on the side of the group in the darkest corner of the brightly lit room, his shadows pulled around his shoulders like Linus' security blanket.
Sophie smiled to think of the old cartoon she used to watch, and looked out at her friends. "Fitz, 20 Lusters says they've got questions."
"Not taking that bet, Soph."
"Fair enough. I'll go first," Biana interrupted, knowing full well that their banter could very quickly turn into serious flirting, which she had a feeling no one but her would enjoy watching. Well, Linh would probably find it funny, too. "Sophie? Are you okay? I know you said you are but... seeing Amy couldn't have been easy."
Sophie turned and looked at the concerned, interested faces of the people she loved, and smiled, her gaze dancing from her boyfriend to her adorable future sister in law and best friend. (Whoah. Where'd that though come from? She was way too young to think about marriage.)
"I... yeah I'm fine. I promise. I've got you guys."
Linh smiled, and then flicked her hand through the air, pulling at the water vapor, and dispelling her brother's shadows, which had been growing, picking up on the unspoken tension.
"How'd you do that?" The question came from two mouths, Tam's and, oddly, Dex's.
"I've been practicing. Tam, get over here." But as she spoke, she looked at Dex, a smile and tiny blush gracing her features before her shy nature returned and she dropped her head.
Before the awkwardness could get any stronger, though, two female voices called from the kitchen.
"Kids! Dinner!!"
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