an A/N, a much-deserved Explanation, and a QUESTION
Hello again! Time for a bit of an explanation. I'm dedicating Chapter 21 to basketballlife739. Thank you so much!! You were the first to vote on chapter 19!! (and 20!!)You're amazing, I swear the chapter was posted for like 45 seconds before you voted for it. I would have out your dedication on its proper chapter, but it's such a short cliffhanger that I didn't want to put a huge chunk of A/N at the top.
Basically, here's the deal. Simply, I killed off Sophie. She's broken, and she's the only one who can fix broken minds. I'm thinking I'll have the next few chapters from Fitz's P.O.V., which should be fun to write. I'm going to bring Keefe back into the story a bit too, so I may have a few chapters from his P.O.V. soon. I'm probably going to update again today, but the rest may be a bit because I made the rash decision to post ALL my prewritten chapters in one go.
Besides that, whose P.O.V. do you want first, Fitz or Keefe? I have a plan for both. Kinda. Comment your answers, and I'm off to write the next few chapters.
Thank you, all of you, seriously for all the votes and reads and love. You guys are amazing. 9.63 THOUSAND reads. 414 votes. 1.1 THOUSAND comments. I'm overwhelmed. I never expected this many reads. I love you all!
Okay, I'm actually done now.
BYE LOVES!! Stay amazing!
I know I just posted this this morning but I started writing in a different direction than I planned. So I'm not bringing Keefe in quite yet. And I'm not going to directly do FITZ's POV. Maybe down the road. Please don't kill me I really like the way my new idea is coming together. But please let me know if you want Keefe back in the story line. Also are there any loose ends I hint at that I haven't wrapped up yet? I don't remember....
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