Chapter 7
The pack made it to Locgaurd four hours before moon rise. Finn stood waiting for the wolves understanding they don't have time for pleasantries. "Alpha Iris I am Finn clan leader of Locgaurd. We have a lot to talk about and not time to waist follow me." Iris followed Finn in human form her eyes still glowing. Her wolf was on the surface and not going away it seems. "This is the homes they stayed in. We treated them well as our own. We never expected this to happen Iris truly am sorry."
Iris nods walking int he houses sniffing the air and caught the sent of two cubs. Apon further inspection she found them huddled together. A small boy who had olive skin blue eyes and dark tousled hair. He was in a black shirt and blue shorts with sneakers. The small girl looked like the boy only with blonde hair. "Its ok cubs come here your safe." Iris said going to her knees and they rushed to her. "Alpha your here thank goddess your here." They cried into her chest. "Shhhh cubs your safe come the pack is waiting. Are there others cubs?" They shook their heads no and her blood boiled. They left two cubs defenseless scared. "What are your names cubs?" Iris asked not recognizing the toddlers. "Raphael and this is my twin Rachel." The boy said making her think. "We were taken in by your brother's."
'That is why the sent is different. ' Rain spoke in her mind. 'Adopted cubs must have lost parents.' Rain said sad for the cubs. "How old are you?" Iris felt like there may be a chance to save her brothers. "We are five our parents abandoned us on the outskirts of Locgaurd. When your brothers arrived they took us in." Rafael said making her wonder if it's possible. "Tell me cubs did you feel an instant connection to my brothers or just one of them?" They looked at her as if thinking before speaking. "We felt more of a connection to Alasdair. It was weird because we know who our father is...wait you don't think." Rafael said before looking at his sister. "I am not going to say anything now. But lets get you cleaned up. I will ask a clan doctor to run a blood test. In the mean time you will be looked after by Luka. He is a good strong wolfblood you will be ok." She said ushering them out Finn was shocked seeing the two cubs. The other wolves as well. "Finn dose your doctor have the capability to do a blood test here?" The shewolf asked her blood boiling on the inside but she wasn't showing it. Finn nods and leads them away Iris told Luka to watch the cubs.
Iris pov
After giving blood for the test Susan, Karen, and Kai follow me into the woods. Sniffing the air trying to get a trail. "They are covering tracks might have to use Eolas." Susan said making me nod knowing might just have to. I take a breath and connect with nature. I serch fifty kilometers in all directions. I come up empty handed its like they vanished. "They are hiding themselves well if they cant be spotted with Eolas." I said will annoyance at how well I tought them.
Walking back into Locgaurd I started to feel like something was watching me. I shift intime to defend myself from Dasker and Theo my brother's wolves. Rain didn't want to fight them and tried just wounding them but wasn't working. 'I know about the cubs' I growl trying to mindlink with them. Dasker stiffened this told me everything. They cubs are Alasdair's and he has been planning this. 'Dasker you know this isn't right. This isn't the way to get things done.' I saw my opening.
'They hurt mom pain in my human.' He whimpers. 'I know I feel it too come home your cubs need you.' I tried and he stepped forward sitting infront of me. Only for Theo to snap Dasker's neck growing. 'This isn't over' he growled before taking off into the woods. I shft back holding my brother's wolf cry. 'Alasdair is dead Arrow killed him.' I said down a pack wide mindlink. Pain filled howls filled the air for one of our own is gone. He leaves two cubs in my care. This moon rise is painful for me as white hot anger runs in my vains. Arrow made his choice now the hunt is on.
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