Prologue for TRUTH- the sequel!
I was bored so I started on the sequel
Hermitcraft was weird
Not just because everyone had wings and Max diamond gear.
Because everyone (well almost,) were friends.
And... respawn. At first, G hadn't known it was on and he had been terrified. He had been waiting with the others about ten minutes, for a guy called Zed to show him and the others around. He was waiting with the Xisuma guy.? Suddenly his com buzzed.,(he may have nicked X's when he wasn't looking)
<ZedaphPlays experienced kinetic energy>
So you can imagine his shock when a man in brown literally appeared in front of them and walked over to X.
"Oh, there you are Zed. What happened?"
"Slammed into a wall."
"But.. you died! There was a death message!" G immediately cursed himself, as now Xisuma knew he had nicked it. He held it out clearly in his hand, a trick he had learnt ages ago that made it clear that he wasn't going to keep the com.
Etho wondered over. "Was it.. respawn?"
"Respawn... what's that?" Grian, Bdubs and Scar all did not know.
"Infinite lives." All their eyes went as large as saucers.
"No way... how?!" G was the most exicited. He could be a looot less careful and uptight if he had infinite lives!
Month- long time skip brought to you by Bdubs new found love of beds
It had been a month since they had used the lifesaver. Grian had started on a base (it was common that everyone built a "mega base") that was a pile of rocks. No, it's more impressive than it sounds. He'd also managed to start a war with Doc, a 21-year old with a head for red stone, with Scar.
(NOTE- in this au the buttercup war was before the rift. REMEMBER!!!)
He was very different from the impulsive, threatening figure he had been. Now he was a cheerful pranked of a man. Grian had discovered that he had a natural talent at elytra( the wings). It had been Bdubs birthday a few days ago, as well, so now he was a proud 10-year old, youngest in the world by about four years. (Apparently there was a fourteen year old called Xb or summat.
He barely thought twice about things that could be life-threatening beause respawn was on. Life was perfect. Except..
(An there's always an except isn't there!)
Nobody knew where he came from. And if they found out, they would hand him to to interworld police, who would kill him.
( an- new story! Cover coming soon I promise
How do you switch a story status to complete?
Question- who do you think will find evidence, and will they hand him in or not?)
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