Scar! Bdubs! Uncle BigB's here!
"Yes!" Scar and Bdubs both liked Uncle B. He was funny, and sometimes came with Scott, his adopted child. They knew that he had once had a husband called Ren, but they didn't know what happened to him. (Hint: who killed Ren last in double life?) They knew he lived with another woman, but they had never met her. ( maybe because she's your mums sister and they had a huge argument, scar.)
"I just need to speak to him in the storage for a few minutes, so stay up here!"
That meant that the children would once again go down the trapdoor to listen.
Bdubs opened it up for Scar, then went through himself. The boys hurried down the staircase, pausing at the place they had when their cousins had visited.
"A few days ago, we got some visitors."
Something stirred in Scar's memory- TIES were what his cousins had said owned the "creeper" farm. Whatever "creepers" were.
"No. Bad boys."
"Yes. All three."
Bdubs turned to Scar. "Bad... what?"
Scar could only think of one answer. "Our cousins. I guess that's there nickname. They certainly look the part."
"Shush!" Scar whispered. "Mums's talking again!"
"They asked to see the kids."
Yep. Our cousins. scar thought.
"Wait- no way. Really? I haven't had a visit from your nephews and I really don't want to.
"I- I think they're angry with me."
"Why? I know them- better than I would have liked- but they only really get mad if you do something badddd."
"Because- umm- I sort of insulted them. Badly."
"Really? What did you say?!"
Scar whispered to Bdubs "he's really shocked. This is bad. Uncle b's never normally shocked!"
"Yes. Shush." replied Bdubs, looking a little green.
"They asked why I had never let them see the kids- their cousins- before."
"What did you say?"
"Nothing. They figured it out. They're smart, B. So I'm scared, B. Scared."
"Everyone is, sis. Of TIES, Bad boys or both. "What did they say?"
"Oh, nothing important. They also asked the kids what I told them about them."
"Oh, nothing much, just that they were rebellious and stuff.."
"Come on. There has to be something else. They wouldn't get really annoyed for that- people say that all the time!"
"Alright. They... they overheard me talking to Martyn about them."
"Go on."
"That- that they were dangerous, no strangers to murder and to be avoided at all costs. That they would betray anyone for their own gain."
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