● Survivor's Guilt (1) ●
i just realized that my foot is bleeding.... oof
did you miss me and my angst?
thats okay lol
i did a mean thing
i understand lol
anyways, ummm hi
so this is the sequel... welcome
I've never been to a real court case, let alone anywhere near a court room so this is probably hella inaccurate sorry!
Anyyywaysssss lets take you to after our chicken boyo wakes up after being drugged by the EMT's bc he was trying to get to Deku..
thanks to TastyFrenchFries for the title name and im sorry to hear that you have trust issues with my book : (
maybe the fluff in this chapter will help!
Keigo POV
I groan with a throbbing headache. I slowly started to rise and open my eyes. I quickly shut them due to the fucking blinding light. I then quickly shoot out of the bed and fell onto the floor. I stand up, my headache worse and look around. "I'm not in the basement...." I muttered. "Izuku!" I shouted realizing what happened. I'm in a hospital. Where's Izuku??
I rip out the IV's and cables hooked up to me and quickly rush out of the room, despite my whole body protesting against this. I kept jogging, looking around before a nurse came up to me. "Sir? Sir! Calm down. What's wrong?" they asked. "Where is he?" I asked quickly. "Who?" they asked. "Where is Izuku?" I asked again. They didn't respond so I kept running around, ignoring their pleas for me to stop.
"IZUKU!" I called out. "IZUKU!!" I called out again. Where is he? I kept running until I ran into someone else. "Keigo?" they asked. I looked up to see Nemuri. "Izuku! Where is he?" I asked. relieved to see her, hoping that she knows where he's at. "I don't know.." she mumbled. I was about to keep going when she stopped me. "Keigo. Stop. We need to find everyone else." she told me. "But, Izuku!" I protested. "I'm sure he's fi-" she started. "No! He got hurt because of me god damn it! He was burned and shot a-and... and..." I yelled before my voice started cracking and breaking. I broke down and fell to my knees, sobbing uncontrollably.
She pulled me into a hug and cradled me. "He... he c-c-can't be dead....." I whispered pathetically. "Nemuri? I thought I heard-" I heard someone saying before gasping and hugging me as well. "Keigo?" they whispered. "Where is he?" I muttered softly. "I- Izuku?" they asked. I nodded into Nemuri's shirt. (Stain's rap just came on after Toga's rap and im loving it lmaoooo) "I don't know..." they muttered. "Hizashi, can you go get the others?" Nemuri asked. Hizashi nodded before walking away, returning a couple minutes later with Aizawa and Emi. "Where is he?" I asked for the 100th time.
"I don't know. I tried asking but nobody would tell me." Aizawa muttered, guilt in his eyes. "Mr. Hawks?" someone said. I didn't bother to look at them and stayed quiet. "A doctor wants to talk to you about your condition and your injuries." a nurse said softly. "Yeah.. okay.." I muttered while standing up and wiping my tears. I followed her as she walked me back to my room. I stepped inside as she closed the door behind me. "Ah. Mr. Takami." he said while smiling. I held back a scoff and sat on my bed.
"Well, thanks to our doctors and staff, along with multiple healing Quirks, you're fine! You had a couple of broken ribs, a hairline fracture in you cheekbone and several burns. None are going to scar thankfully." he said while reading off a clipboard. "You and your friends suffered from mild malnutrition. Your wings should heal just fine and be back within a month." he told me. I didn't care about that. I just wanted to know where Izuku is at. "Sir. Where is Izuku Midoriya at?" I asked. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything. Privacy rules." he said. "I'm his boyfriend!" I argued without thinking. I'm not his boyfriend. God damn it. Bad. Bad Keigo.
"I'm sorry but I still can't tell you anything." he said. "Can you at least tell me if he's alive?" I asked, begging even. I just need to know he's alive. I have to. "I still can't tell you." he said before setting the clipboard down. "You should be discharged tomorrow along with your friends." he said before bowing and leaving. I growled after he shut the door, grabbed the hospital pillow and screamed into it before throwing it at a wall. "God fucking damn it!" I shouted before grabbing my hair and falling onto the bed, curling up into a ball.
"I need you Izuku......"
"Alright! Have a nice day you guys!" a nurse waved as we all walked out of the hospital. We rode the bus home and was silent the whole time. When we got home, we were still quiet before Emi spoke up. "What do we do...?" she whispered. "I don't know...." we all answered. "I'm going to bed." I mumbled before leaving and walking up to my room. I flopped onto my bed and shut my eyes, hoping for sleep.
I woke up hours later in cold sweat. I groaned and got out of bed. I stood and checked the time. 4:32 am. Too early. All that I could think, dream, and see is Izuku sacrificing himself for me. Him getting burned, shot, stabbed, cut, everything was replaying constantly in my mind. I groaned and grabbed a pillow before throwing it at a wall. I punched my mattress before sighing and quietly stepping out of my room. I hesitantly debate about something before just pulling through with it.
I walked out towards the end of the hall and slowly opening the door to Izuku's spiral staircase. I slowly went up the steps and quietly slid open his door. I stepped into his room. It was ridiculously neat. Everything was in a certain spot. To maybe a clean freak, it was messy. But in his own way, it was neat. He always knew exactly where everything was and could always find it easily. I remember one time, Nemuri and Hizashi were cleaning the house when Izuku was out at work. They went into his room and thought it was too messy so they started to clean it. He comes back and got pissed at how he couldn't find anything.
From here it was an unspoken rule to not touch anything in his room. I smiled fondly at the memory of him chewing the two out. I sighed softly as I remembered how he wasn't here to make anymore of those memories. I shook the thought away and started making my way to his bed. I sat down and looked out his huge window. I saw as stars were dancing in the sky, each making their own shape and telling their own story. I remember one night, we all went out stargazing, and the whole time he would talk about different meaning behind different starts and different constellations. (i accidently wrote constipation and dont ask how)
The whole time, I didn't pay much attention to the actual stars but instead couldn't take my eyes off of him.
I smiled softly at remembering how his eyes lit up every time I asked about a different star.
God I miss him.
I stood up and went to his closet. I looked around before pulling out a hoodie that was too big for me. It was white with galaxy dripping from the hood and top area.
(low key yet high key, id buy this shit and wear it 24/7)
I slipped it over my head and put it on. Without realizing it, I had subconsciously sniffed it, his scent flooding my senses. It smelt like cigarette and strawberries. Something that I was oddly attracted it. ("hoodie, why are you always seen with Masky's hoodie?" "because it smells like cigarettes and pills which i am oddly attracted to!!") I smiled softly before hearing someone's footsteps. I swung around to see everyone else. "Guess we all had the same idea..." Emi semi-joked. I laughed lightly and smiled. "Yeah.." I muttered. "Let's just make it clear that we are all fucking emotional saps and are going to basically steal something of Izuku's." Hizashi said while running a hand through his long blonde hair. "Yup." we all agreed. We stayed silent before laughing softly. "I call dibs on his emoji pillow!" Emi called out. "What! No way!" Hizashi protested. "Yeah. Okay. Imma just grab this." Shota muttered while grabbing a kitten plushie on his nightstand.
"I'm taking this Harry Potter Hedwig plushie of his." Nemuri said while grabbing on from his desk. "I'm taking the emoji." Emi announced again after Hizashi started pouting. "Fine. I'm borrowing his beanie." he said while grabbing the beanie. "We are hopeless." Nemuri muttered. "He's my future husband so hah." I said without thinking.
God damn it.
I should start thinking more often....
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