| Ready As I'll Ever Be (4) |
i thought i'd give ya'll some serotonin
aRe YoU rEaDy???
this should just have a lot of fluff because why not.
i just thought like being 'NiCe"
Izuku POV
I was sitting in a little treehouse, hanging out with Jax and Jay when they suddenly got deathly silent. "Are you two okay?" I asked softly. I got no response until I spoke up again. "What's wrong?" I asked quietly. "You're ready." Jay said quietly. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, voice quivering slightly.
"Your body is fully healed." Jax explained. "So I can see them again?" I asked while standing up quickly. They both nodded with a soft smile. "What about you two?" I asked softly. As much as I wanted to see them, I also don't want to leave them. "We'll always be here." Jay said. "In my heart...?" I questioned, confused. "No you idiot. In Wonderland." Jay said while smacking me lightly upside the head. "If you ever go into a coma again, we are here." Jay said while smiling at me. "And whenever you die, you can always come and visit." Jax added.
I nodded before looking at the clear sky. "Why does it feel so hard to leave?" I questioned mainly to myself. "Everyone who leaves here, has a heavy heart." Jax told me while placing a hand on my shoulder. "Are you ready?" Jay asked while placing a hand on my other shoulder, both having a soft smile. "As ready as I'll ever be. Thank you." I said to both of them. They nodded and were smiling kindly at me before a bright light consumed us. Then darkness.
I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm hooked up to several cords and different hospital equipment. I sit up slowly and look around. Except.. something is different.... I can only see out of one eye.. No..
I then heard a door open. A average sized man came in with a doctor's coat on. "Mr. Midoriya." he said softly. "W-what happened?" I muttered. "You are in the hospital after being kidnapped and severely harmed." he informed me. He pulled out a clipboard and started flipping through the pages before speaking up. "You suffered from several burns, most shouldn't scar except the one on your back and the one of your cheek. The one on your cheek should be lighter coloured and faded due to it not being as severe of a burn. You were shot twice in the chest. Thankfully it didn't reach your heart, both shots just barely missing. You were malnourished along with several bruises and cuts that were thankfully healed and taken care of by our staff." he explained. "You had gotten a deep scratch over your right eye, where you should have noticed that you can't see out of. One because of bandages, but you should be able to see perfectly fine out of that eye in a bout a week." he continued. "We also detected how you were forcefully.... raped several times. They used that against Ace, who is now in prison." he finished. "When can I leave?" I asked quietly.
"Tomorrow." he answered. "Thank you." I said softly. He nodded and smiled. "D-do you know about my f-friends?" I asked. "They were all healed fine and well." he answered. "So, they're all okay?" I asked. That's what I was mainly worried about. "Yes. They are fine. Don't worry. Just rest for now. A nurse should come by later with food." he told me. I nodded and laid back down. I sighed and let myself fall asleep and slip into sweet, sweet unconsciousness.
{The next day}
I had some black adidas sweatpants on with a plain white short sleeved hoodie, bandages wrapped around my arms, legs, back, torso, etc. (The song Drift Away is beautiful and a mood) I slipped on some shoes and signed myself out of the hospital. I then walked over towards a bus stop and waited. I hopped on the bus and rode all the way to the closest stop near my house. U then hop off and start the short walk to the house.
I stood outside of the house, it was about 8 am, and I knew only Hizashi and Emi would be up. I took a deep breath before going up to the front door and grabbing the spare key and unlocked the door. I quietly stepped inside and set the keys down. I took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen. I saw an airhorn sitting down on the counter. I didn't question it because I didn't care. I grabbed the airhorn and covered my ears. Then I held down on the button, a loud screech filling the house. Did I think this through? Obviously not since the next thing I know, I have a scarf wrapped around me, a couple of feathers pointed at me, a whip aimed my way, and both Hizashi and Emi in a fighting pose. "Damn. You guys are slower than I thought." I joked lightly. The feathers dropped to the ground, the scarf's bond loosened, the whip dropped, and the fighting stances gone. Then I'm tackled to the floor being piled on by all of them.
"YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS!" I heard Hizashi screeched.
"You idiot!" -Shota
I got nothing from Keigo which was worrying. Eventually they all got off me. I stood up and waved. "Heyyyy...." I mumbled. I got no response so I did what I had to. "I look pretty good for a dead bitch." I said with a grin. Hizashi broke and started laughing while Emi and Nemuri both lost it with him. Shota shook his head in disappointment, but I knew he was secretly glad. Still nothing from Keigo. I turned towards the beautiful bird boy and smiled softly. I think the smile broke him because he quickly launched himself at me, almost knocking me over and wrapped his arms and wings around me tightly. "You fucking dumbass." he muttered before crying into my shirt. I couldn't help how my heart was silently breaking at seeing him cry like this. I held him tightly and started slowly petting his wings.
"I'm sorry.." Shota whispered. "For what?" I asked, moving me and Keigo towards the couch with everyone following. "I left you..." he muttered, guilt behind those dead looking eyes. "Shota fucking Aizawa." I cursed out. His head snapped towards me, confused. "If I hear you ever apologise to me again, I will personally yeet you off a building and then myself." I said sternly. Keigo's grip on me tightened ever so slightly. "First of all, I told you to go. If you didn't we'd all be dead." I started. "Second of all, you were all almost half dead, staying wouldn't have done anything." I continued. "Third, it's so weird to hear you apologise so don't do that ever again." I finished. He laughed lightly at the last sentence before nodding.
"Hey Keigo." I muttered. He hummed softly as I continued to pet his wings. "Why the hell is Hizashi wearing my beanie?" I asked. Hizashi froze slightly. "Why was Emi hugging my emoji pillow?" I continued. She froze as well. "Why was my Hedwig plushie in the kitchen?" I added. "Why is my cat plushie sitting in Shota's scarf?" I said. "And finally, why are you wearing my hoodie?" I finished. All of them were tense slightly. "That's what you get for almost dying." Hizashi huffed. "Rude sir." I muttered jokingly. "You're never letting go, are you?" I asked Keigo softly. "No..." he muttered into my slightly damp shirt. I sighed but laid back and got comfy. "Nemmmmmmmmmm." I whined. "Yes?" she asked. "Come here. I wanna lay on your lap." I told her. She giggled but complied and sat behind me, placing my head in her lap. "I wanna join the cuddle squad!" Hizashi and Emi whined.
At the end, we somehow fit everyone except Shota since he had a meeting with a rat guy. But I know he secretly wanted to join. I also know he'll force me to cuddle with him later on.
Overall, it's nice.
I'm never almost dying again because jeez did I miss this.
So, hows the fluff in this chapter? did it make up for all the shit i've put you guys and them through?
Get ready for some real nice DekuHawks dates soon!
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