Chapter 7
Alexander was searching for Elizabeth.
He had suddenly woken up and realized that both Sir John and Elizabeth were gone.
"Oof!" He hears behind him, faintly.
"Who's there!" Alexander yells. His eyes scanning the trees and bushes surrounding him.
"Me" he heard a raspy voice say.
Then Alexander feels a intense pain on the back of his head.
"Wha-" then he fell unconscious.
When he woke up he was inside of a house.
He had a horrible pain o his head.
"Where am I?" He asked himself, although he knew that he didn't know.
"You are awake!" Tesserae comes in the room, "how do you feel?"
"I feel fine, what happened?" He asks her, hoping she'd have an answer.
"I was about to ask you the same question." She says, "I found you unconscious in the forest and brought you here. It seems as if someone threw a rock at your head" she motioned to the bump on his head, the cause of the intense pain.
"Do we have any clue about where Sir John has taken Elizabeth?" Alexander asks.
"No, but I did find this," she said and handed him an apple, "It was a few feet away from where you were in the forest"
Alexander was surprised. "This must mean something. Apples do not grow on that side of the forest" he exclaimed.
"Who should we confront about an apple then?" Tesserae asks.
"I hwve mo idea... Wait, the apple was near me, it looked like a rock was thrown at my head... Maybe whoever knocked me out used the apple!" Alexander was onto something, but what?
"Who do we know that would knock you out with an ap... The man who sells apples" She suddenly stops.
"How do you know??" Alexander asks. He needed to figure this out if he wanted to find Elizabeth.
"When I went to Sir John's dungeon house, a stranger had answered the door. He was a partner of Sir John and he sells apples right outside my house" She tells him. Things were finally starting to become clear.
"Well then, shall we go?" Alexander asks, standing up.
"We shall" she said following him out of the front door.
Even from the house they could see the guy's stand.
Soon, the guy looked up and saw them walking towards him.
"Well, it seems I have some... unwanted customers" he says, glaring harshly at them.
"Sir, we have some questions for you" Alexander says, acting tough.
"Alright" the Apple Guy says, hesitantly.
"What is your association with Sir John?" Tesserae asks, crossing her arms.
"I work for him partial time. Now, is there a problem? I have a very busy da-"
"Cut the act! We know what you've been doing! Where did Sir John go? Specifically where is Elizabeth?" Alexander demanded. He spoke a little to loudly.
"Am I hearing this correctly? Are you admitting that you both work with a criminal?" The man raises his voice for the people around to hear. Even the guards who patrolled the town every so often.
"Is there a problem here?" One guard asked the Apple Guy.
"Yes. These two just admitted to working with a criminal. Not just any criminal, oh no, but the one and only, Elizabeth White"He told the guard.
The guard called a few more guards to the stand.
"Is this true?" The guard questioned Tesserae and Alexander.
"We are just fighting for the side of good. You do not understand Sir John is--" Alexander tried to say, but he wasn't fast enough until the guard put his hand up (which means stop talking. Quenan law).
"These two are under arrest for crimes against the kingdom" the guard announces to his fellow workers, "take them away"
The guards took both Tesserae and Alexander to the royal dungeons... Beneath the castle.
"I apologize for the situation" Alexander told Tesserae once they were locked up. Luckily for them their cells were right by each other.
"It was not your fault, we both agreed to confront him" Tesserae told him, "what matters now is how we get out"
"If only Elizabeth were here, she has broken out of every cell she had ever been kept in" Alexander said.
"Well, then we think like Elizabeth" Tesserse said.
"Perfect! How?" Alexander asked. It was a wonderful idea, but would it work?
"Is there anything in here We can use as a key for the lock?" She asked him. They search the cells.
"No" he says.
They try and try but nothing works.
"This is impossible. I do not understand how Elizabeth does it!" Tesserae exclaims.
Then they hear a whistling sound.
"Marty?!" Alexander says out loud.
"Alexander!!! Where are you???!" He says goofing around, "how did you get in there? You were not bad were you?" Marty asks making a sad face.
"It was a mistake, the enemy tricked the guards to think wrongly" Alexander says, 'I cannot believe I am going to say this' he thought.
"See... Our... Magical powers brought. You. Here.... to... Help!?" Alexander tells him.
"I knew it!!!! I will help You Alexander!!! Woo!!" Marty says, he clumsily unlocks Alexanders cell.
"Oh, and hers to" Alexander says.
'It worked! Yes!' She thought.
"Alright!!" He unlocks hers to and skips off in the other direction whistling the same annoying tune.
Alexander and Tesserae successfully escaped the castle.
It was the middle of the night, the moon was shining
"What now?" Alexander asks, whispering so they didn't wake anyone up.
"I.. I am not sure" Tesserae replies, also in a whisper.
"Should we venture off into the forest and try to find Elizabeth and Sir John ourselves?" Alexander suggests.
"There is nothing better to do" Tesserae says.
They head off into the forest hoping to find wherever Elizabeth and Sir John were.
A guard was going to check on the cells which Tesserae and Alexander were in.
He walked into the room and saw the doors wide open.
"THEY HAVE ESCAPED!!" The guard yells.
"Gather the top guards!!!" The king ordered, "I really hate to do this to Alexander and whoever he was with"
"They did break the Quenan law" the queen told him.
"True" he replied.
Six skilled guards were before the king, but there were seven guards total.....
"Marty! You are not a top guard!" The king says.
"But.. but I can detect Alexander from anywhere. We have magical POWERS" Marty tells the king.
"Is that even true?" The king asks the other guards, doubting the fact that Marty really can find Alexander.
"Yes. It gets annoying" they reply. Glancing over at Marty who smiled proudly.
"Very well. Marty you may go with, but you are NOT a top guard. Understand?" The king tells Marty.
"Sir yes sir!!" Marty says, "let us go find ALEXANDER" he yells a little too loudly.
"Sssshhhhhhh!!" Everyone shushes him to be quiet.
"Oh... Hehe! My bad" Marty says quieter.
'Now I can lead them away from Alexander, if only I knew where he was going' Marty thought.
The guards leave the castle and start they're search for Alexander and Tesserae.
Will the guards find them?
Will Alexander and Tesserae find Elizabeth an Sir John?
When is Marty going to mess up and make everything worse?
What do you think of this chaos? The guards are chasing Alexander and Tesserae who are chasing Elizabeth and Sir John. Tell me what you think!- Jess
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