Chapter 3
That morning when the light started to peek through the tiny window on the wall Elizabeth woke up and she decided to find a way to escape. The room was bland. There wasn't much, cracked walls, rusty chains in the corner.
'What can I use?' She thought. There were only bones. 'nothing is small enough to fit through the keyhole' that is when she notices something shiny across the room.
"A key" she whispers. She slides over to it, picks it up and runs to the door. She picks at the door as fast as she can. When the door opens she runs, keeping the key with her in case of an emergency.
She runs up the stairs, unsure is Sir John is already there or not. Once she reaches the top she uses the key again to unlock the 'secret' door. When she opens it she doesn't see anyone, fortunately. She runs out the door and into the town.
People must've thought she was dead because she heard more whispers among the crowds then usual.
"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" A low voice says. Elizabeth runs out of the marketplace into the abandoned side then escapes from the kingdom. The whole time she's keeps thinking she hears footsteps behind her.
After a few moments she stops. "I know you are following me" she says. She turns around to face Alexander.
"you are coming back with me" he says.
"No, I will not go back" she steps back a little until she backs into a wall, a mountain.
"Why aren't you dead anyways?" He asks taking another slow step towards her.
" He would not kill me" she says. Alexander gave her a weird look.
"He would not kill you? Sir John would not kill you? I do not believe it" he says.
Elizabeth was pressed up against the side of a mountain and Alexander kept taking slow steps towards her.
"He wanted to keep me locked up instead" She tells him. Hoping to turn him against Sir John, if that was possible.
"The King says that is against the law. All criminals will be killed and not kept prisoner." Alexander does not want to believe what Sir John is doing, even though he still knows.
"He made a mistake, well on purpose, but you made a mistake too". She says.
"What do you mean I made a mistake" Alexander is very confused and doesn't understand what Elizabeth is saying.
"You followed me here" Once she said that she pulled on a secret rope that was hanging from the mountain. The other end was tied in a circle right under Alexander's foot. The rope is now tied to his foot and he is hanging upside down.
"What!!! How did you...? Get me down!!!!" Alexander yells at Elizabeth.
"I will... once you agree to help me" She says walking over to Alexander.
"Help you with what?"
"Defeating Sir John" She states. She was dead serious about this. If she didn't do something soon about Sir John, she will either spend the rest of her life either in the forest or in a dungeon.
Alexander hesitated for a second before saying, "I will help you. Now get me down"
"Alright." Elizabeth cuts the rope with the key (it's a sharp key) and Alexander falls to the ground with a loud thump.
He quickly rips the rope off his ankle and hops up to his feet. "I am helping you only because I do not like what Sir John is doing. Once we reveal what he truly is, I am done. I will forget you and everything about Sir John's dark side" Alexander says.
Elizabeth just ignores him and sits on a log. "So, how are we going to do this?"
"What do you mean?" Alexander sits on the log too.
"Well we obviously need to tell the King and Queen, so how are we going to get in without a guard seeing me." She says. Alexander would not get in any trouble, but Elizabeth would.
"We can climb the wall near the back entrance of the castle. I have done it before" Alexander says. Elizabeth just stares at him in disbelief.
"You have climbed the castle wall before?!" She exclaims.
"Yes, but that does not matter. Once we get in we must go to the throne room quickly before the guard does his usual walk around the castle. Unfortunately we do not know when he will." Alexander sits there thinking of a plan.
"Should we just go climb that wall, sneak in the castle and get to the King and Queen before Sir John notices I am gone?" Elizabeth says, she stands up and starts walking in the direction of the castle wall.
Alexander follows behind.
The walk to the wall was silent. So silent that it became awkward. Neither of them dared to say a word to each other. Even if they did. What would they say? The last time they met they were fighting almost to the death... now they are working together.
"Why do you work for him?" Elizabeth asks.
"Sir John? It Is for the payment" Alexander states. He doesn't want to tell a thief/stranger his life story. That's weird and it would make the whole situation more awkward. "Why do you steal?" He asks her.
Elizabeth fells offended. "What do you think?! To survive! I would not do it if I did not have to, but I do not have a choice unless I just starved to death" she yells at him. Thankfully they are still in the forest so nobody could hear them, well.. her.
She starts walking faster and doesn't say anything. Alexander didn't know what to say, he never thought of it from her point of view. He didn't realize that If he didn't work for Sir John, him and his sister would be no different than Elizabeth.
He decides not to say anything and just keep walking. Once they reach the wall Alexander points out a few rocks.
"Remember, this rock is very loose. This one is sturdy and large so definitely use it. You can see a ladder with the rocks" he explains. Pointing to rocks.
"Alright, you first" she says. Alexander starts easily climbing up the wall and jumps to the other side.
"You're turn" she hears faintly. She finds the rock 'ladder' and climbs. She found it much easier than she thought. Once she reaches the top, she jumps down beside Alexander.
"Let's go" She says. They run to the back door of the castle, which was only a few yards away from them. Alexander reaches to open the door.
"It is locked. I cannot get in" he says.
"I have a key" Elizabeth says, she takes the key out of her pocket and picks at the door until it's open.
They step inside and start quietly running towards the throne room, where the King and Queen would definitely be. Suddenly they hear footsteps...
"Elizabeth hide!" Aleander whisper yells. Elizabeth slips behind a rather large tapestry on the wall. Just then, a guard of the name Marty walks around the corner.
"Alexander! I did not know you would be here!" Marty says happily.
"Hello, Marty" Alexander says. He doesn't like Marty, he is too annoying and talkative to be a guard.
"Well! It was very nice seeing you, but I sadly must be on my way! Marty out" with tha5 he weirdly skips out of the hallway. Elizabeth slips out from behind the tapestry.
"That was close" she says.
Will Alexander and Elizabeth tell the King and Queen about Sir John?
Will Sir John realize that Elizabeth is gone?
What will happen next?!
So what do you think will happen? Leave a comment on your theory! - Jess
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