Chapter 1
Elizabeth White. The most wanted thief in the kingdom was out to steal a simple apple.
She ducked down behind the stand and while he wasn't looking she snatched an apple.
"Hey!" Is all she heard afterwards, but she knew it was him. She decides to have fun with this, "you know I find it hilarious that when I first started taking apples you'd say 'get lost!' And now 'you better be arrested' I mean I don't blame you, you're not the only one who wants me in jail" she takes a bite of the apple as he just stands behind the counter not wanting to make a scene. "Mhm good apple" she says while chewing. He then jumps over the table of apples toward Elizabeth, only to get an apple thrown at his head.
"What was that for!" He yells. Getting everyone's attention. "For hiding your secrets stashes of apples! That's what"she replies. He runs at her again but she easily trips him. She laughes, "you're to easy! See you later" she says walking out of the market and into the abandoned side of the kingdom.
There was a fire that had spread across half the town about a decade ago, still nobody did anything about the ruined houses. They just built more on the other side. It did give Elizabeth a variety of houses to choose from though. She walked into her house and goes around the corner to a hidden staircase up to he attic. "Home sweet home" She says.
Alexander had just returned from his mission, he works 24/7. "Sir John, I am back. The job is done" Alexander says proudly. He has always tried to impress Sir John with capturing some highly skilled criminal. "Where did you put him?" Sir John asks. "He is down in the dungeons. I hope you don't mind that I knocked him out, because...well... I knocked him out". "That doesn't matter" Sir John replies calmly. Alexander always questions his own actions, the only thing that keeps him from being just like Sir John.
"When's my next mission?" Alexander asks Sir John, eager to go chase someone down. "Right now. Your mission is Elizabeth White" Sir John holds up a wanted poster of her. "She is the kingdom's most wanted thief". He explains. "She has been spotted stealing from the market square recently, so I suggest you start there" Sir John hands Alexander the wanted poster and starts walking out of the room. "And Alexander, if you don't bring me the girl. You will no longer do this job" he says sternly. "I understand" Alexander made a deal with Sir John that if he could complete all his missions he could keep the job, but fail once and he's out.
Alexander grew up poorly, if he lost his job then he wouldn't be able to survive. Not to mention his little sister Mayla. Who is to young to do anything.
Alexander went stand to stand asking about Elizabeth, he only received scowls and glares in return. " I guess nobody wants to talk about Elizabeth" he mutters to himself.
He soon reaches a stand selling apples. "Hello Sir, I am looking for Elizabeth White have you seen her?" He asks showing him the wanted poster. "Yes I have. She steals apples from me all the time! You better be arresting her, or I'll come after your head!" He says turning his back toward Alexander, "Uh do you know where she went?" Alexander asks. The man just points to the abandoned side of the kingdom. "I wonder why nobody has gone after her before" He asks himself in a low whisper. Alexander talks to himself to much.
He heads away from the buzzing marketplace and into the old part of the kingdom that was on fire years back. The road turned from stone to dirt very quickly. Alexander soon sees footprints on the ground. "Heh, too easy" he says with a sly smirk.
He follows the footprints to the doorstep of an abandoned house. He slowley opens the creaky door. He steps inside, the rooms looked unused and empty. Only cobwebs, dirt and dust. He starts frustrating himself once he searches the entire house. He was about to leave hen he noticed a secret door.... to the attic.
He slowly and quietly ascends up the stairs. Once he reaches the top he doesn't see anybody. Then suddenly he's pinned against the wall with a dagger to his throat. "What are you doing here!" Elizabeth demands.
"What do you think?" He asks motioning to his dagger that's on his belt. This causes Elizabeth to look down lose focus and Alexander jumps on the opportunity and spins pinning her in the same position except her dagger was on the floor. "Alright, it's over come with me now" Alexander takes the dagger away from her throat and in that instant Elizabeth kicks his leg and runs toward the stairs. Alexander grabs her wrist and pulls her back against his chest with one hand holding her arms and the other across her neck. She tries to get free but can't. "Listen, Elizabeth" Alexander starts,
"So you know my name" she interrupts. He lightly chuckles. " you better stop struggling or i'll..." Elizabeth interrupts him again,
"or you'll kill me? Oh please, everyone knows that you are just Sir John's little dog. He sends you to fetch certain people and you bring em back, like a good boy" she teases him, hitting a nerve.
"It's not like a that!" He says gritting his teeth. He has always felt used by Sir John, so Elizabeth saying it with words made it worse.
"Oh! So you are trying to tell me that you are as big and scary as Sir John?" She says sarcastically. She's not really sure what to do. She was trying to just beat him, but then she just started talking... and when that happens.
"but, who says this won be the first time?" He asks her. He hates it when people get under is skin.
"oh it won't be, I know Sir John is probably waiting impatiently right now for you to turn me in, alive"
Alexander thinks to himself 'how would she know what Sir John is probably doing right now?' He didn't realize but Alexander let Elizabeth's arms go. She elbows him in the gut, grabs her dagger and runs. Alexander quickly notices what happened and runs after her.
"ELIZABETH!" Alexander yells chasing her through the kingdom. Elizabeth runs down the streets of the kingdom with Alexander chasing her, not to far behind.
She slips inside an abandoned house and hid. He house was still on the road so there were no footprints. Alexander starts asking people where she went. "Have you seen Elizabeth White!" He asks sounding furious.
One person just happened to see her slide into the abandoned house. "In there" he replied kinda scared of Alexander's demanding no tone. Alexander immediately started to make his way toward the house.
He steps in expecting her to attack him again. He was right. She appeared from a corner trying to smash A large rock into Alexander's head.
He saw and dodged it. The rock was thrown onto the ground a few feet from where they were standing.
"You do not have to fight. Just come with me peacefully and pay for your crimes against the kingdom" Alexander says. He is starting to question his own strength.
" I think of my 'crimes' as being strong" She swing a punch but he caught her hand.
They start fighting. Elizabeth was just as skilled as Alexander. He was not sure where she learned to fight like that, but he did not like it. The fighting seemed to last forever until the door swung open and royal guards filled the room. Alexander and Elizabeth were tired and panting.
Neither could fight anymore. Two of the guards escorted Alexander out and two others got Elizabeth.
'Somebody in the market place must have sent for the guards, I am thankful they came. Now I am just worried if Sir John will count this as a failure or not' Alexander thought, laying on his bed. Healing from the hard battle.
'How did I let this happen. I am dead. I need to escape' Elizabeth was panicking. She was captured by the guards and was now a technical prisoner.
Will Alexander lose his job?
Will Elizabeth escape? Or live for that matter.
What does Sir John know about this whole situation?
So, do you like it! This is my first book so I was on edge about actually publishing it! Hope you guys like what happens next. Since I am a beginner writer I do not currently have a designated publishing schedule, but I will try and make one later on!-Jess (me)
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