Chapter eight: we blazin, wii bowlin
So Elon was pregnant. With markys baby.
He let little baby cum turn into a highly marketable but also useless and ugly and dangerous and stupid car that everyone hates except dumb rich people.
Marky moo was probably doing something with grills and Facebook or something so Elon was alone.
And all of a sudden Elon feels agonizing pain coming from his womb.
"Oh GOD" he reaches for his phone, dialing 420. "Hi id like to place an order for the strongest weed you have."
The delivery guy who looked suspiciously like joe Biden shows up and throws the weed at Elon, then pukes on his fugly shoes and flies away.
Elon lights the blunt and gets high as fuck.
While hes tripping balls he whips out a Wii U for some damn reason and plays on it. Making himself on the mii thing but it's ugly so he throw the wii out the window and it hits an innocent bystander on the head, crushing him instantly (rip Carl)
Elon whips out his second Wii U and plays bowling but he sucks balls at it so he calls Marky and then sucks his instead
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