Six: Proof!
"Ami-chan when you said 'leave that to me', I thought you were actually going to swim the freestyle leg yourself." I admit.
"And why would I do that." Ami-chan grins.
"You suck at front crawl." Mei-chan laughs.
"She's right, you do Ami-chan." the girl swimming the freestyle leg nods.
"Thanks again for helping us out today!" I chime in unison with my fellow vice captain and original roommate.
"It's fine you guys!...You would think that your team would have already judged me, called me a whale or something Ami-chan." Midori Hikari laughs.
"We're not like that here Mikori-kun." I assure.
"I told you guys you can call me Hika'-chan." she laughs.
"Yeah Aoi-chan." Mei-chan jabs me in the ribs teasingly.
"I mean it though, most people don't get it, like who cares if I'm bigger. I can't help it! I've tried to lose weight, just doesn't work. I mean I went to the top girls only swimming school and have a balenced diet." Hika'-chan shrugs.
"Big and beautiful Hikari." Ami-chan puts her arm around her friend's shoulders. Hikari must feel insecure sometimes; Mei-chan's like a size ten, Ami-chan is a size twelve as am I ((referring to English clothes sizes)), she's most likley a size above Ami-chan and I but girls can be mean mean people.
"Look! There's some of the guys team! Wow! They're so chilled out!" Mei-chan muses. Rin and Sousuke are waiting for Nito and Nakagawa to arrive.
"How are you so calm!" I call to them.
"It's just a local event." Sousuke replies.
"You're up against a Mikoshiba though Sousuke, you might have a challenge coming your way!"
"No." Rin grins menacingly at us. "I'm up against a Mikoshiba."
"Shit!" Mei-chan cowers in theratical fear.
"Hey!" Hikari approaches Sousuke. "Sousuke, right? I think I've seen you a few times at Nationals. Midori Hikari, I'm swimming the freestyle leg. I'm in the top five for girls freestyle. But hey, not many girls continue to swim into High School."
"Good luck today Midori-kun, I'm swimming with you today." Sousuke holds his hand out to her. They shake.
"Hika'-chan! We can't miss the train! We need to get to the site early to tease Aoi's dork!"
"Can you stop calling Makoto my dork!" I huff. Rin begins to laugh, a lot.
"You okay there Rin?" Sousuke almost looks concerned for the shark boy's health.
"Since...When...Have...You...Called...Makoto...Aoi's dork!" Rin asks through laughs and gasps for oxygen.
"Since he said she would do swimmingly." Ami-chan shrugs.
"THAT is cheesy." Hika'-chan admits.
"Seriously!" Rin snorts.
"WE'LL MISS THE TRAIN!" Mei-chan repeats.
"Good luck guys, see you on the block!" I wave as Mei-chan seizes my arm as well as Hikari's. Ami-chan rushes to catch up with us.
"Okay." Hikari says as we sit on the train. "Can I know some background, you guys seem to know a lot about our competition."
"Sure!" Mei-can puts her arm around the freestyle swimmer. "Ami-chan."
"Right." Ami-chan nods, grinning. "Okay we're competing in a relay today at Iwatobi Swim Club Returns! Our team; Mikoshiba Mei, sister of former captain Mikoshiba Sei' and long distance butterfly swimmer; icon in our hometown and rocks gold like no other. Then there is me, the cherry. Innocent and sweet looking but a strong fierce breaststroke swimmer; might as well be Mei's sister and you really didn't need to be told that. Then Ryugazaki Aoi, amazing at both butterfly and backstroke, she swims for two and has one hell of a lot of fire inside of her. Then there's you Hika'-chan, of course you know about you...Aoi?"
"We're swimming against our teammates but also a local rival school, if we can see them as rivals. I don't; to me they're friends. The first to go in will be Tachi..." Mei cuts me off.
"Aoi's dork." she corrects.
"Tachibana Makoto, the captain, he's in third year and a really strong backstroke swimmer."
"What she means is, amazing back muscles and her boyfriend." Ami-chan giggles.
"You're dating a swimmer! That's awesome! I bet his muscles are above captain class if someone as nice as you is dating him? What's he like?" Hika'-chan pries.
"Now look what you've done Ami-chan." Mei-chan chides.
"Later, okay?" I ask.
"Sure." she looks slightly sad that she can't know now.
"He'll be followed by Hazuki Nagisa, that kid who beat Ami-chan by a second at the public tourney. Nagisa's second year and the club's secretary." I begin.
"And her brother's boyfriend." Mei-chan butts in. I sigh, why does she have to mention that?
"Oh?" Hikari cocks a brow.
"Then my brother swims, he can only actually swim butterfly but is really good and fast and is trying to learn the other strokes. Rei's the secretary and as my twin is in second year. As Mei said he's dating Nagisa, he gets embarassed when people talk about it." I note.
"Noted." the girl smiles.
"You'll be against Nanase Haruka; the free swimmer and stoic one. He and Captain Rin go WAY back. He's really fast but doesn't show off about it, the only reason he would want to win is so that he doesn't let his team down. Haruka doesn't really care about his time." I blab.
"I know that name. I've never raced him but I've heard of him." Hikari states as we get off the train.
"There's the club!" Ami-chan points. My phone viberates.
"Rei says that he and his teammates are going to meet us inside." I state.
"Great!" Mei-chan grins.
"I am really nervous, what if Fubuki is here in his yellow cheerleading uniform, pompoms and all." Ami-chan grimaces.
"Then he'll have Kaito with him, being his bitch and Hinata and Sho will want to see this happen." Mei-chan sniggers.
"At this rate the girls team almost has enough male supporters to make a pyramid." Hikari snorts.
"There they are!" Nagisa points.
"Aoi!" Rei grins. "Am I against you today?"
"Why?" Mei beams. "Looking for a handicap?"
"No...Aya and Jun are here with Johan, they want to know who to cheer."
"It's not me. I'm racing Makoto again." I shrug.
"Hey Aoi's dork!" Ami-chan and Mei-chan chime in unison. Hikari looks disbelieving.
"Has that nickname stuck?"
"Rin's hellbent on it so YES!" Mei-chan pumps her fist.
"Nice way to embarass Makoto, Mikoshiba-chan, Suzuki-chan."
"We've told you butterfly boy, you can call us by our first names."
"If I do will you never call me butterfly boy again?"
"We'll consider." they grin.
"Thank you Mei-chan, Ami-chan." Rei pushes up his glasses.
"Aoi Meowie!" Ren and Ran exclaim. Makoto sighs as the two charge at me.
"Aoi Meowie?" Hikari asks Ami-chan. The redhead shrugs and looks to Mei-chan who shrugs in response.
"Hello Ren. Hello Ran. Miss me?" I tease.
"Are you swimming with Onii-chan today?" Ren asks.
"I am." I nod.
"That's no fair Aoi Meowie! You shouldn't swim against Onii-chan, it's mean!" Ran pouts.
"Ren, Ran, your Onii-chan doesn't mind." I assure.
"Meow for us Meowie!" they command in sync.
"Meow." I whisper in each of their ears.
"Look!" Nagisa enthuses.
"Here are your programmes today ladies." Amakata-sensei hands out the leaflets.
"Thank you." my teammates bow.
"Aoi Meowie?" Ren looks at me hopefully. I pretend to be fed up. "Please Aoi Meowie! Please! Please! PLEASE!"
I pick up Ren and put him on my back while Ran tugs on Makoto's arm for a piggyback. He sighs and puts his little sister on his back.
"N'awww look at them!" Mei-chan, Ami-chan and Hika'-chan squeal. I blush.
"You liar!" Mei-chan and Ami-chan stiffen at the voice, spinning on their heels. I cock a brow, still holding Ren. I move over so I can see what my roommates are looking at.
"You said you were taking me someplace with lots of cute girls!" the boy under Rin's arm shouts.
"Quit whining! There are plenty here!" Rin moves the amber haired boy's head to Makoto, holding Ran. "See cute girl."
"I've been tricked! Nii-chan!" he wails.
"Mikoshiba...Momo?" I cock a brow.
"Ha!" Mei goes over to Rin and ruffles the boy's hair. "Nope!"
"You've got to deal with us instead!" Ami-chan flicks him in the head.
"Where'd Sousuke go anyways?" Rin ignores the interaction between the two Mikoshiba's and a Suzuki.
"Huh? He was just here?" Nito' looks over his shoulder.
"Damn, if it's not one thing, it's another." Rin mutters, not letting go of Mei's younger brother. "And right now we've got Sousuke off somewhere and a whiny squirming Mikoshiba, being tormented by his fellow Mikoshiba and might as well be Mikoshiba."
"Let go!" Momo whines
"Quit flailing!" Rin commands
"I'm going home! I'm going-!" the first year boy begins to squirm. Mei glares at him.
"Try it. You've got no ride. No money." Cue Ami-chan waving a wallet.
"And Sei's in the crowd." the two chime sinisterly.
"Those two are pretty freaky." Hikari murmurs.
"'ll get used to it." I assure, after hanging out with Mei-chan and Ami-chan over the summer I was pretty sure things would not get weirder. Emphasis on the 'was'. I have never seen those two be so creepy.
"You're late!" Kou chides. "Onii-chan!" she runs over, waving.
"Hey, Gou." I grimace.
"Err Mei." I whisper. "Sei said Kou, didn't he."
"Oh god no." Ami-chan gasps.
"Good morning!" Kou smiles.
"Good morning." her older brother replies. Momo gets free of Rin's grasp. Mei looks ready to jump on him.
"Wait a second, you're....pretty cute!" A blush creeps onto the younger of the Mikoshiba siblings' face.
"Oh mother of God!" Ami-chan complains.
"Rin, and all of you, thank you for coming." Makoto smiles.
"Sure." Rin shrugs.
"I've been looking forward to it!" Nito' enthuses.
"Really? I'm glad to hear that!" Makoto beams.
"Why are you such a dork?" Mei-chan cocks a brow.
As Amakata-sensei gives out the programmes Sousuke comes in.
"Sousuke-kun!!!" Kou exclaims.
"Shot down!" Ami-chan chimes in sync with Mei-chan. I snort a laugh, looking at Momo's devistated face.
"Hey! How have you been, Gou?" he asks, happily smiling at Rin's younger sister.
"Great! It's been a really long time! I haven't heard from you since we started at different high schools. In that respect you're just like Onii-chan." Rin's little sister chirps.
"Sorry about that." he laughs.
"Honestly!" Kou chides childishly.
"Who is that?" Rei asks.
"Rin-chan's best friend from elementery school. He was in the lane next to ours at that relay." Nagisa smiles.
"Oh, that was him?" Rei muses.
"We'll catch you guys later then." Rin smiles.
"Okay." Haruka replies, stoic as ever.
"Let's go." Rin leads the way.
"Oi!" Mei-chan calls. "Keep an eye and an arm on..." she is cut off by the voice of Momo.
"I'm Mikoshiba Momotarou! My hobby is hunting for stag beetles! My favourite proverb is 'Even Homer sometimes nods'. My best dish is fried eggs! When I shower the first thing I wash is..." Rin seizes Mei's brother by the face and begins to drag him away as he yelps in pain.
"Shall we watch the muscle contest!" Hikari enthuses.
"Sure." Ami-chan nods, linking arms with Mei-chan.
"I'll catch up!" I call. "You have got to be..." I mutter, looking at the bleachers. "Andrews Fubuki I swear to God."
"Huh?" Nito' comes over.
"Just look." I point.
"No way!" the lachrymose silver haired classmate and friend of mine is too in awe.
"How. The. Hell?" I muse. "Oi! Mei-chan, look up!"
"No freaking way." she gasps.
On the bleachers stands the masterwork of Andrews Fubuki.
He, Kaito, Hinata and Sho are kitted out in stupid cheerleader uniforms. I snort a laugh.
"Fubuki you're a dead man!" Hinata snarls.
"The next entrant for the muscle contest is Tachibana Makoto." the announcer calls.
"Eh?" I turn to see my boyfriend, confused as ever. I cock a brow, looking to my roommates.
"I wonder." I muse.
"Now, now, don't be shy. Take off your jacket." Kou prompts.
Makoto sighs, taking it off. He begins to pose, blushing to the tips of his ears.
"He's such a dork." Ami-chan states.
"Go Aoi's dork!" Mei-chan teases.
After two minutes of humilliation the judges give their scores.
"And the winner, Tachibana Makoto." one of the judges grins.
"Okay Aoi-chan, since he just did that then surely he'll let you do the bikini carwash to get his team new members." Mei-chan laughs.
"Why are you so hellbent on it being a bikini carwash?" Hikari asks. "I'll help but I would rather be in a full body."
"That I'll do. That is if someone would authorise it." I grin.
"Now for the main event. The 200m medley relay! Between team dolphin, team shark and team butterfly."
"Why are we butterfly?" Hikari asks.
"Duh, we have THE butterfly girl on our team."
"That would have only worked if I were swimming butterfly!" I laugh, jumping into the pool to take hold of the pole. Makoto and Momo are getting in too.
"Ready! Go!"
The three of us hurtle backward. This is why I go first, my underwater phase isn't as good as when I can use my arms so I need to go quickly.
"Go Aoi-chan! Go! Go! Go! Aoi-chan!"
Fubuki is a dead man.
"Look, she's a bit ahead of Tachibana-san!" Sho gasps.
200m is more my style than it is Makoto's I have the advantage here.
I press on, making the turn. Makoto's catching up but there's a fair gap between us and Momo.
At the second turn, back with Ami-chan and Mei-chan Makoto's in the lead.
"Makoto-senpai's in the lead!" Rei gasps.
"Go Aoi-chan! Go! Go! Go! Aoi-chan!" Ami-chan and Mei-chan join in with Fubuki's cheering. Kaito's bound to be embarassed, not only did Fubuki somehow get the cheerleader uniform on him, he got him to the pool!
The third turn is where Makoto slows and I speed up.
"Last spurt! Go Aoi-chan! Go! Go! Go! Aoi-chan!" the cheering continues, however Ami-chan's not cheering since she has to focus.
"Look at that! That's our Aoi!" Aya-chan enthuses.
I hit the wall, with my arm for once. Ami-chan dives into the water, moments later Nagisa followed by Nito' get into the pool. I climb out and am hugged by Rei and then Makoto.
"Go Ami-chan! Go! Go! Go! Ami-chan! Go Nito'! Go. Go. Go. Nitori!"
I groan. The race is loud and close, Mei beat Rei to the block again, giving Hikari a great head start. Haruka was about two seconds behind her and despite Rin closing a huge gap, Sousuke was the last one in the pool.
"Go Hika'-chan! Go! Go! Go! Hika'-chan! Go Sousuke Go! Go! Go! Sousuke!"
"It'll be close!" I state as the last spurt takes place.
Hikari's half an arm in front of Haruka and Sousuke's only a bit behind Haruka.
"GO HIKARI!" we exclaim.
"Who's got this?" Fubuki asks.
"Haruka or Hikari!" I muse. There so close.
"And the winners, fractionally is TEAM DOLPHIN!"
"Congratulations you guys!" I exclaim as Makoto helps Haruka out of the pool.
"That was incredible!" Hikari pumps her fist. "I hope we can do that again. Nanase-san you are amazing! I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep pace!"
"Hika'-chan don't doubt yourself." Ami-chan chides.
"Now I may have been wrong but I think I saw your teammates in cheerleading uniforms." Haruka says.
"Fubuki." I reply.
"KATIE-CHAN WANT'S PROOF! YOU'RE NO FAIR!" Fubuki huffs. We laugh at the embarassed boys.
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