One: Invite
"Aoi-chan!" Fubuki calls, pounding at my bedroom door. My dearest friend Andrews Fubuki's family are dropping my belongings off at Samezuka Academy. Fubuki only ever '-chan's' me when parents are around. I sigh, putting the last of my belongings in a box. My suitcases are already in the car.
"You don't have to beat the living daylights out of my door Fubuki, I'm almost done." I chide.
"But Kai's waiting for us!" he huffs.
I laugh at my friend, hauling the box to the door.
"Open the door then." I grin. He holds the door so I can carry the box from my room.
Despite the Andrews family wanting to have Fubuki's and Kaito's and now my own belongings back in the dorms today; there is still one day until students can actually return to sleep in their dorms. And the swim team and swim club members are likley to be the only ones in the dorms on the first night since the next day is for all swimmers. We have to participate in the send off for this years' graduates. Meaning we have to race Sei'-san; our captain.
The only ones currently sleeping in the Samezuka Academy dorms are this year's graduating class. The graduates get to move into the special dorms that are sectioned into boys and girls but have countless quantities of luxuries for the year. Classes for those students began last week however since our school is the swimming powerhouse, even the graduates get a day off to participate.
Fubuki takes the box from me, being stronger and carries it to the car in which his big sister Grace is sat.
"Soku Kaito's house now?" she asks.
"Yes!" Fubuki enthuses.
"Alrightie then." Grace rolls her eyes.
She drives Fubuki and I to the home that the Soku family live in. Kaito is waving from the upstairs window at us. We grin at the brunet. He comes over to the car with the first of his own boxes. In preperation for today each of our boxes has been taped closed with coloured tape- Fubuki's is yellow, Kaito's is green and mine is violet since Kaito and I share a favourite colour.
It doesn't take too long for Kaito to load his own things into the car. He waves to his family, his two younger sisters look sad; the two are aware that soon their big brother will be away at school. In Kaito's arms is an open box. I spot some familiar items in there and smile warmly; he's taking most of the gifts that his friends got him for his birthday.
"Okay so when we get to Samezuka Academy we'll unload the boxes and what not and then where am I taking you?" Grace asks. As she sys so my phone screen lights up; a message from Mei!
Mikoshiba Mei is the sister of the Samezuka Swim Team's captain Mikoshiba Seiijuro. Last year he was the head of both the swim team and the swim club however I have a strong feeling that so he can focus on his studies he will quit heading the swim team. There is no way on this earth that Mikoshiba Sei-san would ever quit the swim club and the swim team at the same time. He is the fastest crawl swimmer this school has had in years! He needs to keep everybody pumped. However he does have to focus on his studies now so he'll most likley stick with the swim club.
"Was that Mei-chan?" Kaito asks. I nod.
"What did she say?" Fubuki pries. I shrug, opening the text she sent.
'Sei' said that if you were coming to the dorms today could you please tell "Tachibana-san" that they too are welcome to go and watch the graduate's send off since he's already got permission for them to go from their headmaster.'
"Sei-san wants me to tell Makoto his team can come over and watch." I state.
"Iwatobi High School then Grace!" Fubuki commands. His older sister sighs.
"Just be grateful I'm not charging you guys." she laughs as we pull into the car park.
"AOI-CHAN!" the plummy singsong voice of Mikoshiba Mei echoes from across the car park as Fubuki, Kaito and I begin to unload our boxes. Mei and at her heels best friend Suzuki Ami rush to our aid. The five of us take my boxes and suitcases to the girls block since there are no boys to hide behind to get into the boys block.
"Where are we going Mei-chan?" I ask as we pass our old dorm.
"There are more girls joining this year, over the holidays they built an expansion for some of the older students. So we get the big room!" Mei explains, leading me to the next staircase.
"Awesome!" I enthuse.
"But." Ami-chan interjects. "That room is so much bigger and there are more than two beds in there."
"More than two?" I cock a brow.
"Four." Mei chimes.
"Four!" I gasp.
"Yeah, you, me, Mei-chan and some other transfer in our year." Ami-chan shrugs.
"You're rooming with us too?" I gasp. The cherry red haired girl beams, nodding frantically.
"It's awesome isn't it!" Mei smiles.
"I'm going to miss our old room though." I admit.
"But hey looks like we can play host a bit more now since we have more space in our dorm." Mei assures.
"True." I nod.
We stop at a door. Mei puts down the suitcase she was holding and takes the key from the pocket of her gold jeans. I smile warmly at the tanned topaz eyed teen. She swings the door open.
"TADA!" she points inside. My jaw drops. Two of the beds are made, one is bottom bunk and another top bunk of a seperate bunk bed.
"I thought that you would want to still sleep on the bottom." Mei grins.
"You just want to watch me hit my head on your bunk." I poke my tongue out at the amber haired girl.
"Shut up." she pokes her tongue out at me. Ami-chan puts the suitcase under my bunk.
"We aren't to settle in until tomorrow." She justifies. I nod, placing my box on one of the four desks.
"Shall we wait for Fubuki and Kaito? Or go and find them or whatever? Then we could all go to Iwatobi High School and tell Makoto about Sei's offer?" Mei suggests.
"But there wouldn't be enough space in the car they came in for all of us." Ami points out. Mei's eyes shimmer as she produces her phone. It is lunchtime right now for the seniors.
She brings her phone to her ear.
"Seiiiiiiiiiiiiii'." she warbles. "Can you give Ami-chan and I a ride to town? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee."
"Yosh!" she pumps her fist, seizing her best friend's arm, tossing me the key. I leave the dorm too, locking the door behind me. As I head down to the reception, handing the gaurd on duty the key for our final roommate encase she's coming over today.
Fubuki and Kaito are in the reception too, handing over their own key.
"To Iwatobi High!" Fubuki enthuses. I roll my eyes.
"We have to be quick- they started school today. I'm sure they're all tired as hell and won't be in the mood for sitting around and talking." I state.
Kaito cocks a brow. "What about Hazuki-san. I don't think he is affected by time or weather." this is true; Hazuki Nagisa the beloved boyfriend of my twin brother Rei is a ball of energy. I have never seen him tired. He's kind of like a mutated version of my classmate Nitori Aiichiro, also known as Nito' and Fubuki.
"Okay Nagisa is the only exception." I shrug, the three of us return to Grace's car only to see Mei and Ami climb into Sei-san's ancient volvo.
"Iwatobi High School?" the forest green haired woman clarifies. The three of us nod.
"Aoi do you miss your boyfriend that much?" Grace teases, my cheeks burn.
"You're right Grace! She's blushing!" Fubuki says, leaning over Kaito's lap to tug on my cheeks. Kaito looks nervous. Maybe it's Grace's hair. He did once say that Grace reminded him of Natsumi Yuma.
It doesn't take us too long to get back to the Iwatobi school district. We arrive at the school just as students appear to be being let out of their classes for the day.
Mei and Ami climb out of Sei-san's car blowing kisses and waving like the siblings ((Ami-chan isn't a blood relative but from Mei's stories it is clear that the two have been friends since very early childhood)) they are.
Fubuki, Kaito and I get out of Grace's car. We wave to her and she drives away, grateful to be free of her annoying little brother.
"Look there's Hana-chan!" Mei waves at Kou-chan's best friend. At her heels is our teammate's younger sister and manager of the Iwatobi Swim club; Matsuoka Kou.
"Hi!" Kou-chan waves to us.
"Hey Kou-chan!" Mei grins. "Ami-chan, this is Rin's sister Kou-chan."
"Hi." Ami holds her hand out to the other redheaded girl.
"I'm guessing you're waiting for Makoto." Hana-chan giggles.
"We all are; do you know where he is?" Fubuki grins.
"Errr...oh look there's Rei-kun and Nagisa-kun. They'll know!" Hana-chan points to where my twin brother and his boyfriend are; walking right toward us.
"Hey Aoi!" Rei smiles.
"How was school." I tease.
"Errrgh. Aoi-chan! You're lucky!" Nagisa pouts.
"You are too." Fubuki chuckles.
"Eh?" Hazuki Nagisa's magenta eyes sparkle.
"Where's Makoto? We need to consult him before Fubuki blabs." Kaito asks.
"Ahh Makoto-senpai and Haruka-senpai are coming. I see them." Rei points.
"Hey!" I wave.
"Aoi!" he gasps.
"What are you all doing here?" Rei asks.
"Sei' has a very special message for us to deliver!" Ami-chan exclaims.
"It's great; especially for you Nagisa-kun!" Mei-chan adds.
"I think you'll enjoy it." Kaito smiles.
"I know you'll enjoy it!" Fubuki slings his arm around his roommate.
"What does Mikoshiba-kun want you to tell me?" Makoto asks.
"Well...Sei' thought you guys might want to come and watch us send off his graduating class." Mei explains. "It's a Samezuka Academy tradition that the at the start of the student's fourth year of the Academy the captain has to race every member of the team until he has either swam 100 metres 100 times or he was beaten. Because after that he and his classsmates leave the team and the new captain is appointed."
"And he wants us to go too?" Nagisa cocks a brow.
"It takes place all day; you don't have to go to school. Sei'-san's already had your principle's permission!" I enthuse.
"No school!" Nagisa hugs me. I laugh.
"Pool." Nanase Haruka, my boyfriend's best friend's eyes light up.
"And hey maybe Sei' will let you guys ftry for it too." Ami chimes.
"I'm not swimming. It's not our school's tradition. It's not fair." Rei folds his arms. Nagisa shrugs.
"Nobody will force you. It's not compulsory for you guys." Kaito looks nervous.
"Kaito it's no big deal. For you. I'm racing Sei until I win!" Mei pumps her fist.
"Yosh Mei!" Ami-chan hugs her.
"So?" my eyes meet Makoto's. "Do you want to come?" I ask.
"For you." he glances at Rei and sees he's too preocupied with his conversation with Nagisa, Fubuki and Kaito to pay us any attention. "Anything." he kisses my nose. I blush.
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