Five: It's Your Dork
"Here." the girl takes the tracksuit from me.
"I would offer to answer any questions about this school but like you guys I'm a newbie, however Aoi-chan has memorised almost everything about how our school works; from graduates' house to every inch of this swim club. So feel free to ask her." Ami-chan grins.
"Graduates' house?" Mori Aka tilts her head, confusion clear.
"Yes, at Samezuka Academy our third year students' teachers file applications for further education for the students since keeping our school's repuatation at an all time high is a priority. So the students do their thing all the way through third year and stay for one more year here, in Graduates' house, a luxurious place where the graduates' are prepped for higher education enterence examinations and some are allowed to act as mentors for those younger. Mei-chan's older brother's living in Graduates' house right now because he's training to do the Olympic team entry races in a few months time. You might see him around, he had to quit the swim team but he still uses the pool, as a member of the swim club or just as a training graduate." I babble. The girls look impressed.
"Err, I had a question." Midori Hikari states. "You're on the main team and the girls team, right?" I nod.
"How do you get on the main team?" Midori-kun asks.
"Well originally there was only the main team so girls didn't apply for the scholarship to swin; they had to be recruited; scouted. Sei-san, the former Captain got the girls team established for us so we could take in female swimmers. Surely if you can prove to our captain that you are capable then he'll consider. Though I would recomend not asking today or while the newbies try out in general." I explain. "Though there aren't many left to give it a shot. Mainly Rin's just trying to see what edge our team has; we lost our scare tactic of having girls race now that girls are being accepted to swim in all of our rival schools. If you want to know where he stands on the idea I'll ask him for you Midori-kun."
"Hey." Rin calls, drawing our attention to him.
"Wait." Mei-chan tells the girl about to dive in the pool. Our jaws drop, the faculty adviser is here! He's never here!
"Gather 'round." we nod, approaching the main team.
"This is Yamazaki Sousuke. He was ranked in the top ten in the country for butterfly and has transferred here from Tokyo. Make him feel well, Matsuoka I've been made aware that you two already know eachother. That'll speed things up a bit." the adviser smiles.
"Welcome to the team Sousuke."
"Happy to be here Rin." The boys brofist.
"Ready to swim Sousuke?" Rin grins.
"Always." the taller guy smirks, taking off the tracksuit top he had on.
Nito's eyes widen from his place a few paces behind Rin and beside me.
"Nito'...please don't do something... worshippy." I shake my head. If this new guy becomes Nito's second senpai then... I'm almost afraid to think about the mess in his head.
"You can go back to your activities now." Rin states. Nito' and I stay put.
"RinRinnn." I patronise. A devisious flicker shines in his eyes.
"Aoi Meowie." he smirks. I gasp, folding my arms and pouting at the use of Makoto's childhood nickname for me.
"The girls want to know your view on any more girls joining the main team." I smile sweetly.
"Well...uh...I don't mind girls being on the main team... Sei'-san thought it was alright so why not...and he surely would have cared more know... but they'll have to try out like everybody else." Rin rubs the back of his neck. "Did Mei send you here for a definate answer Aoi?"
"Aoi?" Sousuke cocks a brow. "You look...familiar."
"Nah, one of the girls wanted to know though." I turn to face the new guy; Sousuke...his name sounds familiar almost.
"You know Rin, you weren't at Iwatobi or Makoto would have mentioned you before...You went to Sano didn't you?" I gasp.
"Yeah. I raced you a lot in elementery and middle school didn't I?" he still looks unsure.
"I thought your name was familiar Sousuke-kun." I state.
"You were the girl who was attatched to Matsumi Shizuka, you two were joint at the hip!" he realises. My face palens. I give Rin a nervous glance.
"Sousuke, it's your turn to dive in." Rin states, catching on.
"Wait!" Nito' blurts. I sigh, ready to drag my friend away from the third year students. Sousuke seems not to have heard so I turn on my heel and return to the girls' try outs.
"He's thinking about it, it depends on the ammount of guys that we take on." I tell the girls.
"Okay." Midori-kun smiles.
"So Ami-chan, Aoi-chan." Mei-chan grins. "This is our team!" she twirls and points to the girls stood in front of us.
As well as the scholarship swimmers and the original three members, the girls team have twelve. There only looks to be two faces I have seen in class. They transferred last week but I cannot remember their names. The other girls seem to be first years like the girl who shares Hinata's name.
"Okay then so pretty much what you have to do now girls." Mei adresses the girls who are not in Samezuka tracksuits. "Is fill out an order form for the Samezuka Swim team tracksuit. Both teams will wear the same tracksuit yet the swimsuits will differ in accordance to what team you're in. Main team currently have, thanks to Sei'; black suits with red lining. Captain Rin might change that."
"...Hai!" the girls in just swimsuits reply.
"You are dismissed." Mei grins. "Oi! Kaito! Get in the pool and sort your back out alright. Fubuki, no more piggybacks!"
"You're not the boss of us!" Fubuki sneers.
"No but you're still scared of Sei'." Mei grins devilishly.
Kaito slides into the pool and procedes to float.
Mei-chan stretches and glances at Ami-chan, who is now conversing with Midori-kun and Mori-kun.
"Mori-kun's really pretty...I hope." Mei-chan sighs.
"You hope what Mei-chan?" I ask.
"My brother doesn't flirt with the girls on this team." Mei rolls her eyes.
"But Sei-san's only going to be with the swim club." I protest.
"No, my younger brother; Mikoshiba Momo." Mei-chan waves me off.
"Ha! Momo." I snigger. "You have a YOUNGER BROTHER!"
"You didn't know about Momo?" Ami-chan giggles.
"See you later Ami-chan." the two girls wave.
"Bye Hika'-chan, bye Aka-chan!" Ami-chan waves back.
"No I did not know about Momo!" I pout.
"Momo's a very weird kid. Sei' always pumps up the team he knows Momo will join. If thinking about the start of a school year, the latest he ever joins a club is April." Ami-chan states.
"He's a lot like Sei', just younger and weirder."
"Anything I really ought to know?" I ask.
"Well Sei' layed down the ground rules for our flirty little brother. That's basically, no flirting with Ami-chan." Mei-chan declares.
"Like he would try, I'm like his older sister, why am I always on the top of the list?" Ami-chan giggles.
"Then there's also, no flirting with Aoi-chan, simply because jealous Makoto would not be a fun thing to see." Mei-chan adds.
"And Sei' added no flirting with Kou-chan. He actually called her Kou-chan for once!" Ami-chan laughs.
"Gou-kun." Mei shudders.
"Noted. I don't think Rin would let a younger sibling live if he flirted with Kou-chan." I snort.
"Nope! Rin has age on'll meet him soon. He won't flirt but he'll b intrigued by you. He's seen you swim. His speciality is also backstroke. Ha! The only Mikoshiba to not persue butterfly!" Mei laughs.
"Excuse me." I look over my shoulder and see Sousuke there.
"Oh my Gosh! Sousuke! Hi! I wanted to say hi earlier but you were talking to Rin." Ami-chan smiles widely at the third year.
"Ugh, I thought I got away from you." he rolls his eyes whilst grinning.
"So you're in the top ten for butterfly? I think I'm going to need to learn from you." Mei-chan muses. "Mikoshiba Mei. Nice to meet you."
"Don't tell me I'll have a duo of weirdos talking to me." the newie groans theatrically. The amber haired girl laughs. Do we all know Sousuke?
"Three! We won't leave Aoi-chan out!" Mei-chan seizes my arm.
"Don't forget our hyperactive flamboyant Fubuki." Ami-chan sniggers.
"I was wondering if I could talk to you." I nod, having realised I am the one that he's talking to. Why is he so tall? He's got to be taller than Makoto!
"Look, when I mentioned Shizuka...I wasn't told about..." I smile at him.
"Rin told you, didn't he?" I ask.
"Yeah. She was so bright, vital, strong, she was weird though; like Nanase Haruka-feeling the water." Sousuke sits down on the bench. I join him.
"I do that. It's like water has a voice." I protest.
"Ahh I knew you were her; the butterfly girl. Rin told me not to call you that too." he smiles.
"That's me." I nod.
"OI AOI-CHAN YOUR DORK IS CALLING!!!" Mei-chan hollers.
"Sorry. I'll have to take that." I bolt toward the hall where Mei-chan is holding up my phone, our song is twinkling as his ringtone as the photo from when we were on the ferris wheel shows up as the caller ID.
"Hi Aoi." Makoto says.
"Hey!" I enthuse. "What's up?"
"Hey!" he's bound to be smiling right now. "I just got off of the phone with Rin."
"Oh?" I cock a brow.
"Yeah, I was wondering, is Mikoshiba-chan there too?" I am asked. I shake my head, blushing at how dumb that is when you cannot see through the phone.
"I'll go get her!" I enthuse.
"Mei-chan!" I call. The amber haired girl stops, as does Ami-chan. I put Makoto on speaker.
"She's here now Makoto." I reply.
"Ahh...Hello Mikoshiba-chan."
"Hello Aoi's dork." Mei-chan replies, perfectly stoic.
"Hmm." Knowing Makoto he's rubbing his neck now.
"So, what's up Aoi's dork?" Ami-chan asks.
"Is that my nickname now?" he groans.
"Yes." Mei nods. I roll my eyes.
"What I was going to say is that I just called Rin and I thought your team might want to know too. There's a competition at Coach Sasabe's pool. The main event is a relay, I know that the girls' team is only working with reputation of swimmers and the accomplishments each of you have so I thought maybe you would like to participate too?" We're offered.
"Oh my god! A relay!" I exclaim.
"I call butterfly!" Mei-chan declares.
"I'm on breaststroke." Ami-chan beams.
"I guess you'll be racing me Aoi." Makoto laughs.
"We're totally in Aoi's dork! Prepare for some serious racing!" Mei-chan enthuses.
Makoto laughs happily. "Thank you Mikoshiba-chan. I hope that we all have fun on Saturday then!"
"Bye Aoi's dork!" my roommates chime inunison.
"Bye Mikoshiba-chan, bye Suzuki-chan."
I take them off of speaker. "Bye Makoto."
"Bye beautiful, I love you." My eyes light up as if I have been injected with candyfloss and I feel tingly all over; just like I always do when he tells me that.
"I love you too." I beam as the wods flow from my lips.
"Lovey dovey Aoi and Aoi's dork." Mei-chan sneers, arm around my shoulder.
"Mei-chaaann." I whine.
"I'm so pumped! We're swimming a relay!" Ami-chan exclaims.
"I know!" Mei-chan's eyes shine. "Sucks though; I'll be up against Tokyo's best and then butterfly boy Rei."
"Rei's much faster now." I interject.
"But still!" Mei protests.
"Your short distance butterfly isn't as strong as long distance though Mei-chan." Ami-chan nudges her best friend.
"Relays! I haven't swam a relay in years! The last time we did that was when we swam together as a family, right Ami-chan?" Mei-chan beams.
"Three Mikoshiba's and a Suzuki." Ami-chan laughs
"You're just as good as a Mikoshiba, Ami-chan." Mei-chan huffs.
"Err Mei-chan." I murmur.
"What?" she looks concerned.
"Who will take care of the freestyle leg?" I ask in reply.
"Damn!" she curses under her breath.
"Easy!" Ami-chan grins, standing before us. "Leave that to me!"
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