A/N: Soooooo.... This is the first chapter! Wooohooo! I'm so flippin' flap jacks excited about this fic! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter just as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) btw the chapters go in descending order, so like the next chapter will be chapter 19. Anyways, keep calm and laugh on my lovely readers (:
Warnings: Explicit language, offensive political imagery, and Disney inspired smut.
I don't fück with you!
You little stupid ass bįtch,
I ain't fückin' with you!
You little dumb ass bįtch-
"Lou." (Niall) *annoyed*
I ain't fückin' with you!
I got a million trillion things I'd rather fückin' do,
"Louis!" (Niall) *very irritated*
Than to be fückin' with-
"LEWIS!!! " (Niall) *outraged* **shît hits the metaphorical fan**
Louis jumped half a foot in the air out of his seat surprised by the sudden loud, and horrible - might he add - mispronunciation of his most darling, royally elegant, romantically French, and born-to-be-a-freakin'-super(cough, cough porn)star, name. The violent ripping of headphones from his ears - which fooking hurt by the way - abruptly cutting off the passionate and oh so inspirational words of the one - and thee only - Big Sean.
"Would yeh turn that shit down? If yeh haven't noticed I'm trying to sleep 'ere along with everyone else on this motherfücking plane yeh stupid cûnt!"
Louis looked at Niall in utter bewilderment because one, his Irishness was really showing, two, "that shît " was rapped by a god - making what Niall said blasphemy, and three, it was really weird to see his happy-go-lucky friend so angry - and at him nonetheless! (Louis considered himself an angel. There was even considerable evidence written on his constantly viewed Wikipedia page, which was kept up to date by his dearest fan, that he had invisible wings and a glowing halo that hovered over his heavenly ass.) The ugly scowl that was now present on Niall's face looked quite awkward due to its lack of appearance, since he was usually showing off his recently straightened teeth, displaying his famous smile that European girls fangirled hard over (it was kind of disturbing if Louis were to be honest). The blonde's anger scared Louis, and the icy glare of his blue eyes made him cringe in fear; afraid that he would spontaneously turn into Elsa and freeze him right there on the spot.
"Sorry mate," Louis apologized, putting his hands up in total surrender, not wanting to be an icicle. He actually felt a little bad for sleep depriving one of his three best friends with his loud music.
"I'll turn my shît down. Ok?" Louis reassured him, trying to calm the livid lad next to him. Well sassily. But that was Louis for you.
"Thanks," Niall said with an annoyed huff. But less than a minute later he gave Louis a small smile letting his anger go, not being able to stay mad at his blue-eyed friend for very long.
Suddenly he became very serious.
Which was even more out of typical Nialler character.
What's next? Louis thought. He'll announce he's gay? Well actually he wouldn't really be surprised by that revelation. If Louis were to be totally honest with himself, he was dying to bend the leprechaun over and get a taste of that delicious gold-filled rainbow-shîtting ass-
"I know yeh'r mad Lou, we all are..." Niall said giving Louis an emphatic pat on the shoulder, interrupting his totally nonsexual thoughts about... skittles? Yup skittles. He was hungry ok? Give'em a break he hadn't eaten out in a while. "...but blasting rap music isn't gonna help yeh. Why don't yeh sleep it off and by the time we're in New York it'll be better. Yeah!? We'll be back home before yeh know it!" He grinned showing off his pearly whites; his positive words warming Louis' heart, reminding him why Niall was his best friend.
"Yeah. I hope you're right.." Louis said returning the smile. Despite its half-ass-ness, he really did appreciated Niall's sincere attempt to cheer him up. And he was greatly relieved that the lad wasn't upset anymore.
However, that did not mean that he wasn't.
Louis was pissed.
No amount of Nialler sweetness could make his sour mood go away.
"Well I'll let cha sleep now. G'night Ni."
"Night Lou."
Niall then turned away from him and rested his head on the uncomfortable head-cushion of the airplane seat, closing his eyes as his body went lax with sleep.
Not even 30 seconds passed by before the dyed-blond-brown-root haired man was snoring softly in unison with Liam and Zayn, who were sitting in the two seats directly in front of them.
Louis shook his head while laughing softly. Niall was definitely one of a kind. And Louis was proud to claim him as his best friend.
Louis placed this ear buds back in his ears, and reluctantly turned down his music, still wanting to hear relatable words of Big Sean.
He understands.
Louis pulled his grey beanie over his head, which had fallen off due to Niall's aggressive attack, and snuggled into the plane seat, deciding to take Niall's advice and sleep off his shîtty mood.
Louis looked out the window of the plane trying to will the hypnotic waves of the ocean far beneath him into making him sleepy, but the angry thoughts in his mind would not shut up. He was supposed to be on the plane to Spain, not America, damn it! And he was suppose to have packed his bags with footie equipment for the week-long stay in Madrid, not a freaking months worth of clothing for New York City! And god, he hated that son of a bįtch Nick Girmshaw. If it weren't for his lying, scheming, cheating ass he wouldn't be in this lousy predicament. Louis was not a violent person, but as soon as he saw Grimshaw again he wouldn't hesitate to put him into an early grave, and request to make his funeral a national holiday.
You see Nick Grimshaw was a jealous príck. Louis Tomlinson was the star of London's football team, the best in their division, and as the fans described "the bestest in the country". And not to boast or brag but it was a well-known fact, Wikipedia proven, that he was an amazing player. His other mates, Liam, Zayn, and Niall were good as well like everyone else on the team, but Louis was arguably England's best footie player. Wikipedia is never wrong. However it was also well known that Louis was gay. He was proud of his sexuality and came out immediately to his teammates, as well as his fans, not wanting to hide anything from them. And thankfully, for the most part, he received support from everyone, including his coach, with only a mild amount of hate from rival fans of other big league teams.
But Louis could handle it.
He was a big boy.
The only thing that brought him crashing down was Grimshaw. He was such a homophobic asshole! He and his stupid posse, who were made up of other cruel players, would harass Louis and his friends (mainly Liam and Zayn because they were openly gay as well since the cocksluts were absolutely terrible at hiding their relationship). They would trip and kick them on the field during practice, beat them up in the locker room, and call them horrible names whenever their coach wasn't around, not even letting up during a game.
Louis hated it. But he dealed. His love for football gave him enough courage to endure the constant tormenting. Louis did not fight back already knowing he would be kicked off the team, for it would be his word (plus Liam, Niall, and Zayn's of course) against the rest of the team, since no one else was brave enough to go against Grimshaw and his fückboy groupies. Honestly Louis was doing fine with his nonviolent tactics; for the only motivation he needed was to hear the screaming of the fans on game day after he scored a goal. Their love and support alone gave him the strength he needed to valiantly persevere and be forever resilient against his teammate bullies.
The Grim - Louis nicknamed him since he thought it was quite fitting - however, was determined to destroy Louis, and bring him to his knees (not literally, of course, 'cause, again, he's a homophobic asshole as we discussed earlier. But Louis does have this theory that he is a closeted gay and therefore is only being mean to Louis 'cause he's a fücking pūssy. The irony makes Louis laugh every time).
Anyways.. this is what the bastard did:
After London had won against America (obviously since they were victorious over all other English divisions - because they had Louis - and are therefore competing for the FIFA world cup against other countries (And no not the video game. He had mastered that a loooooong time ago. Ok maybe Niall was better but that's waaaay besides the point here..)), Grimshaw and some of his brainless followers vandalized the American team's footie equipment. They cut holes in their jerseys, removed the bottoms of their cleats, flattened their balls, and even wrote "losers" and other hurtful names across their lockers. They even stray painted a giant mural of Uncle Sam naked on his hands and knees blowing the lovely Queen of England. His elevated tongue dripping gross saliva out of his bearded mouth like a thirsty dog.
And since the image wasn't fücking offensive enough, the messed up graffitist just had to give the old man a collar to complete his unorthodox petship. Its tag reading "UK'S BĮTCH" in bright humiliating red letters of hatin' calligraphy.
Louis remembers clear as day getting the news of the crime. It happened after the practice following the American game, while the boys were getting dressed after having showered, when suddenly his irate coach burst into the locker room like an angry bat outta hell, and furiously threw a flimsy London tabloid at Louis' feet. The photograph on the front cover displaying the vile vandalism in its unholy glory before all his teammates, lying on the dirty floor like a used condom.
Louis recalled wanting to vomit after he realized the sick message of the political cartoon: that the American players were basically sorry ass peasants in comparison to her majesty's. And it obviously had a British bias. So the "artist" was without a doubt someone on their team.
And Louis definitely had and idea of who that someone was.
Their coach, however, had someone else in mind.
And that someone was him.
Louis' coach was so livid that he didn't even speak. The madman stared down at his favorite player; his red eyes filled with so much emotion that it made Louis' heart hurt. He saw rage, betrayal and utter disappointment swimming in the man's oceanic irises. A man who he loved like a second father. A man who he had unintentionally let down.
Louis felt like he had been stabbed in the heart. If his life were a play written by Shakespeare, then his coach would be Rome, Grimshaw would be Bruits, and Louis would be Julius Caesar.
And since he already knew about his inevitable demise, Louis could only guess how this act was going to end:
Tragic. As. Fück.
With one final huff, his coach teared his eyes away from Louis and then spit on his shoe in disgust, yelling, "You're a bloody disgrace, Tomlinson" as he angrily marched out of the room. The last thing Louis remembered, was seeing Grimshaw's nasty grin before he lunged head first at him. Attacking the tosser who had actually done the despicable deed, and who had purposely blamed it on him, in attempt to get him kicked off the team.
Was Grimshaw fücked up, or was Grimshaw fücked up?
Louis couldn't decide.
So how did the prick pull it off you might ask? Simple. He used videocamera technology to set him up. The evil genius wore Louis' jersey while three of his other friends wore Niall, Zayn, and Liam's and were also dressed in masks to make it look like Louis and his mates had committed the crime instead. And, of course, the guy in the Malik jersey was the graffiti artist.
Louis had to admit, it was bloody brilliant. No amount of convincing and logical reasoning could make coach believe that he and his friends were innocent. It was hard - no impossible - to argue against actual footage. And before Louis could play the role of Sherlock Holmes (and Liam would obviously be Watson because Zayn was too lazy and Niall was too .... Niall to put it nicely) to prove that Grimshaw had set them up, they were already assigned the. worst. punishment. ever.
Justice be damned.
Long story short Louis and the lads were suspended from playing, and had to go to New York City for the remainder of the FIFA torment to help out in a fücking homeless shelter for a month. A freaking month!!! Just the thought made Louis ball his fists in anger, wanting to punch a hole in the airplane window. But he refrained from doing so, not wanting to feed the media more shît about him since they already were bashing him for the vandalism that he reportedly committed.
Man oh man, did he despise reporters! They were soulless bastards that only cared about getting juicy stories instead of the truth. Thankfully, however, the loyal fans knew Louis better and had his back, defending him on twitter and other social media sites claiming that he was a good person and would never do such a hateful act. Which seemed rather obvious to them, because duh, he's an angel. Wiki guaranteed.
His friends had handled the punishment much better that him. Louis remembered Liam's optimistic response of: "at least we weren't kicked off the team." And Zayn's chill: "there's always the next torment." And Niall's enthusiastic reply in a horrible American accent: "It'll be ok dude, just think about all the hawt babes yeh'll get to fück. And bruuuh! Thanksgiving dinner! That's gonna be hella rad man, amirite?"
Louis also remembered staring at younger blond and deciding that he had officially lost his marbles - well if he had any to begin with. Louis swore that the only things the lad ever thought about were females and food.
And because Louis was the sassmaster (he had a black belt in the Sassy Arts), he, of course, had to live up to his title by responding with: "Nialler, for one its fücking July. And for two, we are going to New York, not California you dumbarse!"
But still, their combined positive attitude, which Louis believed to be fake - like how could they honestly be a-okay with this shît? - did not alleviate his depression. He should be playing footie not Grimshaw! It wasn't fair. He should be showing off his fancy footwork down the field. He should be feeling the wind in his feathery fringe as he ran. He should be hearing the fans cheer his name damn it! He should be going to Spain right now - not motherfücking bįtcharse closeted cock-sucking booty-licking Grimshaw.
Louis looked out the small square airplane window, trying his best not to cry. His outrageous name-calling couldn't even make him smile.
He stared at the midnight sky, staring at the bright stars in hopes that one would shoot by so he could make a single wish to go back in time and beg coach to let him play footie in Madrid.
Louis would do anything to change his ticket.
Knowing that the odds were not in his favor, he gave up his wishing and sighed sadly. The song playing on his shuffle not helping his mood either. He "ooh"ed along softly with beginning background voices allowing his mind to become one with the melancholy chorus.
That should be me making a goal
That should be me not that stupid hoe
That should be me fück that arsehole
That should be me.. That should be me..
Louis then realized in great alarm that he was re-composing Justin Bieber lyrics on the spot to relate to his shitty life and instantly paused the song.
Fück, he really needs to go to sleep.
He silently cursed his sister for tampering with his iPod before turing off the device and closing his eyes; welcoming the dreams that were soon to come...
"Oooooh Jack! Fück- yes! Right ther- uggghmmm," Louis groaned loudly, loving the feeling of his long slick díck pounding merciless in his ass, hitting that bundle of nerves buried deep inside of him. He squeezed his eyes shut as his toes curled in delight at the glorious sensation. God, did he mention already that he loved this man's thick twitching cock?
"Fück Jack, just like that..." Louis slurred like a drunkn' lad intoxicated by the pirate's amazing sex. "Oh, baby." he moaned loudly. "Just like tha-"
Louis ass jiggled like a bowl of Jell-O.
Tasty. As. Fück.
"Aaarrgg...that's not meh name Louieeeeee!" Jack growled squeezing his bum harshly, spreading his legs further apart, the pain along with his relentless thrusting making the lad feel like his was going to be ripped in half. The bearded man smirked wickedly. His dreaded hair wild, resembling a lion's mane under his black hat. The pretty beads that adorned the thick dark locks rattling against one another after every rhythmic thrust. Jack never missing a beat.
"What's meh name lassie..?" He demanded ferociously, the dominate-crazed fire in his eyes making him look like a fücking deranged animal.
"SAY MEEEH NAME DAMMIT!" He roared slapping his ass again. Díck feeling him up to the bloody max.
And just like that, the pirate lost it; unable to stand Louis continuous disrespect. So as a result, he unleashed the barbarian inside of him, his thrusts no longer rhythmic and disciplined but savage and rough. His cock a metaphorical wrecking ball destroying Louis; wrecking his tight pink clinching hole.
No fücking control.
Finally! This was what he was waiting for. This was exactly what Louis wanted - no needed - to hear.
That raw, powerful, sexilicious anger.
He loved it. He fücking lived for this shît.
The beast within Jack Sparrow gave him life.
And boooooi did he feel alive!
"Captain! - cap'n Jack Sparroow!" Louis screamed submissively, giving the man what he wanted. Jack rewarded him by griping his large thighs and pulling him upward with great force, giving himself more access to penetrate Louis at a much deeper angle. His delicious cock so on point, hitting his prostate repeatedly like a pro, causing the twink to see fücking stars.
"Thats right me'boy. And don't you forget it!" Jack shouted ramming into the laddie like a raging bull, his rough lips similar to a bloody leach, leaving hot pink lovebites all over his neck, causing the curvy man to arch his back off the satin bed in the Captain's bunk. The Black Pearl rocking dangerously in the ocean waters in sync with the pirate's almighty díck greedily pounding into the lassie's rich booty.
And by golly, did the cap'n love him some treasure.
He loved it even more than his precious rum.
"Jack! I'm gonna!- Im gonnnaaaa!" Louis wailed weakly, body shivering violently with pleasure. His díck quaking like a volcano ready to explode its white hot lava.
"You may fück me, Louis, but you may never insult me."
Uh.. Wasn't Jack fücking him? Louis wanted to correct his stupid pirate lover but thought better of it.
He didn't want to get punished again.
"Heeeey! Heeeyhhaaaayyy!" Called a high-pitched-ear-splitting voice from behind the door, as well as very loud knocking interrupting the captain's dominant speech and seriously cockblocking his matey. Like wtf? How rude! Louis would not stand for these despicable shenanigans. He wanted to cum damn it!
"Fück off Elizabeth! You have Turner you selfish bįtch!"
"Simmer down, simmer down!"
"-What? Jack I can't! That greedy two-timing slût-"
"They say we're too young to amount to anything else."
"-Well yeah I know! I don't care that we're pirates! Beckett can such my díck-"
"But look around, we work too damn hard for this just to give it up now!"
"Yeah I know! I won't let Barbossa get our treasure!"
"If you don't swim, you'll drown."
"Duh, that's why we're on the Pearl ... Jack?"
"Don't move honey!"
"Uhm... I can't Cap'n. Your díck's kinda up my-"
Louis instantly woke, desperately yanking his headphones out of his ears stopping the murderously loud lyrics of 5 Second's of Summer's "She Looks So Prefect" from continuing to blare in his sensitive ears.
"NIALL!!!" Louis screamed, turning to face an uncontrollably laughing blond sadist.
"What the in bloody hell is wrong with you!" Louis asked, his eyes scary balls of blue flaming rage.
"Karma's a bįtch, huh Lou!" He chocked out mid-laugh, eyes watery from laughing so hard, holding his chest desperately, trying to breathe.
Good. Louis hoped that his face fücking killed him. He deserved it alright.
Louis sighed and rubbed his ears dismissing his cruel friend. He looked around noticing that everyone had evacuated the plane. Him, the sadist, Liam, and Zayn were the last one's left along with an impatient looking fight attendant by the exit who was currently giving them the evil eye. He rolled his eyes back not giving a single fück if he was being too slow for her.
He grumbled unhappily mumbling under his breath, while he got up snatching his luggage from Liam. "Goddamn leprechauns stealing your gold and hearing. What's next? You'll be after my future boyfriend?" The last part directed specifically to the still laughing Irishman.
Zayn chuckled at Louis' spiteful words deciding to add his two cents in defense of his blond mate. "Your subconscious boyfriend you mean? By the looks of it Lou, you were having another wet dream about Johnny Sparrow Depp?"
Louis blushed embarrassingly, and then tried to pass off his red face his as anger scowling fiercely at Zayn. It was too early to be thinking of smart comebacks.
"You really need to see a psychologist about that. Its unhealthy mate." Liam added, further backing his annoyingly real boyfriend up.
Ugh couples were so infuriating! Louis rolled his eyes at them as the four of them made their way out of the plane. He didn't need anyone to help him fend off their snarky attacks. He was fine ridding solo. Great actually.
"Sure dad. As long as you take me to get ice cream afterwards." Louis said, his sarcasm as thick as Johnny's díck. "And speaking of "unhealthy" (he said dramatically making air quotes to emphasize his point) is Niall's obsession with 5'es'o'es."
"I'm not obsessed Lou!" Niall exclaimed, waving his arms wildly in defense almost knocking the flight attendant out with his luggage. "They are just really cool lads with talent. And its 5'sauce' by the way."
Louis just stared at him looking totally unconvinced as the four boys walked through the tunnel like structure that connected the plane to the airport. "Whatever you say buddy."
"I don't know Lou, can you blame him? I mean, have you seen Ashton's hands?" Zayn said in acknowledgment as he licked his lips in desire, the other boys nodding in agreement.
"Yeah I guess your right Z. And what about Luke's lip ring! It's so sexy. I just wanna play with it all day with my tongue." Louis admitted longingly. Truth be told he really wanted to make out right now. His dick still semi-hard after his kinky pirate dream.
"Ugh and can we talk about Calum's arse?" Niall sighed. "Jesus Christ whata booty man. I-I mean beauty." The blond said catching himself, not wanting to sound too gay.
Louis and Zayn smirked knowingly at each other. It was only a matter of time before their Nialler crossed over to the dark side.
And when he did Louis would be there waiting hungrily for him.
Ready to taste the rainbow.
"MMhhhmm and Michael's díck..." Liam whispered dreamily interrupting Louis' stomach mid growl. The boys had reached the end of the tunnel, now making their way toward airport security.
"What babe?" Zayn said turing around so quick that his hair whipped forwarded slapping his face, giving Liam the look of death.
"Uh-what?" Liam said coughing while scratching the back of his head innocently. He obviously hadn't meant to let that slip. "I said his hair is sick. Love, are you hearing things? Do I need to take you to a specialist too?" He covered up quickly. The smooth bastard was scandalous.
"Nah I'm good. I already have an appointment scheduled to see doctor Payne tonight." Zayn said in a disgustingly seductive tone causing Louis to cringe inwardly while walking through U.S. customs.
"Yeh mean the luuuve doctor?" Niall smirked cheekily while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at the shamelessly flirtatious couple.
"More like Doctor Payne in my arse." Louis mumbled under his breath.
"Yes he sure was after my first check up," Zayn winked at him while giving the officials his passport to look over. "Couldn't play footie for an entire week!"
Zayn smirked seductively at Liam causing the boy's cheeks to turn a deep rosy crimson at the memory.
Louis eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he took off his shoes and removed unwanted metal objects from his body. He did not understand what the dark haired boy was talking about.
A moment later after he placed his belongs in the plastic box, Louis' eyes widened horror, gasping in realization at his friend's disgusting comment.
"Ewww! You guys are nasty." He yelled. "Fücking cocksuckers. You two have no shame! None! That was waaaaay too much information. Thank you very much."
"You're very much welcome Louis." Zayn said in his most polite voice, patting Louis' shoulder like the charming dick he was.
"I hate you." Louis said venomously, shoving his tan hand off him. "Ugh! I'm scarred for life." He cried out dramatically putting his hand over his eyes while walking through the metal detector.
All the boys laughed loudly, Liam calling him a drama queen.
"ANYWAY..." Louis said. The boys having finished with security were now heading toward the airport baggage pick-up to retrieve their suitcases. The honey haired boy grinned smugly at blond next to him, not having forgotten the gay comment from earlier about the fit bandmate.
"Niall... aren't you straight?!" Louis asked his younger friend expressing much confusion about his partake in their 5sauce body appreciation conversation.
"Ya I am, but I would swing that way for 'em." Niall responded thoughtfully.
"But not for me???! Rude! I mean, come on! Have you seen my arse? It's just as nice as Cal's!" Louis whined playfully swaying his hips as they walked through the large crowds of John F. Kennedy airport.
"I'm sorry Lou, I have a thing for bandmates."
"So if I were to become part of a boyband will you let me fück you then?" Louis asked teasingly and slightly hopeful while waiting patiently for his large suitcase to arrive that hadn't fit on the plane.
Niall roared with laugher as if what Louis said was the funniest thing he had ever heard.
"Yah right Louis! Like that will ever happen." He said in-between laughs, grabbing his bags. "But if it did then... maybe? Idunno, can't cheat on the fam, yeh know." Niall said loudly puffing out his chest like a proud peacock. "Imma loyal fan."
"A loyal fan? Nah. You're an arsehole!" Louis screamed at him feigning hurt. "Fück you! My voice isn't that bad. It's better than your's you wanker!"
Niall rolled his eyes at the shorter lad shaking his head. He then, deciding to comfort his friend wrapped his free arm around him saying, "No, no baby it's lovely! Yeh sing like an angel Lou-Lou."
Damn Wikipedia straight he did.
Louis hid his flattered smile at his mate's compliment while hauling is heavy luggage from the moving assembly line, and pretended to still be mad by shoving Niall way. "Whatever. Get away from me you bloody tease. Movie stars are better anyway."
"You mean Johnny Depp?" Liam asked smirking at him. The four boys now making their way to the main entrance to be picked up.
"Ugh not this shít again! Will you guys let it go?" Louis begged. "Have mercy please! I can't help who I dream about gosh darn it!"
"Aaaargg!" Niall yelled totally ignoring Louis plead, making his hand into a fist acting like it had a hook while hobbling around on one his foot like a right idiot as if he had a wooden leg on the other.
"Oh YAS! Cap'n Niall Horan shiver meh timbers!" Zayn said to Niall deciding to join the fun by attempting to imitate Louis as if he was in the presence of a sexy pirate.
"Lemme stick meh large cannon in yeh porthole!" Niall replied back in his most seductive voice, but failing miserably when he laughed at the end.
"Oh baby, pillage meh booty pleeeeeease!" Zayn whimpered throwing himself in the blond captain's arms, wiggling his bum teasingly at the man, doing his best to mock dream Lou.
"Yo ho ho! How 'bout aarg bottle of meh cum instead lassie?" Niall said with the deepest voice he could muster slapping Zayn's ass loudly. Several parents glared at them, shielding the eyes of their young children from the erotic hooligans.
Louis' annoyed façade couldn't help but crumble at that, his irate face breaking into a wide smile. All of the boys were now laughing hysterically at their kinky antics.
Zayn continued his role-playing, skipping around Niall, singsonging sweetly, "Wreck meh deck cap'n Horan! Wreck meh deck!" The dark haired boy made childish kissy noises and continued shaking his butt, even grinding mercilessly down on Niall like the naughty little boy that he was.
"Does Daddy have to make you walk the plank baby?" Liam said sexily, his voice dominant and three octaves lower. He then angrily grabbed Zayn by his shirt collar yanking him towards him and way from Niall's playful grasp, pressing the dark haired boy's bum cheeks against his harden crouch forcing him into submission, reminding his baby who his real captain was.
Zayn squealed in delight, heart beating fast with arousal, loving the way Liam's huge cock pocked his clothed hole.
"Whatever floats your boat Daddy." He said innocently batting his eyelashes suggestively and rolling his hips, grinding down on his boyfriend filthily.
He loved jealous Liam.
"Shut up Cap'n Whoran and you two incestuous freaks!" Louis shouted finally having been made fun of enough. And also because he didn't want security to arrest his friends for fücking in the airport.
The four boys had now arrived at the exit of J.F.K. and began to search the crowd looking for their supposedly awaiting driver.
"I'm the freak? At least I don't fantasize about fücking movie stars thirty years older than me!" Zayn shouted making a fist at Louis. Liam reacting like the sensible proud father that he was, holding the livid lad back, cuddling him to his chest while kissing his neck trying to calm his baby boy down.
"Fück off," Louis said as he rolled his eyes sassily at the sweet interaction. He was seriously going to throw up cupcakes.
"You lovebirds are making me seasick."
Thanks again to all of you for reading. Don't be afraid to comment/favorite!
Until next time... :)
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