Chapter 2 Missing father?
(Bri's P.O.V)
I had been fake sleeping for hours now, I had been woken up to Rian, Austin and another voice I couldn't understand well. It was probably That Blythe guy Rian and Austin befriended.
I really didn't want to deal with them this early, most of the time I go down there when they 'break in' they end up waking Devin and breaking stuff. They get annoying after awhile being with them.
But thats my family now, Knowing My mom was hiding secrets from me about my dad. And hiding the letters he would send me, It made me angry after I found out not from her telling me from me finding the letters she had hid from me.
I guess I couldn't blame her, from what I heard my father had hurt her. But that still gave her no right to hide him from me.
All these thoughts had gotten me lost I only snapped out of it when i heard my door open, It must have been Devin because he closed the door right after, That must have ment it was past 7am.
'I guess this means I have to get up.'
(Blythe's P.O.V)
Austin and Rian where fighting over something, It's kind of tell that I've only known them for four days and I already know that's normal.
"No I Will!!!!!" "NO!!!! I will!!!!!" "NO ME!!!!!!!" "Not if I have anything to say about it!!!!!" Austin and Rian bickered back and forth over and over again, this had been going on for a good 20 to 25 minutes.
The next thing I say was Devin pulling out a red tined sword with werid saw blades on it, Austin and Rian both looked down at the sword and let out long annoyed sighs they where pretty loud.
Austin and Richie both then sat down where they once where, Devin also going back into the kitchen. "That was funny" Blythe said with a snicker "oh shut up pointy ears" "trying to down my pointed ear buddy Ryan?" They boys turned to where the voice was to see Bri hands on her hips Very sassy looking.
"it's. Rian!!!!!" Rian said crossing his arms, Austin put his hand on Rian's shoulder. "okay okay Calm down." "Fin-" "Ryan," Rian tackled Austin into the coffe table harshly breaking it, "MY TABLE!!!!!" Bri yelled with anger.
(Devin's P.O.V)
'MY TABLE!!!!!'
I moved myself from infrount of that stove to the hall to the Living room, I was watching Bri Yelling, Austin and Rian fighting and Blythe enjoying tea and watching.
I myself was contemplating whether or not I should step in or not, this was strange to see Bri yelling like that usally she is all chill and stuff. So I guess that means she is generally Peeved.
"Your two are impossible!" Bri shouted rubing her temple. "You love us though!!" Austin said back with a big smile, Bri glared at Austin and just stood there squinting at him.
"Yeah no"
Thats the end of this one!
517 words less then last time but hey!
I did good!
Layla out!
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