0.6: Time With Kyung-Mi
{ A/N: THIS IS A FILLER CHAPTER ! It follows Taehyun bonding with his little sister.}
After his conversation with his father Taehyun opted to get to know his little sister. Kang Kyung-Mi. "저를 나이가 많다고 부를 필요는 없어요. 지금은 그냥 태현이라고 불러도 돼요. 알겠어요?" (You don't need to address me as older. For now you can just call me Taehyun. Okay ?) The last thing he wanted to do was make things even more awkward between them. Kyung-Mi smiled as she shook her head, "괜찮아요, 오빠. 전 상관없어요." (It's alright, Oppa. I don't mind.)
Kyung-Mi, much like their father had a elegant way of speech & movement. Honestly Taehyun felt a bit out of place since he didn't think he possessed these qualities about himself. So far all they had in common was their parents, as well as their pureblood gift. Kyung-Mi sat with him. "How was living out there ? I've never seen much of Monzara..."
Taehyun sighed. It was normal she had questions of the outside. She's never left New Zara before. "It was quite alright. The institute got reformed when my friends & I learned about what all our parents had done in their school years there." Kyung-Mi seemed aware of what he was referencing, but didn't push him for answers. She smiled, "Where are your friends now, Oppa ?" The conversation was supposed to get lighter, but Taehyun didn't have many good answers to where his friends were.
His unnatural neon purple eyes filled with conflicting emotions, "음, 어... 수빈이가 죽었어요. 범규형은 지팡이가 부러져서 학원에서 쫓겨났어요... 휴닝 카이는 가족과 함께하기 위해 떠났습니다... 연준형은 제가 여기 데려온 후에도 계속 학원에 있었어요." (Well, uh... Soobin hyung is dead... Beomgyu hyung was sent away from the institute after his wand was broken... Huening Kai left to go be with his family... Yeonjun hyung stayed at the institute after I was brought here...) Kyung-Mi rested a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Oppa. I shouldn't have asked..."
Taehyun still looked a mess after leaving the institute. Dried blood still covered his face. Kyung-Mi gently wiped his face. "You miss them, right ? I am sure you do." Taehyun smiled. He missed how things were before. Before the institute... If Jeongsan hadn't purposefully targeted them when they entered the institute, would they have been friends naturally on their own ? "I miss not being so worried. I feel like ever since I joined the institute all I had were worries & endless questions."
Soon enough his face was clear of any dried blood. "When did you realize you had the gift ?" Kyung-Mi grinned. She seemed excited to talk about this. "저는 정말 어려서 깨달았어요. 제 눈은 항상 이 부자연스러운 색깔이었지만, 제가 첫 번째 혈액 계약을 할 때 그 재능은 정말로 드러났습니다." (I realized really young. My eyes were always this unnatural color, but the gift truly manifested when I went through with my first blood pact.) She underwent a blood pact when she was young ? "Well, how does a blood pact work ? Who was it with ?" Kyung-Mi seemed to have a dreamlike expression as she recalled the specific memory.
"It was with my best friend, Hana. Blood pacts are fairly simple. You each would have to cut your palm & then essentially shake with a promise involved or something agreed upon." Taehyun was once again thinking about Beomgyu. Was it because he felt guilty ? Was it because he also was a pureblood ? Taehyun sighed, "당신이 언제 혈맹을 맺고 싶은지 어떻게 알 수 있나요?" (How do you know when you want to form a blood pact ?)
Kyung-Mi right away could tell this was something that was beginning to bother him. She didn't know Taehyun well, but anyone could see he was thinking hard about this. "Dad says the need to bond is strongest with other purebloods. I think it starts with the constant thinking of the person you have in mind. It won't subside until you complete the blood pact."
A while passes before Taehyun is left with his thoughts. Did he want to complete a blood pact with Beomgyu ? How was he even supposed to find Beomgyu to ask him ? Would Beomgyu even want to talk with him ?
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