Nicknames and Bet-Making
Finally, after an hour of readjusting and technique correcting on the basic defence blocks and prairies, Will had gotten it.
Well 80% of them-
Make that 60%.
Nico wanted to make sure that Will was getting all the movements correct.
But it didn't help that whenever Nico went to try and readjust Will, that his student would perform an involuntary shiver; thus causing Nico to shiver and hurriedly move on.
At last Will had finished training. His biceps and abs and legs and... Well his whole body, and never felt as sore before! How in Hades was everyone able to do that?
Will was beginning to think that he must've been the worst sword fighter ever and that maybe he'd do better with a bow, when Nico said something that made his day.
"How on EARTH are you able to remember all those moves and techniques just for defending? I'm exhausted, and that's saying something. I mean, I out ran those Romans as a distraction for you with a medical kit on my back for what I think was a good 2 miles."
Nico laughed at the memory of Will and his blonde hair running away. Will and his stupid ideas. Will with his stupid silly upward quirk of a smile.
"Hey, most of it is instinct. Kind of just comes to you; you relate back to what you're comfortable with when training. Besides, how on earth do YOU manage to remember every bone and weird vein capillary thingy in the body. Plus I think you'd be a better shot with a bow than me."
"Me? A better shot than you?" Will exasperated. "Want a bet?"
"What if I do Sunnyboy?"
Nico punched Will playfully on the arm, causing Will to squint in pain from the recent workout.
"Alright then Death-Breath *Nico checked his breath* a bet... just don't let the Stolls know. Whoever is the worst at archery gets a 'no questions asked' favour"
"A 'No questions asked?'" Nico said quizzically.
"Self explanatory, but otherwise kind of like you'll do this for me but you can't say a word to anyone, ask any questions and you have to drop what you're doing immediately"
"Alright then Solace, we have ourselves a bet. When do want to do this? Next Friday, same time?"
"See you then, di Angelo"
Whomp. There it is. Finally got around to it! Been a while, but the best of Britain has re-entered my life - Sherlock, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Cadbury and Tea - and I intend to keep it that way! Again thank you so much and don't forget to comment anything and everything as well as vote/like!
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