For Better Use
Nico was cupping Will
Nico is cupping me. Nico is cupping me. Nico is cupping me. Was the only thought being repeated inside Will's head.
It was kind of hard not to let it show on his face. Nico's hands were not quite exactly... Holding him per-say, but was hovering around that area. It was quite infuriating actually. But why though?
With a moment of hesitation, and an awkward jump away from each other, both boys assumed the shy boy position. Both leaning back heads down and running fingers through their hair.
A grunt of breaking silence was made by Will followed by a shaky laugh. This shaky laugh drifted off into silence, but then began to grow into full blown out laughter. Will was keeling over with tears.
Nico's lips began to quirk up and eventually cracked a smile with a sullen head.
Fits of laughter gone, Will turned to Nico clutching his ribs from the aftershock.
"Hey it's okay, seriously, and I'm not laughing at you just ugh.. You know"
"Anyway, I was going to ask you, that because you've been helping me out in the infirmary a lot lately, that if you could perhaps teach me some sword skills. My total fighting skills are at a O. I can't even fire a bow, how's that for a son of Apollo? So what'd you say? Training buddies?"
Nico was a bit startled at the question but quickly recovered trying to show no excitement.
Nico pretended to think about it with fingers on his chin in quizzical thought.
"Training Buddies." Was his reply.
Hope this tickled your fancies. Okay so after this it may take a while before I update again. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment your ideas and I will try and incorporate them. As always vote and comment, I appreciate criticism.
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