Chapter 9
(The much needed update u all have asked for please please let me know what u think)
Pacing the sitting room like a crazy person while holding a cup of fresh coffee Luhan keeps looking at the hallway leading to the bedrooms hoping Baekhyun will wake soon.
Finally the bedroom door creaks, making him freeze and wait to see his best friend appear.
"Morning Lulu" Baekhyun passes him and heads into the kitchen as Luhan hurries after him.
"Eh hello.... What happened last night? Luhan looks at his friend seeing how calm he is.
" I went on a date you know that " Baekhyun continues to pour himself some decaf tea as a pissed off Luhan is waiting for more information.
" Yes.... And? "
" Luhan what do you want me to say?"
"Tell me what's really wrong with you that you just walked past me last night and went straight to bed leaving me to worry about you. You're so lucky I didn't come in and break down the door after you" Luhan takes a seat at the table watching his friend closely for any signs of what may have happened.
"The date was amazing Chanyeol is an amazing guy. After the date we got some food and he spotted my bump" Baekhyun starts to cry making Luhan rush over to him hugging him.
"Why didn't you tell me last night? "
"I didn't tell you because you have done enough for me and I just wanted to be alone"
"Baekhyun you need to tell him and soon" Luhan puts his hand on Baekhyun's stomach seeing the bump is a little bigger this morning.
"I know I have to but...."
"But what?"
"I like being around him. If I tell him I will lose him"
"Baek that's not fair on him or you please tell him. If he gets mad then he clearly isn't the right one for you" Luhan guides his friend to the table helping him sit.
"I lay in bed all night thinking of telling him. I wanted last night to be our last date but who am I kidding? He is perfect Lulu"
"Baek then tell him please before you get any deeper." reaching across the table Luhan gives his hand a squeeze followed by a sad smile.
"I know you're right I'll tell him"
Knock knock
They both jump, not expecting visitors as Luhan heads to open the door, seeing his boyfriend Sehun standing at the door with flowers.
"Morning beautiful" Sehun steps inside kissing his boyfriend on the cheek to the smiles of the smaller.
"I missed you not being here when I wake up" Luhan holds on to his boyfriends waist, hugging him so tight.
"I missed you also but I have something for you" Sehun steps back as Luhan smiles a cheeky grin.
"Oh baby what have you got for me hmmmm?" Luhan licks his lips making the taller laugh "It's not that baby"
"Awww but why not I missed you" Luhan bites his bottom lip knowing he wants to take his boyfriend into his bedroom and rock his world right now.
" Come away with me it's just for three days. I know you want to be here for Baekhyun and I totally understand that. It's just the only time I can get off right now and I'd like it to be with you"
"He will go," Baekhyun says while entering the sitting room.
"Baek I haven't said yes"
"Luhan go please don't put your life on hold because of me. This is a nice thing for Sehun to do"
"You need me" Luhan walks back to his friend hugging him
"It's just for three days, Lulu. Go enjoy I will be fine I promise you and when you get back I will be all set up in my new place"
"I don't know" Luhan looks back at Sehun feeling really bad
"Go and have fun please Luhan" Baekhyun pleads with his friend
"Ok only if you're sure"
"I'm sure, when are you going?" Baekhyun looks seeing Sehun smiling "Today as soon as he is ready"
"Oh my god like today today?" Luhan gets all excited making the others smile at his cuteness.
"Yes, today today now go get ready and I'll be back to pick you up in an hour" Sehun kisses his cheek and leaves the apartment.
"Baek please tell me you will be ok"
"I will be ok now, go pack and get ready. I need to get ready for work" Luhan runs into his room turning on some music as he gets ready.
"Your uncle is crazy you know that little one" Baekhyun says while rubbing his tummy as he heads back into the kitchen to make some much needed food.
"Ok so you're gonna be ok?''Luhan stands at his door questioning his friend over and over before he leave for his trip with Sehun.
" Luhan for the millionth time I will be fine. I could do with being alone to think"
"If you need me call me" Luhan kisses his friends cheek
"I won't need you now go have crazy fun with that sexy boyfriend of yours and I will see you when you get back" . Hugging his friend close, he kisses his cheek back.
"Ok I love you, speak soon" Luhan heads off down the stairs not wanting to wait for the lift.
"Awww peace" Baekhyun closes the door looking at the now quiet apartment that his friend only an hour ago was running room to room looking for clothes.
"Ok little one your fed I'm fed and washed and ready to go to work. Last day of the week thank the heavens' ' Baekhyun grabs his bag and lunch and heads out the door for work.
"Morning Kai"
"Hey Baekhyun, just bought myself breakfast, how's you?" Kai holds open the door of the main building as Baekhyun steps out.
"I'm good, heading to work"
"I seen Luhan a few seconds ago screaming about going away and to keep an eye on you" Kai laughs as Baekhyun blushes
"Yeah he gets like that but I'll be fine you won't need to look out for me" Baekhyun smiles and heads to his car.
"Well if you need any help just call up" Kai heads off into the apartment as Baekhyun drives off to work.
"Baekhyun the day is nearly over you can head off now" his boss Mr Woo says as he puts some stock on the shelves.
"Are you sure I don't mind staying till closing"
"Baekhyun you need to rest"
"I'd rather stay active. I heard its good for the baby" he smiles a soft smile making his boss smile back
"Ok how about you ring Mr Park and tell him we need more merchandise for that new band"
"Oh yes I can do that then I will head off after" smiling he heads into the office and sits at his bosses large desk. Lifting the phone he dials Chanyeol's number.
"Hello, Park Chanyeol"
"That moon was beautiful last night"
"Baek, Baekhyun is that you?"
"Yes it's me hi"
"Hi, how are you?, sorry I never called you today work has been crazy. Stores are selling out of the new bands merchandise"
"Sorry to add to your problem but that's why I am ringing you. We are very low on merch"
"And there was me thinking you missed me. Now your only ringing for my goods"
"No.. No don't say it like that lol"
"I'm just teasing Baekhyun. Ok so what are you running out of the most?"
"The plushies of the members. I will need more merch of the stationary oh and more hoodies. Actually how about you just send more of everything just incase"
"Yes boss, anything else?"
"Hehe yeah any news on the lightstick yet?"
"I was waiting for you to say that. Yes they will be ready by the middle of next week"
"Ok great I look forward to having them and what about the merch?"
"I'll get it dropped by Monday morning"
"Ok that's brilliant"
"Now enough talk about business how are you?"
"Tired after today but I'm good thank you. How are you?"
"Same as yourself, been busy all day haven't been able to ring or even message this cute guy I went on a date with last night"
"Oh no really he must not have been that good of a night then if you couldn't message him"
" Yeah it was a busy day but he was never off my mind. I was even thinking of surprising him later tonight by dropping by his place"
"Ok stop....... I'm embarrassed"
"Hehe awww are you blushing?"
"Nooooo.... ok yes I am"
"Have you plans tonight Baekhyun?"
"No and Luhan is away so it's a quiet night in"
"Oh a quiet night in sounds good should I bring food?"
"Are you inviting yourself over?"
"Well I had to, you haven't asked me yet beautiful"
"Ok ok you can come over"
"Great, I look forward to it. See you tonight baekhyun"
Hanging up the phone Baekhyun giggles out loud feeling like a school crush has just asked him out. Spinning in the chair he places his hand on his bump. I know I said last night would be the last night but I can't help myself"
Heading out to his boss to say goodnight and grab his things he heads off back to Luhans apartment in search of what to wear tonight to sit at home.
While looking through his wardrobe he remembers his good clothes are upstairs in his new apartment. So grabbing his keys he heads on up to his new apartment and searches for his clothes.
Ding ding
Grabbing his phone he smiles seeing Chanyeol's message
Be over in an hour if that's ok boss?
Boss..... lol yeah that's ok see you then
Putting his phone down, smiling from ear to ear he decides to have a shower first before he changes.
Chanyeol arrives and knocks on the apartment door hearing no answer. Looking around he smiles and heads up to the new apartment and sees the door open a little and soft music playing.
Pushing the door a little he looks in seeing candles around the room lighting the room up. Open boxes are still scattered around making him smile when he spots Baekhyun sitting in a large comfy chair reading a book.
"Excuse me but have you seen my date for tonight?" he says with a smirk making Baekhyun sit up with a fright.
"Oh god I'm so sorry Chanyeol I came up here for clothes and I got lost in the mess and sat down for a minute to read and....."
"Hey it's fine honestly no need to explain" Chanyeol waits in the doorway holding some takeout bags as Baekhyun keeps staring at him. Chanyeol only wore some tracksuit bottoms and a hoodie since it was a staying in night but seeing him with the hoodie makes Baekhyun wonder if he is naked underneath like before.
"Come in, excuse my manners" Baekhyun puts his book down and moves to help his date with the takeout.
"I called down stairs but there was no answer so I thought right on thinking you would be here"
"Yes I'm so sorry, is it ok if we eat up here?"
"Well since you have candles and have made it kinda romantic how can I say no" chanyeol gives him a soft smile making the smaller blush a little.
"I'm starving." Baekhyun pulls the food from the bag and looks surprised at his date.
"You remembered my order from the last time?"
"Yeah you seemed to enjoy it so I thought why not, I got some sides as well just in case I got the order wrong"
"No you haven't. This is perfect, what do I owe you?"
"You owe me nothing now please let's eat" Chanyeol moves over to the floor and takes a seat near a box placing his food on it while Baekhyun sits the other side on a cushion.
"This is so yummy just what I needed" Baekhyun tucks into the food as Chanyeol stares at the beauty in front of him. He wants so badly to kiss him especially in the candle light.
"I have something on my face, don't I?" Baekhyun freezes with a mouth full of food looking at the taller.
"No sorry..... I just think you look beautiful tonight"
"Yeah I look amazing in my lounge wear" Baekhyun giggles while wiping his mouth as Chanyeol smiles and stares back.
"It's perfect and so are you Baekhyun. Look I would like to ask you something"
"Yeah but I think I'll wait. It's ok never mind" chanyeol looks away tucking into his food and changing the subject.
"Oh I wanted to show you something I have in my bag" Chanyeol stands up and heads to his coat and bag taking out a box.
"Is that what I think it is?" Baekhyun wipes his hands and holds them out wanting the box.
"Yes boss it is as requested." Taking a seat he watches Baekhyun open the box.
"It's the dreamies lightstick oh wow its..... It's... Kinda"
"You don't like it do you?"
"Honest answer.... Not really. It just says NCT there is no dream or dreamies on it. To be honest I was expecting a fluffy cloud inside a globe or something not a square shape with NCT on the side"
"Well that's what they have going out to the stores next week" Chanyeol drinks from his drink as Baekhyun tries to turn it on.
"Come here i'll show you" Baekhyun moves and sits in front of Chanyeol passing him the lightstick
"Just press this button here and you have light" Chanyeol holds it up making Baekhyun laugh.
"Yeah I still don't like it" Baekhyun tries to take it as Chanyeol pulls it away playfully
"Hey let me check the other colours" he tries to take it and Chanyeol pulls it away again making Baekhyun move forward trying to grab it but fails as they both stop inches away from each other.
"Kiss me please" Chanyeol whispers as Baekhyun moves closer kissing him softly on the lips.
"Now pass the lightstick" Baekhyun holds out his hand as Chanyeol puts the lightstick down and pulls the smaller closer into him.
"Enough about the lightstick, beautiful" chanyeol holds the smaller close to him as he leans in for another kiss.
As their lips lock, the kisses get deeper and more passionate, making Baekhyun pull away for air.
"Lets go to the bedroom please" Baekhyun holds out his hand standing up as Chanyeol follows his lead.
"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Chanyeol stops in the hallway as Baekhyun pulls him by the hand, moving him to the bedroom again.
Stepping into the bedroom Baekhyun already has a lamp turned on in the corner of the room and freshly made bed with clothes on top of it.
" Excuse the mess" Baekhyun takes the clothes off the bed and throws them onto a box.
"It looks so much better with the bed in the room, when did it arrive? " Chanyeol still stands in the doorway watching the smaller.
"It arrived tonight and they put it together for me which I was happy about. Why are you not coming in?"
" Like I said before about the bedroom being someone's private place"
"Oh yes you like to be invited" Baekhyun smiles as he steps closer to the taller now taking his hand.
"Please come in Chanyeol" he watches as Chanyeol steps in the room and pulls him closer to his body as they begin to kiss again.
Moving closer to the bed Baekhyun unzips the tallers hoodie and slides it down his naked arms seeing that in fact he was right he is naked under it.
"Wow" Baekhyun moans into the kiss before looking at where his hands are on the taller abs
"Your so beautiful baekhyun" he lifts his chin up so he can search the smaller eyes before he takes his top off, dropping it to the floor.
Baekhyun has forgotten all about said baby bump and just goes with the flow kissing the taller with so much passion his body is craving him.
He hasn't felt this way with a man in a long time. The man he was supposed to marry didn't kiss him like this or hold him this way. With Chanyeol he feels wanted and loved.
"Come here you" Chanyeol lifts the smaller up and places him on the bed as he starts to kiss him with hunger all down his body to his trousers.
Baekhyun wants to tell the taller his secret but he wants this to happen so much so he keeps quiet for now.
"So beautiful" Chanyeol slides the smaller trousers off him dropping them to the floor as Baekhyun reaches for him to come back and kiss him while wrapping his legs around the taller waist
Reaching his own hands down he pushes the taller trousers down as fair as he can as Chanyeol pulls them the rest of the way off. Chanyeol on top smothering him with kisses all around his neck and chest.
"I want you" Baekhyun whimpers out as Chanyeol slips his hand down the smallers underwear feeling him rock hard.
"Oh god Baekhyun you are just perfect" and with those words he has baekhyun's cock in his mouth as he slowly starts to suck him
"Oh fuck" Baekhyun throws his head back holding the tallers hair in his hand as he tries to concentrate on the beautiful tongue that is licking him so good right now.
"Mmm let me have you now" Chanyeol asks as Baekhyun gives him a nod. Sliding off his own underwear, he lines his cock up with Baekhyun's opening and teases it with the tip of his cock.
"We need lube I will hurt you beautiful"
"Yeah I can see that" Baekhyun covers his face embarrassed seeing just how big Chanyeol is
"Over there" he points to a small white box on the floor as Chanyeol climbs off and reaches it opening it to see some lube inside
"I could just stand here and look at you all day you are like an angel Baekhyun" he climbs back on the bed as Baekhyun opens his legs for the taller.
Feeling the warmth of Chanyeol's hand along with the lube he lets out a moan.
"Mmmm Chanyeol please take me now" and with those words Chanyeol slowly starts to push in
"Fuck" Baekhyun screams out as Chanyeol watches him hoping he isn't hurting the smaller too much. Pushing deeper, Baekhyun holds Chanyeol's arms tighter while looking up into his eyes. The taller leans down, kissing him as he pushes himself all the way deeper.
" Fuck your so tight" Chanyeol moans into the kiss as he starts to move more.
"Faster please" Baekhyun says as Chanyeol moves faster looking into his eyes as they then continue to kiss with passion.
"I'm so close oh god" Baekhyun moans and Chanyeol keeps going at a steady pace feeling Baekhyun tighten around his cock.
"Come for me beautiful" Chanyeol whispers as Baekhyun grabs hold of Chanyeol's arms tightly and cums with a scream.
"That's it baby" Chanyeol leans up on his arms looking down at the smaller as he pulls his cock out and cums all over Baekhyun stomach.
"Oh wow" Baekhyun giggles a little trying to catch his breath as Chanyeol lays beside him on the bed panting.
"That was amazing" Chanyeol kisses Baekhyun's cheek before climbing off the bed and heading into the ensuite and returning with a damp cloth.
"Here let me clean you" Chanyeol moves closer as Baekhyun starts to get shy seeing just how damn sexy Chanyeol really is. He drools at the sight of his abs and the v shape, his large cock just everything about Chanyeol excites him.
"I can do it" Baekhyun sits up but Chanyeol moves closer and wipes his cum off the smaller.
"You have a food baby I love it" Chanyeol smiles finishing off wiping his seed away.
"No I can't" Baekhyun climbs off the bed and starts to get dressed leaving a very confused Chanyeol staring at him
"I have said something wrong haven't I?. I don't mind the food baby it's cute on you. It's not a weight thing your embarrassed about is it because you are beautiful to me" Chanyeol tries to get closer but the smaller stops him
"Chanyeol... I think you need to go"
"Why what's wrong?"
"Please just go"
"Baekhyun I'm not leaving you after sex I'm not some jerk so please talk to me" Chanyeol pulls on his underwear and trousers before stepping closer to baekhyun who just managed to put a t-shirt on and nothing else.
"I'm...... pregnant" Baekhyun rushes out of the bedroom away from the taller making Chanyeol follow after him.
"I'm pretty sure I can't get you pregnant that fast now come here to me" Chanyeol finds his date in the sitting room just standing in the middle of the room sniffing with his back to Chanyeol
"It's my ex's baby. I was due to marry him then I found out I was pregnant"
"Ok..... well please sit down at least" Chanyeol sees the smaller shivering a little as he places a blanket around him as Baekhyun sits in his favourite reading chair while chanyeol gets on his hunker in front of the smaller.
"Funny how when I went to tell him he didn't believe me he asked me who I slept with as he didn't want kids. Long story short he didn't want the baby my wedding was off I moved out and into Luhans then up here within the space of a week" Baekhyun starts to cry making Chanyeol feel so sorry for the smaller that he moves closer pulling him in close for a hug.
"I'm so sorry about all of this Chanyeol I wanted to tell you but for the first time in a very long time I felt alive with you"
"You have nothing to be sorry for I'm just so sorry all this happend to you and so fast"
"So it isn't a food baby it's my actual baby" Baekhyun touches his stomach as he smiles and wipes a few tears away.
"He is a prick" Chanyeol stands up and grabs himself a drink of water and also passes one to Baekhyun
"I know but he signed everything about the baby over to me and had it official stamped. He won't want a Dna test because he thinks I cheated so it will be just me and my baby"
"I am lost for words on how anyone can do that" Chanyeol sits on the floor sipping his drink as Baekhyun is so nervous right now that Chanyeol is still sitting with him and hasn't ran out the door yet.
"I wanted to tell you but....." Baekhyun sniffs a little, wiping a tear. "I'm crying like a baby now. I must look a state excuse me" Baekhyun stands up and moves to his bedroom trying to breathe, not believing what is happening. Chanyeol still isn't running away and he can't understand why.
"Are you ok?" Chanyeol appears in the doorway seeing Baekhyun sitting on the end of the bed wiping his face
"I will be soon"
Walking into the room chanyeol sits beside the smaller both not knowing what to say or do
"So what colour is the baby's room gonna be?" Chanyeol says, making Baekhyun laugh a little and look at him.
"You don't have to make small talk it's ok. It's a shock when you meet a new guy and go on a few dates and he ruins it by telling the person hey guess what I'm pregnant"
"You haven't ruined it" Chanyeol stands up holding out his hand to Baekhyun
He takes his hand and gets moved to the spare room. Chanyeol opens the door and makes Baekhyun head inside as he waits at the doorway.
"What colour are you gonna paint it?"
"I haven't thought that far yet and why you keep asking me I have just told you the worst news to tell you about on a date and your being so nice to me I can't take it" . Baekhyun falls onto the floor and cries as Chanyeol breaks his own rules and steps in the bedroom uninvited. Reaching the smaller he gets on his knees and pulls him in close, hugging him and rocking him.
"I think I need to leave". Baekhyun stands up, pushing Chanyeol off him as he runs for the main door of the apartment. Chanyeol is faster running and reaches over the smaller closing the door as Baekhyun starts to cry again.
"You're not leaving this is your home" Chanyeol turns the smaller around to face him.
"Why are you being so nice"
"I'm a nice guy that's why"
"You should be running out the door"
"Why because you told me you're pregnant"
"Yes why stay in the same room as me when I lied to you"
"You Haven't lied to me Baekhyun, you just kept it to yourself which I totally understand"
"I wasn't expecting you to be so nice about it and I'm upset"
"You're upset because I didn't storm off? ."
"Maybe I don't know" Baekhyun leans against the door hiding his face
"Oh beautiful don't be silly" Chanyeol gets on his knees and removes Baekhyun's hands from his face
"Let's sit down please this isn't good for baby. I'll make you a decaf tea come on" Chanyeol stands up holding out his hand as sniffing baekhyun follows his lead and sits on the chair with the blanket put around him as Chanyeol makes his way to the kitchen turning on the kettle.
He can't believe what he just heard. How can a man accuse their partner of being a cheat because they are pregnant. Taking the cups out as the kettle clicks he thinks of what more he can say that will make Baekhyun feel better.
"Here you go" Chanyeol passes the cup to Baekhyun as he sips his own moving to look out to the city at night.
The room turns quiet as Baekhyun sits looking at Chanyeol's naked back as he looks out the window sipping his drink.
He feels a bit more relaxed after telling Chanyeol but he feels he has lost him now and that's ok once he cries it out because who would want a single mom and another man's baby right?
"You a little more calm now?" Chanyeol moves from the window and sits on the floor close to Baekhyun.
"I will be just a lot has happened this week"
"Yes it has and you must be exhausted and still managing dates with me" Chanyeol smiles making Baekhyun laugh a little. "I guess I am good at multitasking" Baekhyun says as they both laugh.
"I am sorry for blurting it out"
"Don't be sorry I'm glad you told me. It takes that worry off your shoulders'' Chanyeol smiles up as Baekhyun still can't believe he is still here.
"I suppose you best get going it's rather late" Baekhyun says making Chanyeol look at him.
"You want me to go?"
"I'm just emotional Chanyeol. I told you my secret and I have ruined everything with us now"
"I haven't said you ruined anything" Chanyeol gets on his knees facing Baekhyun as he looks away with tears in his eyes.
"I like you Baekhyun please don't make me leave"
"I just told you I'm pregnant and you haven't ran away"
"That doesn't bother me Baekhyun"
"It kinda bothers me though. In a very short few months I will have a baby"
"Yes you will have a baby that doesn't mean you can't have a life either"
"Chanyeol can you go please" baekhyun turns away as Chanyeol stands up and makes his way to the bedroom to get the rest of his clothes. Putting them on he looks at the bed they just made love in and sighs before he heads back to the sitting room.
"Baekhyun, whether you had a baby that was being minded tonight because of our date or whether you have one growing inside you makes no difference to me. I still like you for you a baby is just a bonus" bending down he slides on his shoes before looking back at baekhyun standing holding his blanket tight wiping his red eyes.
"Thank you for tonight Chanyeol, goodnight"
Walking closer to the smaller Chanyeol leans in, placing his hand on Baekhyun's stomach as he kisses the smallers check. "This isn't the last you have heard from me" Chanyeol winks before he turns to open the door leaving Baekhyun surprised.
Stepping out into the hallway holding the handle of the door he smiles "See you tomorrow" he closes the door as Baekhyun rushes back to his chair and falls down on it.
He told Chanyeol and Chanyeol stayed and made sure he was ok and still wanted to be around. "Oh little one what are we gonna do" Baekhyun smiles rubbing his bump as he stays calm relieved he told his secret.
Downstairs, chanyeol climbs into his car and heads to the 24 hour store. He noticed his friend's flowers store is closed so he slips a note under the door requesting a massive bunch of flowers to be delivered first thing.
Making his way through the mall passing some stores, he spots a mother and baby store that's closed. He looks at the bedroom furniture on display in the window and smiles at how cute it is. The lemons and light green colors make it very calming. He wonders if Baekhyun has had a look at baby stuff yet.
Walking along he passes a jewellery shop and a light in his head goes off. "Wait the ring Baekhyun wore on his hand was his engagement ring" . He's shocked that he was the one to cut it off. "fucking glad I did" he mumbles to himself as he turns back to the shop looking at all the rings.
"That's the sort of ring Baekhyun deserves on his finger, not some cheap ring. Maybe one day" he smiles as he walks past it to the food court wanting to buy himself some drink for when he gets home.
As he walks through the store he spots some baby things. His eyes zone in on a little cute Teddy that looks exactly the same as the one they won at the docks but much smaller. Taking it and his drink along with a card he heads to pay for them all.
Back In his car he drives back to Baekhyun's apartment and sees someone leaving the building so he rushes over to get in the door since he hasn't the new code for the door yet.
Sneaking up the stairs he places the card and Teddy at Baekhyun's door. Heading back down the stairs he smiles to himself as he sends Baekhyun a text message.
You might want to open your door or the person will be very upset
Chanyeol. What is it?
Open the door and see
Baekhyun heads to his door and sees a miniature of the Teddy he has sitting on a card
Lifting up the Teddy and card he steps Inside his apartment opening the card
This is a smaller Teddy for food baby. Baekhyun I won't give up on you
Chanyeol x
Starting to cry he holds the card and Teddy close to his chest smiling. His phone buzzes on his chair. Reaching for it he smiles seeing a message from his date.
Sweet Dreams Beautiful x
Goodnight x
He makes his way to his bedroom and snuggles under the sheets. He needs a shower but right now he doesn't care. He can smell Chanyeol's perfume on his sheets and he likes it. Closing his eyes he needs to think this through about Chanyeol but his eyes get too heavy and he falls asleep.
To be continued.....
Cclay2020 ❤️
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