Chapter 7
Opening his apartment door Baekhyun steps in nervously as Chanyeol follows. "I thought if we came to my apartment we would have a bit more privacy without Luhan hanging around" Baekhyun slips off his shoes and moves towards his kitchen looking for a box that might have Kitchen supplies written on it.
"I can't believe they were both hanging out the window at us" Chanyeol helps look around as Baekhyun smirks seeing Luhan left him some coffee sugar and tea bags with a mixture of biscuits in one if the cupboards with a note saying thank me later Lulu.
"It was kinda embarrassing but I love Luhan to death" Baekhyun fills the kettle and waits for it to boil as he turns to see Chanyeol looking out the window with his coat and shoes off respecting his home.
Baekhyun on the other hand is drooling at the view of just how attractive Chanyeol really is. "Coffee or Tea?" Baekhyun tries to break the silence making Chanyeol move over closer to him. "Tea please, if I have coffee I won't sleep at all tonight" Chanyeol moves closer and opens up the mixed biscuits and takes a bite out of one. The kettle stops as Baekhyun turns to pour out the water for the tea.
"Here you go there is sugar and milk if you need them" Baekhyun slides the cup along the counter to awards the taller as he mixes it with a drop of milk and one sugar.
"So how was the date? " Chanyeol smirks sipping his tea making Baekhyun blush. "It was perfect and you're still here so you must have liked it" Baekhyun walks back into the sitting room finding a box and sitting on it.
"Well who could resist a cup of tea, I had to say yes" Chanyeol teases making Baekhyun laugh with nerves.
"Would you like to come out with me again we can go for dinner. I know I can make up for tonight" Chanyeol watches as Baekhyun seems to be blushing alot more now.
"Tonight was perfect. I liked it because it was different. No awkward talk over dinner or silence over a movie it was just right" Baekhyun looks up at the taller now sitting close to him.
"I'm glad you liked it and invited me up for a drink" Chanyeol sips his drink not being able to take his eyes off Baekhyun.
"I glad you didn't run away with what happened earlier" Baekhyun lowers his head feeling upset that on his first date he is bringing up his ex in the conversation.
"Why would I run away, we all have an ex of some sort Baekhyun. It seems to be more raw for you and I don't know what happened or what we saw but if he can go on a date so can you" Baekhyun feels Chanyeol's hand touch his arm before he looks up at the taller again.
"I wanna kiss you again" Baekhyun says lowering his head to look at the cup in his hand not believing he just said that out loud.
"I wanna kiss you too" Chanyeol takes the cup from Baekhyuns hand and places both cups on the box behind them. Baekhyun moves closer as Chanyeol stands up pulling Baekhyun up to his feet and pulling him closer. "Can I?" Chanyeol asks receiving a nod as he cups Baekhyuns cheeks and leans in kissing him softly again. Baekhyun loves how the kisses feel against his lips that he holds Chanyeol's waist and deepens the kiss.
Baekhyun finds his emotions are taking over and a tear falls down his cheek as he keeps his eyes closed feeling Chanyeol pull away from him. Next he feels the warmth of Chanyeol's hand wipe the tear from his face. "oh god I'm so sorry" Baekhyun turns and moves away to look out the window felling like an idiot for crying.
"Hey its ok" Chanyeol moves up behind him placing his hand on the window stopping Baekhyuns view. Baekhyun turns and lays his head into Chanyeols chest covering his face as he cries.
"Shhh it's ok" Chanyeol holds him tight feeling that tonight was not a great night to have asked for a date after everything Baekhyun has been through.
"I'm so sorry" Baekhyun moves away a little wiping his face.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Maybe this tonight was too much for you. You seem to have gone through alot" Chanyeol watches carefully as Baekhyun starts to pace the floor.
"How about I bring you down to Luhans apartment and I'll head home" Baekhyun looks at Chanyeol now regretting that his is crying like a fool on his first date with a great guy.
"You probably think I'm an idiot" Baekhyun picks up his shoes and keys waiting as Chanyeol slides his back on.
"I think you're amazing Baekhyun I just think you need your friend right now that's all" Chanyeol moves to grab his coat throwing it over his arm as he opens the door.
"Let's get you down to Luhan" Chanyeol smiles as Baekhyun steps out holding his shoes in his hands.
"I'm sorry about tonight" Baekhyun starts down the stairs as the taller follows.
"Hey stop saying sorry ok, it's fine I had a great night actually" Chanyeol hops down the stairs ahead of the smaller making an upset baekhyun smile again.
"See your smiling now" Chanyeol stops making Baekhyun stop on the step behind him. "Thank you" Baekhyun whispers placing his free hand on Chanyeol's shoulder as the taller smiles back before they both lean in for a kiss.
Baekhyun drops his shoes and wraps both his arms around Chanyeol's neck kissing him with passion as the taller holds the smallers waist close to him.
"Baekhyun you're so beautiful" Chanyeol comes up for air as he looks at Baekhyun with hunger in his eyes.
"So are you" Baekhyun blushes as Chanyeol gives him small kisses on his cheeks. "What do we do now?" Baekhyun asks as they still hold eachother. "I don't know about you but I really don't want tonight to end but I also don't want to upset you more" Chanyeol holds the smaller tighter making Baekhyun panic a little that he may feel his tiny bump from where the taller is hugging him.
"I don't want it to end either" Baekhyun whispers leaning in to kiss Chanyeol softly on the lips making the taller kiss him back.
"Oh baekhyun as much as I want more to happen I don't think tonight is the best time" Chanyeol knows what he says may hurt but he has to be real here. Baekhyun was crying earlier over his ex. "I can understand that thank you for being honest and you're right maybe we can have another night out" Baekhyun smiles a fake smile as Chanyeol cups his cheek and whispers "I will look forward to it" he kisses baekhyun on the lips softly before he takes the smallers hand in his and walks him down to Luhans apartment.
"Here we are again" Baekhyun laughs nervously as Chanyeol starts to smile. "Wait hang on" he says running off and returning with baekhyun shoes. "Can't forget these" Chanyeol passes them back as they both start to laugh.
"Thank you for tonight, I do hope we can do it again if your up for it" Chanyeol waits as Baekhyun blushes. "Yeah I'd love too" Chanyeol steps closer and kisses Baekhyuns cheek. "Will you be ok now?" Chanyeol waits as Baekhyun smiles "I'll be fine, don't worry" OK well Sweetdreams Baekhyun, " he moves away as Baekhyun waves him goodbye before he slides down the door to the floor and starts to cry.
"Oh hell no"Luhan appears as Baekhyun falls flat on his back half inside and half outside the apartment crying."Baekhyun come inside" Luhan reaches down helping Baekhyun up to his feet as he guides him inside sitting him on the sofa.
"Here put this around you" he wraps a blanket around Baekhyun making him warm and takes his shoes from him.
"He was too perfect" Baekhyun cries out making Luhan laugh at his cuteness. "Why you crying then" Luhan moves the hair from his friends face as he waits for Baekhyun to explain.
"Mr I don't want a baby was kissing someone outside the cinema when we arrived. I froze like a fool. Chanyeol being so nice took me to the docks and we had a great time. We talked had food, he won the Teddy for me it was perfect Lu. Then you know we kissed and I asked him up for a drink which by the way thank you for leaving tea and stuff in my apartment for me. We talked and I cried like an idiot and I've ruined things" Baekhyun begins to cry again as Luhan pulls him closer.
"He was a gentleman though he said I wasn't a idiot that I had been through so much it was ok to cry. Luhan he is perfect. He even said he wanted to meet again after our kissing got passionate on the stairs. Being the gentleman he is he said we could do that another night as tonight if we had sex wouldn't be such a good idea and I agreed with him. He is just too perfect. I'm not use to it" baekhyun sniffs as Luhan rocks him a little
"He sounds perfect and who knows maybe you both will have another date and maybe more" Luhan runs his fingers through his friend hair making the smaller relax more.
"So..... was he a good kisser?" Luhan says making Baekhyun move to look at his friend better.
"He was amazing, he cupped my cheeks and just kissed me softly on the lips oh Luhan I wanted to melt. Then when we were coming down the stairs we kissed again but this time with alot more passion the kind of kiss that leads to sex" Luhan can't believe his ears as Baekhyun tells of his kiss.
"Sounds to me then a second date will be happening" Luhan wiggles is eyebrows as Baekhyun looks down at his tiny bump. "Who knows what will happen I just won't except too much from him" Baekhyun sits back in the chair un buttoning his jeans letting his tummy stick out.
"Take each day as it comes then Baekhyun and see how things go with Chanyeol" Luhan stands up and moves away turning off the lights.
"Go to bed and get some sleep Baek. Tomorrow is a brand new day" Luhan holds out his hand as Baekhyun takes it and follows his friend down to his room.
"Sleep and ill see you in the morning" Luhan kisses his friends cheek as he watches Baekhyun step into his spare room.
"Goodnight" Baekhyun closes the bedroom door and pulls off his jeans and top. Moving towards the mirror he stands side ways and looks at his tummy seeing the small bump sticking out as if he ate too much at Christmas. "Goodnight baby, let's sleep now" he climbs into bed and turns off the light snuggling down feeling exhausted after his day.
Waking the next day to the sound of his alarm he stretches out his arms above his head happy he had a good night's sleep.
Climbing out of bed he makes his way to the kitchen seeing Luhan up already making breakfast.
"Wow did Sehun send you those?" Baekhyun points at the huge bouquet of colourful flowers.
"No, those are for you they just arrived" Luhan smirks eating a strawberry as Baekhyun can't believe his eyes as how big the bouquet is.
"So read the card and tell" Luhan wiggles his eyebrows as Baekhyun opens the card.
Passing the card to Luhan so he can read it Baekhyun can't help but blush at the flowers and how beautiful they are.
"He's a keeper" Luhan returns to making the breakfast. "I thought I wouldn't hear from him again after lastnight" Baekhyun can't take his eyes off the flowers as Luhan passes him some food.
"Well clearly he likes you and lastnight didn't bother him as much as you think"
"I will be ok won't I Lu?"
"You are doing great sweetie and yes you will be fine. Take one day at a time. You are back at work today and your car is topped up with petrol and ready to go thanks to Sehun" Luhan places his hand over his heart as he mentions his boyfriend.
"Wow you didn't need to do that. Thank you so much, I will repay you Lu"
"Dont talk like that, you are my best friend who is having a little bit of a hard time so of course I am going to help you as best as I can. Now eat and get ready for work for your new day awaits you"
Being at work feels weird after being out a few days. Everything feels the same nothing has changed except for a very large delivery of new merchandise for a new upcoming band.
"Morning Baekhyun, glad to see you back and just in time too" his boss arrives pointing out the boxes as he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt.
"Glad to be back sir. What way does this all need to be put away?" Baekhyun watches as his boss moves closer to him and whispers in his ear. "You are not to lift any of these boxes. You can still help dress the shelves but no lifting. Luhan called and told me your news and I haven't said a word to anyone and I won't just be careful of you and your baby. I know my wife was told not to lift things so please don't" he smiles leaving Baekhyun a bit embarrassed but happy that his boss is so understanding.
"Thank you sir I was going to tell you later" Baekhyun just keeps smiling as a group of four men enter the store making them turn to face them.
"Mr Woo we are here to replace some old shelves for the new products" one of them says making the boss smile. "Oh yes your boss Mr Park was on to me yesterday about it. We are ready to help once you have replaced the shelving and storage area" Mr Woo smiles as the four men get started on what is needed.
"Mr Park?" Baekhyun starts to think remembering Chanyeol's name is Park also then it dawns on him what Chanyeol told him he did for a living.
"Mr Woo goodmorning" with that Chanyeol walks into the store in a fresh grey suit making Baekhyuns jaw hit the floor at just how stunning he really is. Everything he seems to wear he looks like a god in.
"Aww Mr Park this is Byun Baekhyun this is the man I have here to take care of displaying your products. If there is anything you need done please run it but him" Mr Woo says before leaving to watch the workers.
"Morning, so did you get the flowers I sent you?" Chanyeol whispers as Baekhyun tries to hide his smile.
"They are stunning thank you" Baekhyun doesn't know where to look as he is feeling rather giddy like a school kid around their crush.
"So I'm sorry to talk work but can I show you the plans we would like for the display of the merchandise" Chanyeol says making Baekhyun move towards a counter top to see the plans better.
"What have you in mind?" Baekhyun smiles as he watches Chanyeol lay out the pictures of how they would like it.
"Come on a drive with me tonight it is a pink full moon. Many head out to see the moon when it's really full" Baekhyun laughs to himself thinking Chanyeol would mention work not another date.
"Is it really pink?" Baekhyun looks puzzled as Chanyeol smiles "No its all got to do with spring and old legends etc. So what do you say?"
"Yeah ok I'd love too" Baekhyun moves the pictures so he can see them better as Chanyeol leans in closer. The smell of the tallers cologne is doing things to Baekhyun that he is really starting to enjoy.
"This won't work?" baekhyun speaks making Chanyeol look at him puzzled. "Why not?" he questions him as he watches Baekhyun take a pencil and crosses an X through the shelving.
"It way too high to hold such small things. Put the large teddies up there and have all the smaller stuff lower but not too low as they will be missed by shoppers. You want to sell the stuff not hide it" Baekhyun smiles happy with himself as Chanyeol looks again agreeing with him.
"I guess you are the trouble maker I heard about in the office from the other guys" Chanyeol puts the pictures back into the folder smirking. "That is actually me yeah. you all come in here saying put this here and there when in reality you have the stuff that low to the floor nobody sees it unless they knock it with their leg and it falls to the floor". Baekhyun knows how things work in the store so he has no fear of telling people how it should work.
"I totally agree, how about I leave it all up to you to display it your way then send me a picture when ever you have it done and I'll check it out" Chanyeol smirks moving closer to Baekhyun with his back to the counter top facing the smaller.
"I can do that" Baekhyun smirks as Chanyeol hands him his business card.
"Tonight be ready for 8" Chanyeol touches Baekhyun hand rubbing it softly before moving away.
"Mr Woo I will be in touch" Chanyeol says as he starts to leave the store. "Nice meeting you Baekhyun" Chanyeol winks as he places his shades on and climbs into his flash car just outside the store leaving Baekhyun in a giddy mess.
To be continued....
❤️C ❤️
We getting somewhere, will Chanyeol stay around once he finds out Baekhyuns secret
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