Chapter 15
Looking at Kai I can't help but smile from ear to ear as he settles on a box beside me and fills me in on his date.
" He is just so amazing Baekhyun and a chief what more could I ask for, I love food"
" So did you guys kiss?" I watch as he stands up with one hand over his heart.
" I never kiss and tell" he says then winks making me giggle like a school kid.
" So that's a yes then" I wink at him before taking a sip of my tea.
" Baekhyun" he says before dropping to his knees beside me. " I have had the most amazing night with him and I want to thank you for that"
" You are welcome, now do I get more info about this date or what?"
" Ok ok so when you left I was shy as hell. But being the gentleman that kyungsoo is he asked my permission to take my hand and we walked along the docks checking out all the stalls before stopping at these benches that over looked the water it was magical"
If love hearts where to fly around his head like in some cartoons Id say Kai is in love.
" It sounds great Kai are you going to see him again?"
" Yeah we are going to go to a movie in the next day or so" the conversation stops as his phone rings.
" It's him oh my god ..will you be ok ... I have to take this .." I just nod and signal him to leave as he rushes out my apartment over to his own for privacy.
Sitting there in the quiet after everything today my mind drifts off to Luhan. Something has been wrong with him and I need to find out.
Getting up from my favorite chair I grab my keys and wrap my blanket around my shoulders tighter as I make my way down to Luhans apartment.
Even though I have a key I knock in hope that he is in.
Knock knock
I can hear shuffling from inside so I wait as the door finally opens to Luhan looking like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders.
" Oh my god what's wrong with you?" I push into the apartment closing the door as I follow Luhan to his bedroom.
I watch as he plops down in his bed and covers himself.
Sitting on the bed beside him I run my fingers through his hair.
" I asked Sehun to move in" he whispers and judging by how he is reacting now I guess that didn't go too well.
" I'm sorry Luhan" I comfort him but he sits up in bed smiling.
" He said yes" he smiles a big smile making me so confused.
" So why are you huffing then?"
" I didn't mean to get in the way of you and Chanyeol Baek. It's just I got over protective of you. Even when I told Sehun he said I was pushing you too much too soon"
" Hey you gave me the push I needed. Plus have you seen my guy" I wink at him making him wipe some tears.
" Where is Sehun anyway?" I sit back on his bed leaning against his headboard as he checks his phone.
" He just sent me a message saying he would be dropping by later after he drops his sister off to her scouts trip".
" So he is moving in so fast hmm?" I tease him knowing full well this past week I win the award for things moving on so fast.
" We have known eachother for so long before we dated so why not give it a chance right?" He moves and snuggles into me hugging around my bump.
" I will never come between you and Chanyeol. I just don't want anyone to hurt you like Mason did"
" I will be fine Lulu Chanyeol isn't like Mason. We talk about things he is open with me and I hardly know him" we both giggle and laugh at how our lives have changed before my phone buzzes.
" That's Chanyeol isn't it?" He sits up looking at me as I check the screen.
"Yeah he said he would ring "
"Take the call Baekhyun don't stop because of me. I love you and want you to be happy"
" I love you too Lulu" I answer the call but decide to leave Luhans apartment and head back to my own for privacy.
"Hello beautiful sorry, I was supposed to text first"
"No that's ok I was awake and waiting for your call"
"Are you busy?"
"Not now, I just left Luhans and was heading back to mine when you called"
"Is everything ok?"
"Yeah he was just worried for me so I wanted to check on him after how he was earlier"
"Is he ok now?"
"Yeah he asked his boyfriend to move in"
"Oh wow and was it good or bad news?"
"Great news they will be moving in together. Luhan needs a guy like Sehun and he seems the type that will keep him in line"
"He didn't seem the type of guy that was happy that his boyfriend was moving in earlier"
"Yeah ,he is just worried about me or should I say us"
"I totally get that especially after everything"
"Yeah so he will settle in time, I know he will"
"Good well once he is ok that's all that matters"
"So how was your flight?"
"It was a bit bumpy we hit some turbulence but I made it safe and sound. So how are you, are you gonna rest now?"
" yes I'm just back at my apartment as we speak gonna go lay in my bed wanna come with me?"
"Oh I sure do , wanna face time me?"
"Yeah hold on"
Pressing the button my camera comes to life as this beautiful most sexiest man in the world fills my screen with that big smile of his.
"Aww there you are beautiful"
"Hi" I blush as I watch him relax on his bed
"How is the baby doing?"
"Oh baby is fine all quiet and full Id say". I can't help but smile as he really does care about us.
" I was worried about earlier"
"With me and Luhan ?"
"Yeah I guess "
"Hey don't worry I won't come between friends Baekhyun baby. Plus you checked on Luhan. I think it's just early days and I agree with him . If the roles were reversed and I was him I would be worried about you also. We will all settle soon like I said it's early days"
"Why are you so amazing?"
"I was born this way". he smirks at me making me let out a small cute laugh.
"You are just so beautiful baekhyun"
"Oh stop have you seen you. You look like a god in everything you wear"
"Do I look like a god naked ?". He catches me off guard and I giggle like a school girl not expecting that sort of a question.
"Maybe" I cover my face with a blanket knowing full well I am bright red.
"Don't hide from me please". I hear that deep voice of his making me melt as I remove the blanket and see him looking at me with such love in his eyes.
"I am so over the moon you said you wanted to be with me baekhyun".
" I am too. Just sorry we had to go to the hospital instead of enjoying the moment"
"Hey it was great, we got to see the baby what more could you ask for"
"A romantic night". I whisper feeling bad I didn't mention the excitement of the baby.
"We will have as many nights as you like I promise".
"Is it bad I didn't mention the baby?"
"No and I'll tell you why . A old friend of mine has kids now and he tells me we wished he and his husband got to spend more time together before the babies arrived"
"Is that not bad?"
"No I don't think it is because they only have a short amount of time before baby is born and their time is taken up . But now that the babies are here they make sure they have a date night even if it's just to be in silence together".
"I forgot how much life will change with a baby"
"Yes but your baby will have an amazing uncle Luhan who will be the first to babysit so you can have time to yourself"
"Can I have time with you?"
"You can have as much time with me before the baby arrives and then I will have to share you with the little one and I don't care about that cause it will give me something more to look forward to at the end of the day"
"Stop you have me crying now" I wipe my tears as he he just smiles at me.
"Baekhyun you are gonna be an amazing mum".
"I hope so I really do. Are you gonna want to be around me though when the baby arrives?"
"If you would let me I would love to be Baekhyun. Just so you know things will be hard at the beginning till the baby settles in and till I find my place with you both"
"Wow you really have thought of everything haven't you"
"To be honest I had to Baekhyun. I needed to go over it all in my head as it's a big step for us"
"Do you know what I love about all this?"
"Tell me"
"I love how open we are about everything"
"I think that's needed from the start in a relationship especially one like ours that's just starting off"
"Chanyeol I am scared"
"Can I ask why"
"Just everything happened so fast and now it will slow and soon I'll be a mum with a new baby and a new guy".
"Hey listen just enjoy it take it a day at a time. Now take a deep breath and wipe your tears beautiful"
"This talk we should have had face to face"
"I know but at least we are talking it out now instead of letting it hide away"
"You're amazing Chanyeol"
"No, you should meet my boyfriend he is the amazing one"
We both laugh as I finally feel relaxed more after telling him everything.
"Baby get some rest and I will call you tomorrow"
"Ok boss I will"
"Hey you're the bossy one remember"
"Yeah yeah , ok I'll go. I do feel tired now".
"Sweet dreams beautiful and little baby. I will speak to you tomorrow"
"Sweet dreams Chanyeol"
Hanging up the phone I can't help but smile from ear to ear feeling so happy we cleared the air and how much I can't wait to see him again.
To be continued...
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