Chapter 12
Baekhyun pov
Feeling rather nervous with butterflies in my stomach I pace my apartment as I wait for Chanyeol to arrive.
I recheck how I look in the mirror hoping I look a lot better than I did earlier when I felt rather sick.
I can't wait to see him again. I have to admit I am starting to fall for him and how could I not. He is just beautiful and kind-hearted and is so respectful to others and me of course.
Hearing my phone ring I feel all giddy.
"Hi Baekhyun it's Chanyeol"
"Hey, are you on the way?"
"No... Baekhyun I'm so sorry I'm still at work finishing off some stuff"
"That's ok no problem"
"No, it's not ok I promised I would drop by and I hate breaking promises"
"It's ok don't worry about it"
"Baekhyun I will worry about it. I feel awful finding out at the last minute I have to go to China and then instead of me being there with you I'm here at work still when I should be heading to the airport"
"Please don't worry it's ok you have to work"
"I am so sorry Baekhyun can I make it up to you. Will you let me please, when I get back home?"
"Oh I don't know" I say playfully down the phone knowing deep down I feel rather upset
"Let me take you out for dinner. Actually scrap that come to my place and I will cook for you when I get back how's that sound?"
"You cook?"
"Yeah believe it or not I can cook"
"Are you sure you want to do that?"
"Yes I'm sure, let me make it up to you"
"Ok then it's a date"
"Perfect I will look forward to it"
"Me too"
"Baekhyun can I ask what tonight was?"
"Oh it was nothing really you go get sorted with work or you definitely won't make the airport"
"Ok beautiful I will definitely see you when I get back"
"Yes you will, have a safe trip"
"I will and you and baby be safe and eat healthily and I will speak to you soon"
"We will speak soon"
"Bye Baekhyun"
Bye Chanyeol
Hanging up the phone I let out the lump that was in my throat and burst out crying.
Knock knock
Wiping my face quickly I open the doors to see Luhan
"What's happened?, you were all happy only an hour ago"
"He can't make it"
"I know that's why I'm here and so is.."
Stepping to the side Kai appears holding a massive bunch of flowers.
"What's going on?" I look at them both confused of what I am missing.
Kai clears his throat and moves the flowers so they are in between him and Luhan. " Chanyeol rang me about 15 mins ago and told me I have to drop everything I was doing and collect these flowers he had ordered. I was also to tell Luhan what happened when I arrived back here"
"He didn't want you to be alone Baek and he is very sorry about tonight" Luhan steps into my apartment and pulls me into a hug.
"I was gonna tell him I wanted to date him" I mumble into his chest
"I think he would have loved that" Kai says smiling at the doorway
"Do you think so?" I move away from Luhan wiping my eyes and admiring the flowers Kai is still holding.
"Hell yeah, he is crazy about you Baekhyun. He has gone on and on about you since day one. To be honest Baekhyun I have never heard him so upset for letting someone down as I have tonight"
"See baek just tell him how you feel he has told you he wanted to date you already" Luhan heads to the kitchen to flick on the kettle.
"I wanted to tell him face to face Luhan he deserves that more than over the phone". I walk towards my sofa as they follow me.
"It's none of my business but I'll ask anyway" Kai cautiously takes a seat putting the flowers down on my table.
"Why now, he did ask you to be his before"
"Hey low blow" Luhan says looking at Kai as if any minute now he will kill him
"No, leave it Luhan Kai is right. I guess I got scared. Kai, so much had happened in a week. I broke up I moved twice went on a date with Chanyeol everything was too much at the one time. Then it's like I woke up and could see Chanyeol is an amazing guy. He wanted me for me not just out of pity cause I was pregnant. If any of this makes sense"
"Chanyeol isn't like that if he likes something or someone he will piss me off till he gets it" Kai smiles softly while reaching out his hand
"Chanyeol knows your situation and wants to be a part of it that must say something" Kai rubs his thumb across my hand making me smile.
"It does" I start to cry again as Kai gives my hand a little squeeze
"Ok so you both like each other so can we say then that when he gets back you guys will get together?" Luhan asks
"Yes I'd like to but we need to do it slowly so we both know where we stand with the baby" I find myself touching my bump feeling rather nervous and upset.
"You're afraid he will leave?" Luhan asked with a whisper before moving closer to me
"Yes" I let more tears out as Luhan hugs me again
"Not all men are Mason" Luhan says while kissing the top of my head.
"I wanna kill this guy whoever he is" Kai huffs out making me and Luhan laugh at his sudden outburst
"Get in the queue" Luhan smiles as I snuggle into his chest more.
"Fancy ordering food I'll pay?" Kai says while taking his phone out of his pocket
"I am hungry" I smile while rubbing my stomach making Luhan just laugh at me
"I have Sehun downstairs is it ok if he joins us?"
"Oh shit I forgot you told me at lunchtime he would be over for your date" I feel really bad now holding Luhan back from dating.
"It's ok I needed to make sure you were ok baek. I love you and your my best friend"
"No Luhan go be with Sehun. Kai and I can get some food" I look at Kai who nods his head in agreement
"But you're upset I don't want to leave you"
"Hey Luhan I can take Baekhyun out to get some food you go be with your man"
"See Kai agrees" I watch as Luhan smiles and pulls me closer for another hug. "If you need me I'll be downstairs"
"I won't now go and thank you"
"No worries Baek have fun" Luhan leaves as I look at Kai "so food " I smile
He just laughs and puts his phone away
"Yes food because my stomach thinks my throat has been cut" he groans putting the flower into my kitchen sink
"That's a bit dramatic Kai "
"That's what Chanyeol says to me all the time so you pair will be great together" he smiles as I grab some shoes and slide them on
"So what sort of food do you want?" Kai opens my apartment door as I grab a jacket and my wallet
"I really wanna dip some fries into a McDonald's Mc flurry".
"Ohhh now that sounds so good, let's do that" Kai looks all excited as we head down the lift
"Kai can I ask you something?"
"Oh crap I know what it is " he steps out of the lift and guides me over to his car.
"What do you think it is?" I look puzzled at him
"You want to know if I will date you instead because we have the same taste in food and Mr. Chanyeol wouldn't dare dream of eating ice cream and chips together so you want me really" he says with a smirk and a wink.
I burst out laughing and so does he
"Yayy I got you laughing" he smiles a big smile as he opens the car door for me.
"You did, thank you" I climb in and wait till he joins me
"So what did you want to ask?" He starts the car as we head out from the underground carpark.
"Chanyeol's ex "
"Oh crap you went there" he doesn't take his eyes off the road as I watch him look sad all of a sudden as we drive to get some food.
"I'm sorry it's just he knows about mine"
"I get it, look I rather he tells you but what I will say is that Chanyeol doesn't just date for the sake of it. It usually turns into a long relationship"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah people always assume Chanyeol sleeps around cause of the type of car he has or the penthouse he lives in , or how he dresses"
" Do you mean like some player?"
"Yeah exactly but deep down Chanyeol is a teddy bear who would do anything for anyone. Sure I had him up moving my stuff at 4 in the morning"
"Yeah I'm surprised he didn't kill you"
"I couldn't see him not being in my life. I would be lost without him baek"
"Was this ex bad Kai?"
"Yeah his ex stole from him"
"What are you serious?"
"Yeah he stole money from him"
"Omg why do people do that?"
"It broke Chanyeol but he knew something wasn't right so he waited and then figured it all out that the ex was taking small amounts each time from his account"
"That's awful Kai I can only imagine how he felt"
"Like I said he doesn't date he gets into relationships this one had us all fooled and it was his first relationship"
" Oh no that's makes it seem worse"
"Yeah he hasn't been looking since until you came along" he turns his head and smiles at me making me embarrassed
"Oh" is all I can say as I turn my head away hoping my red face will disappear. I decide to change the subject and hope I don't embarrass him
"Are you dating?"
"Me oh god no, who would put up with me, I dunk chips into my ice cream and I'm not pregnant" he laughs making me smile at him. "People who aren't pregnant do that Kai"
"Yeah I know just teasing you"
"So are you dating?"
"Unfortunately no but I'd love to one day"
"I'm sure you will find someone in time"
"Ok we are here"
"Where is here?" I unclick my seat belt and climb out of the car.
"This restaurant does the best burgers in town and if I get you hooked you can be my food buddy so come on" he holds out his arm for me to link as I take it and head inside
"Wow this place is busy" I stop and he looks at me with worry
"Shit do you want to leave, I should have asked"
"No, it's ok I just mean it's busy nothing else"
"Yeah told you it's the best place in town for burgers. Is here ok to sit?"
"Perfect it's away from the crowd" I take a seat as he sits in front of me.
"I don't know why I'm looking at the menu I get the same thing all the time" I watch as he looks like a big kid picking out a present
"Oh I'll have this burger without the Gerkin it will give me heartburn" I touch my chest remembering the last time I ate one I was dying for ages after.
"Yes we can't tell Chanyeol I gave you heartburn" he smiles while signaling a waitress
"Hello welcome to Kyungsoo's can I take your order?"
"Yes please, can I have the number four burger without the Gerkin and a 7 up free, please" .I wait as Kai orders his but I do notice the waitress seems to have a bit of an attitude with us and just scribbles on her pad.
"Rude" Kai mumbles rolling his eyes are the waitress walks off.
"I have a feeling we won't get what we asked for"
"Let's wait and see"
"So these burgers are made fresh?" I put the menu away so we have room for our food.
"Yeah look over there you can see the kitchen" I turn to see a huge kitchen with people in white coats and hats making the food.
"Wow it's like a fancy restaurant but for burgers" I smile as our drinks arrive
"Thank you" I smile being polite as the waitress seems to be having a bad day and just grunts at us.
Kai and I chat for a bit till our food arrives and is slammed on the table in front of us
"Hey no need for that" Kai says as the waitress huffs and says "whatever" before leaving us
"She didn't take the Gerkin off and it looks mixed into the burger" I don't want to cause a scene so I close my burger back up
"Let me sort this out" Kai calls for a man in a suit
"Hello sirs, can I help you with anything?"
"Yes sorry, we ordered our meals and asked for no gherkins as my friend here is pregnant. The waitress slammed our food down at us and never gave us our proper order. I eat here all the time and never had this problem before. I don't fancy wearing my food tonight" Kai says with authority.
"I'm so sorry sir let me sort this out please give me a moment" he bows and leaves us
We wait then a guy in a chefs uniform joins us
"Hello, my name is D.O Kyungsoo I own this place and I am head chef here. I'm sorry your order was wrong. The waitress never told us of any allergies"
"It's not an allergy you see I'm pregnant and I just get terrible heartburn for days after I eat gherkins I don't mean to cause a problem" I can feel my stomach start to turn with nerves
"This is not how I run my business. People come in here for food if they have allergies of any sort or if they don't like a certain thing we need to know. It is extremely important. Let me fix this right up for you and I will be back" He smiles and takes our food away
"Damn he was cute" Kai smiles watching the chef walk away
"You come here all the time have you never seen him before?"
"If I had seen him before I would be here every single day" he says with a blush.
"Hello sirs, I am Lay Zhang I am the manager here. I wish to inform you that your meal is taken care of by the owner so there will be no need for payment. Is there anything else you may like to order after your burgers?"
"I do have a craving for some fries with ice cream is that possible?" I bite my bottom lip hoping he isn't like the waitress.
"It sure is, what flavor ice cream would you like?"
"Ohh strawberry, please"
"And for you sir?"
"I'm not pregnant but I sure want that also" Kai smiles back
"Would you like any chocolate pieces in the ice cream?" He asks
"Ohh what can I have?"
"How about I bring you out a small bowl and you can pick from them "
"That would be amazing thank you, my baby would love that" I feel a bit more at ease and rub my stomach in comfort.
"Can I ask how far along you are sir?"
"4 months" I smile rubbing my baby bump more.
"So all the weird cravings are setting in. My husband was like that when pregnant he loves ice cream with fries then and now"
"Can I ask how old your baby is?" I hope he answer and no feel like I am imposing.
"Yes of course he is 2 years old now and my partner Suho has him spoiled but don't tell him I told you that. I wish you both the best of luck with your baby"
"Oh no Kai is just my partners best friend taking care of me while he is out of town"
"Well be better make sure we get this burger right then excuse me and I'll check on your order"
"So I'm your partner best friend huh?" Kai smirks at me making me blush.
"Sorry Kai I didn't know how else to explain it"
"It's fine, I'm teasing you but I do like the sound of it " he winks at me before taking a sip of his drink.
"There we go no Gerkin have touched this burger in any way. Please enjoy and if there is anything else please don't be afraid to ask" the chef from earlier says while walking away.
Picking up a napkin I rub it on Kai's chin "your drooling"
"I was not" he panics and wipes his chin with the napkin making me burst out laughing.
I look across the room and see the chef and the manager talking close to the kitchen and I hope we haven't caused a problem
"This is heaven" Kai says munching into his burger
"Should I leave you two alone?" I take a sip of my drink as Kai closes his eyes and continues to eat his burger
"If you keep making those noises I will call the chef over"
"Ok ok, I can't help it, it's delicious" he mumbles with a mouth full of food as I decide to tuck into mine and see what the big deal is.
Taking a bite I close my eyes and nearly moan out also
"Yeah see, should I leave you alone with your burger?" Kai mocks me making me wipe my mouth
"Oh, this is so our new thing to do. Once a week we come here deal ?" I watch as he chews his food
"Oh hell yeah" he says while we both tuck into the burgers
Finally, we are finished our food and desert and I have to admit it was out of this world.
"Was everything to your standard?" Lay the manager arrives back
"Oh, you have no idea it was amazing. We will definitely be back once a week"
"We would be so honored" Lay bows his head down as we get up to leave the table.
"Have a great evening" he says as we make our way to the area you pay near the door.
"No this is on me" the chef appears again smiling ear to ear as I grab Kai's arm as he seems to stumble a little.
"This is so nice of you thank you so much your food is amazing. We will definitely be back for more"
"I am glad to hear it" he moves closer and whispers the last part into my ear "it's nice to see your friend bring someone this time. Have a wonderful evening" He bows and leaves us as we head out to the car
Kai opens the car door but I'm thinking does the chef have a thing for Kai
"What's wrong are you ok?" Kai rushes to me
"I think the owner likes you"
"Oh stop we just saw him tonight"
"Oh no he noticed you before he even said nice to see your friend bring someone this time meaning he has seen you before" I wiggle my eye brows making him look back towards the restaurant
"That doesn't mean he likes me baek"
"Well he has noticed you out of all the people here"
"I come alone course I'd stand out Baekhyun now let's get you home" he opens the car door for me
"I don't know I think you may have found your somebody. Oh I need to pee wait for me" I tell him as I rush back inside while he waits by the car
"Is everything ok Sir?" the manager appears beside me
"Can I speak to the chef for a second please I want to thank him" I feel so excited and hope I'm not wrong
"Certainly, one moment" he walks away as I try to hide from Kai seeing me through the window
"Yes sir can I help you?"
"Hi I wanted to say thank you again so much but also I was wondering if you said you were glad my friend brought someone this time"
"Oh yes I did"
"So you have noticed him before?"
"Of course, he is a very handsome man " he smiles from ear to ear and I know now I was right
"Are you single by any chance?"
"Yes I am why you ask?"
"I ask for my friend"
"He is single? wow I can't believe it"
"So would you like to maybe go on a date with him?"
"Do we need to ask him first?" He laughs a little as and I can't get over how cute he is.
"Na it's more fun his way. When are you free?"
"I can be free whenever, I don't need to be here all the time"
"Ok, how about tomorrow night down by the Han river where the stalls are at about 8?"
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yes you both seem to be checking each other out so why not start somewhere"
"Ok 8 by the river"
"Ok I'll get him there, thank you"
I head back out excited and climb into the car.
"Kai you doing anything tomorrow night?"
"No why you wanna come back here?"
"No, I was wondering if we can go to the Han river tomorrow night they sell some amazing honeycomb by the stalls and I didn't want to go alone"
"Sure I can take you"
"Ok good I look forward to it " I hide my smile and can't wait now till tomorrow comes so I can set these two up
To be continued....
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