Chapter 10
Alone in his penthouse Chanyeol sits on the L shaped sofa looking into the long fake fire he has in this sitting room . As he sips his tea his mind can't seem to get away from thinking of Baekhyun.
He would have liked to have stayed the night and held him after they made love. Swallowing the last drop of his drink. He grabs his car keys and heads out of this penthouse down to his car.
"I can't leave him like this. '' Starting his car he makes sure not to speed. Arriving outside the smallers apartment block he looks up at the building noticing Baekhyun's apartment is around the back so he can't see if a light is on. Walking closer to the apartment someone opens the door to leave making him rush towards the door. Slipping inside he takes the stairs 2 at a time and knocks on the door gently hoping Baekhyun is still in his new apartment.
He waits and can hear shuffling sounds come from behind the door. Feeling nervous he watches the door as it opens slowly
"Chanyeol ?" Baekhyun holds the small teddy looking all cute and flushed cheeks from sleeping .
" I woke you didn't I?" Chanyeol wants to just grab the smaller hugging him but holds back for now.
" I was asleep but I woke up a few moments ago thirsty . I heard your knock as I entered the kitchen. What has you back here?"
" I can't leave you like this . I don't do the whole leave after sex thing it's not me . I should be here hugging you and holding you after we slept together especially after what you told me "
" Chanyeol I asked you to go it's not like you wanted to"
" Please Baekhyun can I come in?"
" Come in" Baekhyun steps away from the door letting the taller step inside .
"You have been crying " Chanyeol moves closer gently rubbing his hand down baekhyun's cheek
" I want to comfort you, Baekhyun leaving was a bad idea . I got home and all I can do is think of you and how I shouldn't have left."
" I'll be ok" Baekhyun closes his eyes loving the warmth of Chanyeol's hand on his cheek
" I don't believe you, I can see it in your eyes" Chanyeol lifts the smallers chin up giving him a soft gentle smile.
" I'm really glad you came back " Baekhyun touches Chanyeol's hand on his face and closes his eyes again
"Do you want to lay down I can hold you "
"Why would you do that I'm pregnant with another man's baby "
"Baekhyun there is just more to love"
"Your a charmer" Baekhyun smiles as a tear falls from his eyes
"I'm being honest with you it's nothing about being charming"
" I'd really like that "
"Lead the way then" Chanyeol reaches his hand down and holds Baekhyuns small hand in his as the smaller guides him back to the bedroom inviting him in
" What side would you like ?" Baekhyun looks down at the bed as Chanyeol unzips his hoodie still naked under it .
"Well that's up to you"
"I like this side" Baekhyun points to the right side of the bed as Chanyeol pulls back the covers.
"Get in and let's snuggle"
"This is gonna feel weird and awkward for me Chanyeol"
"I know I'm sorry I just want to make it right somehow"
"It's just so soon after my ex . I can't believe I even had sex with you so fast"
"Things happened Baekhyun now come closer"
Chanyeol moves closer to the right side as Baekhyun climbs in . Chanyeol pulls the cover over them as Baekhyun snuggles in.
"See that's not so bad" Chanyeol smiles as Baekhyun lays into his chest.
"Thank you" Baekhyun whispers feeling a little weird but still liking it
"Can I ask you something?"
"Yeah sure'
"Are you pregnant long?" turning his head a little Baekhyun looks up at the taller seeing true feelings behind his question
"I'm four months already gone so I'm halfway there"
"Wow and you only have that little bump"Chanyeol smiles as Baekhyun moves the cover to look at it through his t-shirt
"It has gotten bigger since I found out . It's like it appeared out of nowhere"
"Is it weird if I ask if I can touch it? In a way I kinda kissed you there already "
"I know I was kinda nervous when you did earlier "
"It's a beautiful thing and especially with you being a male carrier that's just double wow"
"You might be also" Baekhyun smirks as Chanyeol shakes his head
'I top baby "
Doesn't mean your not a carrier, here put this little pillow under the cover on your stomach and we can see what you would look like pregnant"
"Ok then there" Chanyeol does it as they both start laughing
"I think it looks so much better on you" Chanyeol takes the pillow out and looks at Baekhyun.
"I guess only good looking people can carry a baby Baekhyun begins to laugh as Chanyeol playfully tickles him"
"Oh stop stop I'll pee" Baekhyun tries to catch his breath as he unknowingly stopped Chanyeol ticking him right over his bump
"Can I?" Chanyeol looks with wide excited eyes as Baekhyun nods and holds the tallers hand placing it down onto his baby bump
"Oh wow this is amazing" Chanyeol smiles staring at the bump as Baekhyun can't help but feel this is what it should have been like with Mason
"Baekhyun your carrying a life inside you" Chanyeol looks up from Baekhyun's stomach seeing him crying with happy tears
"I'm so sorry I'm being too forward" Chanyeol moves back and lays his head on the pillow as Baekhyun snuggles into him.
" I liked it " Baekhyun whispers
"I just wanted to be here especially since Luhan is gone away"
"I still don't know why your being nice after me telling you "
"Baekhyun look at me this baby is just another part of you if I want to be around you then I'll be around baby too"
"Let's just snuggle for now Chanyeol this is all getting a bit too much for me "
"Wait, the conversation earlier about having babies" Chanyeol looks down at his chest seeing baekhyun playfully hide
"Oh nice smooth move Byun" Chanyeol tickles the smaller a little hearing an angel type giggle
"Well I gave an honest answer earlier and I'm still here so I think I should get brownie points" Chanyeol lays a hand behind his head as his other arm is around baekhyun still laying on his chest
"I'll give you brownie points if you get me a mcflurry"
"Ok" Chanyeol moves to climb out of the bed as Baekhyun looks in shock at him "wait where are you going?"
"You said you wanted a mc flurry"
"I was kidding ....kinda "
"I'll go get you one no problem" Chanyeol sits on the edge of the bed grabbing his shoes pulling them on Baekhyun looks at the tallers naked back and just wants to kiss it . He holds back afraid but after telling Chanyeol he is pregnant kissing his back won't be so bad would it
Moving closer he touches the tallers back gently with a shaky hand making the taller stop moving . Inching closer he kisses Chanyeol on the shoulder area making him groan a little. Kissing again Chanyeol looks over his shoulder seeing Baekhyun kiss him softly.
"Sorry I really wanted to do that"
"Don't be sorry" Chanyeol whispers, turning more toward the smaller before cupping his cheek and leaning in for a kiss ...
Buzz buzz buzz
Waking from dreams to the sounds of alarms Baekhyun and Chanyeol sit up in their separate apartments feeling that the dream was so real .
"Holy shit that felt real" Chanyeol climbs out of his bed sitting on the edge trying to gather himself after such a dream.
Across town a crying Baekhyun is sobbing into his pillow wishing the dream he had was real.
Climbing out of his bed he grabs some trousers pulling them on as he makes his way down to Luhan's apartment to have a much needed shower since he forgot to bring towels to his.
Arriving at work Baekhyun still doesn't feel himself. That dream he had was all too real. Hanging up his coat he clips on his name badge and heads out to the shop floor.
Buzz buzz
Checking his phone he sees a message from the man he dreamt of last night
Morning fancy meeting for lunch ?
Closing his eyes and biting his lip he wonders should he meet him. He was rather cold with him last night asking him to leave but the dream was amazing
I'm not sure
Ok well if you change your mind I'll be at the cafe around the corner from your store at 1
Closing his phone Baekhyun smiles a little. Even after all the news Chanyeol still wants to see him, what man would have stayed around . Is he just being nice? If he falls for him then the baby comes along and it all changes will he be broken hearted more .
Taking out his phone he sends back a message.
Thank you but I'll pass on lunch
Putting his phone away he gets to work hoping the day will be busy.
"Delivery for Byun Baekhyun " a man carrying a massive bunch of colourful flowers enters the shop.
"That's me" Baekhyun stops looking shocked at the beautiful flowers the guy has set down on the countertop.
"Have an amazing day,'' the guy leaves as Baekhyun moves closer smelling the bright colourful flowers. Searching for the little card he takes it from it's envelope and opens it
I won't give up
Chanyeol sits in the cafe around the corner a little after one. He got the message but he still hoped that Baekhyun would show.
Standing up he pays for his lunch and gets into his car . Driving past the merchandise shop he decides to pull in and have a visit. If anyone asks he can say he is looking at the merchandise.
Pushing the door he steps into the shop smelling the aroma of beautiful flowers he smiles to himself delighted they arrived for the smaller.
"Mr Park , is everything ok?" Mr woo looking a bit nervous moves closer to him
"Of course just wanting to see for myself how much stuff you needed and judging by what Baekhyun told me I have arranged plenty" .
"Yes, Baekhyun has a great eye for detail. He won't give up on much if he knows he can sort it .I remember him taking nearly two hours to find the right place for the lightstick of another band and once he was happy that night they were all sold out"
"Mr Park '' Baekhyun approaches, trying not to blush in front of his boss after what happened last night with them.
"Call me Chanyeol please, I'm here to see the new set up in person" Chanyeol smiles softly as Baekhyun turns and heads towards the stands of merchandise
"You won't need me, Baekhyun will take care of you" Mr woo heads off in the direction of his office as Chanyeol follows a nervous looking Baekhyun
'You got my flowers I see" Chanyeol softly smiles making Baekhyun turn to face him
"I did thank you, they are beautiful. So here are the stands all laid out just like in the photos I sent you "
"I love it. It looks great by Monday morning you should have a delivery to restock with it being Saturday now"
"Brilliant" Baekhyun feels rather nervous and just wants the taller to leave but he can't stop thinking of the dream he had last night and how much he wanted and thought it was real
"Baekhyun about last night" Chanyeol steps closer to the smaller making Baekhyun lower his head
Baekhyun suddenly covers his mouth and makes a run towards a staff only door
"Baekhyun shit" Chanyeol rushes after him through the door into a small hallway and stops in his tracks wondering where Baekhyun went . He listens and can hear Baekhyun getting sick . Following the sounds he pushes in a door seeing Baekhyun holding the toilet bowl . Reaching for tissue, Chanyeol passes it to the smaller who has finally stopped .
"Thank you" Baekhyun looks away wiping his mouth while trying to catch his breath
"Morning sickness ?" Chanyeol gets on his hunkers near Baekhyun as he flushes the toilet and leans back against the wall
"Yeah more like lunch sickness and it's my first time" Baekhyun closes his eyes still breathing heavily at the force of being sick
"Let me help you up" Chanyeol stands up holding out his hand and Baekhyun takes it and is pulled up to his feet
"Thank you how embarrassing" Baekhyun moves to the sink washing his hands and face
"Don't be, it's a natural thing with pregnancy I believe" Chanyeol reaches into his pocket pulling out some minty chewing gum.
"Here "Chanyeol holds the packet out making Baekhyun smile and take one
"Thank you" Baekhyun places it in his mouth and starts to chew while fixing himself
"You never showed for lunch"
"I know I wasn't really hungry and I don't think it be good for us" Baekhyun pushes past and heads back out into the small hallway
"I'm not gonna tell you what to do but baby needs to eat also and if you want to forget about last night then ok but we can still be friends right? " Chanyeol gives him a soft smile hoping Baekhyun won't tell him off
"I know baby needs to eat I just haven't been myself this morning had a strange dream that felt so real and yes I guess friends would be nice" Baekhyun lowers his head embarrassed
"It must have been the night for crazy dreams I had one also" Chanyeol laughs a little making Baekhyun look up at him
"Fancy doing something tonight as friends?" Chanyeol asks as Baekhyun shakes his head
"Think I'll just go home after here have dinner and then a relaxing bath "
"Can I buy you some dinner please?"
Baekhyun knows Chanyeol is trying and after his dream last night he decides to give him a chance
"Ok yeah I'd like that "
"Ok no fast food so how about Chemins restaurant at about 6?"
"That place is expensive I'm not sure "
"Baekhyun it's just dinner and I'm paying so be ready for 6 I'll come pick you up "
"But ...."
"What is it?" Chanyeol moves closer to a shy looking Baekhyun
"How do I dress for a place like that ?"
"Something comfortable for you and baby "
"Oh" Baekhyun lowers his head as Chanyeol steps closer lifts his chin up
"Did I say something wrong"
"No it's just strange now with you knowing I'm pregnant "
"I think it's beautiful" Chanyeol let's his chin go and runs his hand down Baekhyun cheek like in the dream
"Wear casual smart and I'll see you at 6" Chanyeol moves away and heads out the door into the shop as Baekhyun touches his cheek remembering how good it felt in his dream but feeling it in real life he likes it better . Smiling to himself he heads out back into the store seeing Chanyeol at the main door to the shop saying his goodbye to the boss before turning and winking at Baekhyun before leaving
"Oh baby I don't think this one's gonna take no for an answer with anything" Baekhyun rubs his little bump and watches Chanyeol through the glass doors driving off
To be continued
❤️C ❤️
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