the one with school
Fiona was still weak from wielding the gauntlet. Everyone could notice from the way bruising of her skin and her lack of energy. And although Peter knew of the wear on her soul, and how she will get better, he would still worry every time she would get up and grab his hand for balance.
Peter wanted to take her place, his abilities let him heal in a matter of days, but with Fiona it seemed to take an eternity.
"Do I really have to?" Fiona whined as they made it up the stairs of the school, holding Peters hand as they were about to step into school for the first time since the snap.
"Yes, you can't run your life into the dirt," he frowned and she smirked.
"That's exactly what you planned on doing before getting detention for like, two months," she pointed out and he rolled his eyes with a smile.
"You know," he spoke and picked her up, kissing her all over her face as she laughed.
"No PDA," a teacher yelled out and the two pulled away, Fiona smiling as they rejoined their hands and made their way up the stairs to their lockers.
Fiona could feel the stares of the students as a hush fell over them. That's when a slow clap resounded and everyone applauded her. People were on their phones, recording her as she covered her face with her free hand.
"I can't even go to class," she mumbled to Peter as they made their way to their lockers, getting ready as people were reconnecting and hugging each other, some crying as they talked about watching their body disappear or their families disintegrate.
"Do you think Peter disintegrated?" Someone asked and Fiona turned to see two girls watching her and Peter.
"Peter," she looked to her soulmate with glossy eyes.
"What's wrong?" Concern on his face as she hugged him, inhaling his scent as he stroked her hair.
"Don't die," she mumbled as the bell rang and they went off to class.
"I won't, I promise," he spoke and kept his arm around her waist to keep her by him at all times.
The two walked into the classroom, it quieted as they took their seats. The teacher walked into the class after the late bell rang and noticed the oddness if the silence.
"Well uh, this is awkward," the teacher went on and looked to Fiona who opened her notebook, ready for the class to start, "right well, uh, no more tests in the class, but there will be assessments so I know you understand the concept."
The class cheered as they opened their notes, looking over at Fiona. A couple thanking her and she nodded.
"Listen guys, I'm no different from what you guys saw me as before I just want to finish school," she tried and they looked at her baffled.
"You saved our lives?" A girl argued and Fiona shrugged.
"Not the first time," she responded and they nodded, looking away as Peter smiled, squeezing her hand.
"Alright focus guys, we have some notes to catch up on," the teacher spoke up, the attention being focused on her once more.
Random kids would drop food at Fiona's table, thank you notes littered among them as people would glance at her from their conversations, probably about their experience.
MJ sat down across from her.
"My dad disappeared in front of me and after two night of mourning I wake up to see him in my door way crying because he could see me again," she sighed, "I know you're tired of hearing it, but thank you, and tell the rest that too."
Fiona nodded, smiling softly as she ate her orange.
"Want some food?" She asked MJ as Peter sat down next to Fiona, Ned across from him.
"So," Ned spoke awkwardly, looking around, "Peter, why didn't you take some credit?"
"I want to finish high school normally," Peter smiled and MJ sighed, looking to him with an expression that looked like whatever she was going to say will ruin him.
"People are going to find out anyway," she said and Peter widened his eyes.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Peter, her tattoo is a spider and it goes to you," she pointed out, "that's how I found out."
"Oh," Peter looked to her arm.
"I can wear jackets," Fiona suggested.
"Yeah but it'll get warmer I don't want you having heat exhaustion," Peter argued and Fiona twitched a smile.
"Well, play it normal until the time comes, maybe people won't even notice," MJ suggested and Fiona nodded.
"How did you notice?" Peter asked.
"She's my bestfriend I always notice when something is different about her," MJ replied nonchalant.
Fiona smiled and the bell rang, sending them to chemistry and Fiona sighed and looked to Peter. He chuckled and kissed her cheek.
They packed up the food gifts and left. Fiona looked up at Peter as they walked into the class. The word had spread about her not wanting to be worshipped every second.
But it didn't get to this class.
They all crowded around a kids laptop as they played the news footage of her and Peter being beamed up to the ship and the ship taking off.
Fiona stood, haunted by the footage, memories flashing before her and she left, a slam of the door as Peter followed her.
"Hey, hey," he spoke, trying to call her down, "you're here, with me, I'm here I'm safe."
Fiona could only see him fading away and Tony crying and Nebula watching as everyone around died.
She only saw as Quill screamed in agony as he tried basking Thanos' face in.
"Fiona, Peter," the teacher popped out.
"You can go take her somewhere where she can calm down, I'll mark you present and excuse you from today's assignments," the teacher spoke kindly.
"Thank you," Peter spoke with a slight smile and pulled her out of the school, walking her down to an alley and hugged her, stroking her hair.
"I'm sorry," she sighed as she buried her face in his chest and Peter shook his head.
"Don't apologize, I promise things will be normal again."
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