the one with clint
Fiona looked around as they all looked to each other. T'Challa frowned.
"Your highness, it's be best to take care of your people, make sure the families are all together," Fiona smiled, he nodded, grateful that he didn't have to go to America.
"We'll send help as soon as possible," He spoke and looked to Bucky.
"I'd like to go help," he smiled and T'Challa nodded, his arms crossed, he pounded his chest. Bucky mimicked the man and Fiona looked to Peter, confused.
"We'll make sure any one not from earth doesn't even make in isn't he atmosphere," Quill spoke up and Fiona nodded.
"Thanks," She said and looked to Tony and Steve.
"Whose gonna say it?" She asked and Tony raised his hands in defense.
"The old mans got it trademarked I'm not saying shit," he spoke and Cap chuckled.
"Avengers, assemble," he commanded.
"Wow, chills," Fiona spoke sarcastically and Tony laughed.
"Tony did you genetically modify a kid for yourself?" Natasha Romanoff and Fiona shrugged.
"Where's Clint Barton, wouldn't he be fighting?" She asked.
"House arrest," Natasha answered and Fiona nodded.
"Where does he live?" She asked, summoning her staff and Surma.
"Uh, Canada, outside of Ontario," Natasha spoke and Fiona nodded, mounting Surma.
"I'll meet you all in Central Park," she spoke and they nodded.
Fiona turned to smoke with Surma and they flew off.
"I'll always find that cool," Tony sighed and looked around, "Well I'm going to go get my ass chewed by Pepper, like the goddess said, see you in Central Park."
Fiona stood outside the door of Clint's farm house, watching as he had walked in three seconds earlier. She knocked and waited for him to turned around and saw the confused look on his face as he opened the door to a girl in a cat suit with a sword.
"The world needs you,"she spoke and he lifted his pant leg, revealing the ankle bracelet.
"Can it wait an hour?" He asked and Fiona nodded.
"You'll have to answer to Nat and Tony but okay," she crossed her arms and he sighed, looking up to see Surma who was taller than the house.
"Holy shit!" He yelled and Fiona heard a gasp come from inside.
"Clinton, don't curse around the youngsters!" A woman, presumably his wife, yelled out and he let Fiona in. She looked around and a smile grew on her face.
"Cute," she spoke and turned to see him.
"So who's de booting you, America or Canada?" She asked.
"They both are coming," he sighed and Fiona nodded.
They're here in an hour?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow and he nodded, Fiona walked over and sat on the couch, she sunk in and shut her eyes. Fiona let out a sigh, her bones and joints finally resting after all the stuff she's done. It's going to be hard getting her up.
Clint awkwardly sat in a chair adjacent to the couch, with only an hour, he couldn't make her food.
"Would you like some water?" Clint asked.
"Uh, sure," she responded, not even looking at him.
"So what's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Fiona, I'm also Kalma, the goddess of death and stench of decay, I come from Finland," Fiona answered and Clint nodded as he came back with a glass of water.
"So what happened what's wrong?" He asked and Fiona sat up and looked at him confused.
"You don't know what going on?" She asked and he shook his head, "Well this is gonna be a doozy."
Fiona explained to him about Thanos, the stones and how he was related to the attack on New York. And she explained how he had beat them, snapped his fingers and wiped out half of everything.
Clint sat in the chair, handing her the water shakily and clasped his hands, closing his eyes. Fiona frowned as he tried to process this and he sighed. She downed the glass of water and set it on the coaster gently, looking over at him.
"The worst is over, but I'm sure there's anarchy in America and we need to sort that out." She explained and Clint nodded.
"I'll get my gear ready," Clint nodded and Fiona smiled.
"Hey," she got his attention one last time, "this fights the last, it'll be over soon."
In the next hour, Clint and Fiona got to know each other, understanding each others' abilities as Clint asked her a bunch of history questions.
Fiona heard a knock on the door as the government came in, wide eyed with paled faces.
"We didn't realize you would have a guest," he said and Fiona sighed.
"De-boot him, we have anarchy to stop," Fiona clapped her hands together, rushing the men around.
"That's against the accords!" An American snapped and Fiona rolled her eyes.
"I'm not an Avenger, and I didn't sign them, arrest me, but know that if you do your country goes to sit and the one that could stop it is locked up," Fiona crossed her arms, Clint smirked as he stuck out his foot and got his anklet taken off.
"Later fellas!" She chirped as he grabbed his stuff and walked out with her by her side.
"Oh it feels good to leave he farm," he sighed and Fiona smiled.
"Yeah, we'll, maybe live closer to civilization next time," she joked and he gave a light chuckle.
"Alright, are we riding your dog?" Clint asked and Fiona nodded.
"This might either make you nauseous for an hour or make you lose you mind, either way, don't puke on me," Fiona spoke firmly and he nodded.
They climbed on and Fiona made everything I contact turn into a smokey form and flew off at high speeds, coming in to Central Park where people ran out, chaos making Fiona want to lose her mind.
They regenerated as the entrance of Central Park. Fiona looked to Clint and sighed.
"Want to get started while we wait?" She asked, looking around as people ran around, screaming upon sight of Surma.
"Why the hell not?"
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