the one with a reunion
Fiona sat upright in the water. Surma barking as she stared at his disheveled state.
"Yeah," he gave a weak smile as she got up, running towards him. She tackled the boy in a hug, hearing a small laugh escape his lips as he caught her. He held her tight, burying his face into her shoulder.
"You're not leaving my side," she mumbled.
"I'm not leaving your side," he spoke softly.
"Okay, nice reunion but the knockoff me needs to learn the plan," Quill interjected, everyone glaring at him.
"Plan?" Peter asked, "what plan?"
"The plan that'll put Thanos in a grave," Fiona answered, pulling away from him, holding his hand.
"Alright, lay it on me."
"That's going to be tricky, but what other choice do we have?" Peter asked.
"Strange, can you do a portal within this world?" Fiona asked.
"Yeah?" He responded, confused, "why."
"Plan B," she spoke non chalantly.
"If it goes sideways, you make a portal in the direction of his punch and you cut that gauntlet off," Fiona spoke and they all cringed.
"Alright," Strange nodded, looking around, "are we ready?"
Fiona squeezed Peters hand and looked to him, wanting to hold him in her arms forever without the threat of his life again.
"I'm ready," she looked around to see people giving a collective nod.
"Let's do this," Strange sighed, everyone getting up as they got ready, collecting their wits and looking around.
They were tired, Fiona wasn't sure if she can handle anymore battles. She just wants to grow old with peter and never have to worry about the safety of the world again. Fiona released Peters hand and summoned a sword out of smoke.
"Now, let's find that purple ugly," Quill said and Fiona nodded.
Strange, Wanda and Fiona shut their eyes, blending their energy to seek out Thanos, finding him easily. Fiona broke away and the other two did the same.
"Alright, he's that way," Fiona pointed and they nodded.
Surma grew and laid, waiting for Fiona to mount him. She hopped onto him and he stood up. They started their journey and Fiona didn't like the feeling in her gut.
"Somethings not right," she said and the stopped.
"What?" Peter asked.
"It's this feeling I have, I felt it before, on prom night,and I'm not going to ignore it again," she frowned and looked down.
"I want to take just Peter and scout ahead, I'll signal Wanda if it's safe to follow through, if it's not, jump to plan B," She said and Quill crossed his arms.
"What if I don't want to go with you?" Quill asked and Fiona rolled her eyes.
"I don't even like you, I mean my boyfriend, dumbass," Fiona glared at him. Peter smiled as he jumped up and climbed onto Surma.
"Stay safe," Wanda said and they nodded.
"Go," Fiona whispered to Surma and he ran.
Peter wrapped his arms around Fiona and held her close, looking around and scanning the area for traps and such.
"Peter, do you notice something?" Fiona asked, making sure she wasn't the only one seeing it.
Trees, grass, animals running, not in fear, but in wonder, exploration.
"Paradise," Peter muttered, an unsure feeling in him that disturbed him.
"I'm not so sure," Fiona thought to herself as Surma stopped running, letting her observe.
"We must be close," Peter said and Fiona nodded.
They continued to wonder until they found a hit a bit off.
"Surma stop," she said and he did. She got off and Peter followed.
"Stay here," Fiona instructed and Surma shrunk and laid down, taking a rest.
Fiona drew her sword and walked around, unsure of how to approach the hut.
"Kalma," it whispered, sending a shiver down her spine. She transformed into her more powerful self and she looked to Peter.
"Be ready, it might be a trap," she said and he nodded, getting into a fighting stance as they walked inside.
There wasn't much, a one room shack with nothing but books, off in the corner was the sleeping Titan himself. No gauntlet.
She frowned, anger bubbling inside. She stepped forward and held her sword ready. Thanos' eyes open and he smiled a wicked smile.
"Kalma," he spoke and sat up.
That's when he threw a punch. Sending her flying back.
"Motherfucker!" She screamed and charged him, the door slammed shut and she tore down the wall, he had Peter on the floor, his hands around Peters neck.
"The insect returns," Thanos smirked, "I wonder how Tony's doing."
"Arachnid, bitch!" Peter forced out, spraying Thanos in the eye with his webs and Fiona charged him, hitting him with the butt of her sword.
"Where's the gauntlet!" She screamed, Peter tied Thanos' hands down to his feet and hung him on the roof.
"Gauntlet is at the entrance and exit of this world," Thanos spoke and Fiona rolled her eyes.
"Of course he'll do it in rhyme," she sighed and used her sword to cut Thanos' arms off, followed by his legs. He let out a cry of pain and Peter looked away, unsure if he can stomach the site of him.
"Now, you get to sit here and bleed for the next thousand years and never see your paradise again," she glared and Thanos spit at her feet.
"One day, I'll make you regret this," he said and Fiona shook her head.
"No, you get to lay there, rotting away, wishing you could," Fiona sassed and pulled Peter out.
"It's like that Harry Potter reference," Peter said and Fiona nodded.
"Did you kill him?" A voice spoke, the two teens jumped and spun around, Fiona noticed it was a little girl.
"You're a Zen-Whoberis," Fiona said tilting her head.
"Thanos ravaged your planet like twenty years ago," Fiona frowned.
"I am Gamora," She said and Fiona coughed, her eyes wide.
"Peter Quills girlfriend?" She asked, anger bubbling in her chest.
"I am actually much older, this is the age I was when Thanos abducted me," she explained, "Did you kill him?"
"No, I cut off his arms and legs so he can just lay there and suffer for a thousand years before dying," Fiona said and Gamora nodded.
"I know where he hid the gauntlet, I moved it so he couldn't get back to it," she said and Fiona smiled.
"Great, once we get it we can reverse what he did to you and us," Fiona explained and Gamora nodded.
"How many of my friends died?" She asked.
"Groot, Quill and Drax, I didn't see Nebula," Fiona told her and Gamora let out a sigh of relief.
"I can't wait to see my sister," Gamora smiled and she led them off.
"Right now, there are two gauntlets, each one only has half the power, who ever has the other gauntlet has to have the same exact willpower to reverse this in order to reverse this," Gamora explained.
"How are we going to communicate that when we're in here?" Peter asked as they walked through a grove of trees.
"There's a beacon in each gauntlet, when two people are wearing the gauntlets, they'll have a mental connection," Gamora said and Fiona looked to Peter.
"How did life get this complicated," Peter asked.
"It started when that german scientist made Captain America."
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